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Desired Goods

You're standing in an empty room. you're not sure how you got there and you're not sure where exactly you are. Out of the corner of your eye a man walks forward. You aren’t usually one to judge a person by their looks, but you find this figure strange to look at. His ears and nose are both kinda big and he clearly has black curly hair hidden below a ridiculous hat. He has a wide smirk painted across his face and his movements are stiff while his motions are extravagant and bombastic. He definitely is human, yet it’s strange, as against your better judgements you can’t help feel almost insulted at the thought of being lumped in the same category as the odd being moving in front of you. And despite all this ,somehow, the biggest red flag to your instincts over the oddities you witnessed, is a red aura he seems to have about him.

“Before we begin there are a few things you need to understand, some ground rules if you may.” The red figure says as he unfolds his fingers away from one another towards you.

“You are about to embark on a journey ,ripe! with options and choices, that will hopefully bring you a wonderful and joyous time. We've packed this story with a lot of decisions for you to enjoy, not to the point of “Rouge the lab rat” but a good variety nonetheless.

From the point you make your first decision onward, it’ll be important to accept choices made and focus on what lies ahead. Every decision you make, every choice moving forward has been worked on to open interesting doors on your path while closing others, this will become more important as time goes on. I want you to remember this as you go on with your adventure. Every choice you make will drastically affect your “avatar” in this world and those around them, for better or worse is really up to you. I won’t be here to help you see it through once you begin, the time for the weak of heart to turn back is closing in on us, so if you don’t think you can handle what will transpire and the choices you will have to decide upon, please, by all means, stop where you are”
The figure leans in and out of his mouth oozes these words like a sickening, dastardly, diabolical whisper “as you might find it hard to once you have started”.

And with that you find yourself fading into a trance, it has begun.

It was a mall not too unlike any other mall, a big food court, kiosks filled the halls and there were small trees in the front by the parking lot. A group of friends were making their way through, having just had lunch together for their monthly get together. This wasn’t your typical group of gal pals after all, this was a group of lifelong friends, who, at an early age swore an oath of sisterhood, that no matter what life may throw their way, the group would check in with each other at least once a month. And with the exception of the occasional vacation or family emergency, this had been a physical get together where they chatted about new and old times (not that this is all that relevant to what may happen going forward). The point is, these 9 gals were quite the posse that day at the Grovesville mall.

“Hey, is that place new? I don’t remember seeing it before” Kim asked as a strange shop had caught her eye.

The shop was built into the walls of the mall. not too unlike the others that lined the halls, yet it stood out, the doors were made from an older unvarnished wood, and looked like they had seen some wear from a great deal of use. In fact, the whole front of the shop looked much older than it could have been, scratches along the walls, cobwebs in the corners and a cracked window. It was almost as though the store had Time focused against it.

“Should we go in?” Carrie asked, walking closer to the store.

The sign read “Desired goods” and from what could be made out from the dusty glass windows, it seemed to be some sort of second hand store.

“ Might find something interesting” Amy said “Heck, I could find something for my niece”

“They might have some of those old dragon statues John collects,” Julia said as she reached in her bag to check how much cash she still had on her.
“Maybe we could even find Alice some bras that actually fit her,” Dede said with an elbow nudge to her hoodie-covered friend.

“Knock it off will ya” Alice mumbled back.

Despite each friend's separate personality and interests, they all felt a draw towards the store, that they all rationalized one way or another and so they all headed in.

(There was)

Hannah, standing at an even 5ft tall with straight brunette hair, light green eyes and a fit bod, she was, as she always was, wearing sneakers and gym clothes. Hannah has a strong passion for basketball and is a model of fitness and athleticism.

Kim, who stood at about 5’6 and was dressed in a black top with purple and red markings and had fishnets covering the parts of her legs left bare from her black torn jean shorts. Most people couldn’t tell if she was a punk or a goth and Kim, “not caring what people labeled her”, was more than fine with that. Kim is short tempered yet Cunning. She has long naturally orange hair and bright green eyes.

Daisy is 5 feet and 8 inches tall and has short black hair and brown eyes. She is the quiet shy one of the group, staying mostly in the back and quietly going about her business. She hikes every second day, works at her folks all you can eat Chinese place and is generally considered polite by most friends and family but most of them don’t know much else about her. Behind closed doors however?

Julia is a sweetheart and a true romantic and she’s not alone, her and her “soulmate” John go most everywhere and do most everything together, dawning matching promise rings and making most people generally feel like a third wheel when near the couple. Julia has long curly black hair,a slender face and frame standing at an impressive 5’10. She mostly wears floral dresses and has a yearbook smile.

Dede is the largest of the gang (in most ways), standing about a foot taller than the rest of the gang and carrying about 50 Lbs over the second heaviest among them. While her friends are very accepting of Dede’s extra size, her roommates aren’t nearly as kind. Dede is well on her way to a degree and generally a patient person who enjoys movies and the arts. Dede has shoulder length black hair and wears glasses, she stands at 6’4 and is chubby but rather busty.

Amy is a smart nerdy girl who loves to read manga, Shakespeare, novels, anything!She's always running her green eyes across the printed lines of the written word. Amy has a kind heart and is really caring for those that are close to her, which makes it all the more surprising when someone hurts someone she cares about and her vengeful mean side runs wild. You don’t want to get on this gal’s bad side. Amy is 5’7 and has an average build.

Nova, is a shy chubby girl whose mother is controlling. She enjoys her time away from home as she loves exercising her freedoms and trying new things. Nova wishes to one day work with animals but her time is “invested” in setting her up to be her mothers predecessor. Keeping her daughter in excellent shape, Nova is forced to follow a strict diet and exercise plan that bears little fruit. Both women stand at 5 '6'' but her mother “wears it better”.

Alice wears a very large red hoodie that fits almost like a dress in regards to its length on her 5’5” frame and it covers her arms well past the point of hiding her hands. While cloaked in its embrace Alice seems like an almost androgynous being, and is often mistaken for a boy, much to her annoyance. With a lazy personality Alice is sometimes hard to get along with and even harder to work with.  She has short orangish red hair and green eyes.

Carrie, who has a big butt.


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