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Commentsama stood there waiting,

The doors slammed open, a large pear shaped figure slowly squeezed their way through the frame, their piercing purple eyes staring with an intense focus at Commentsama as the figure approached, their soft thighs crashing into one another causing ripples in the sea of fatty flesh that coated each leg, leading to her wide hips, swollen soft and doughy as they surged from side to side giving this larger than life individual the silhouette of a wine glass turned upon its head. And the part that drew in the most fat, the most of her weight and the most attention, her ample bottom, graced with a smooth markless surface,her cheeks were two round orbs of soft, with a cream like complexion they shifted with smooth and subtle motion. Pollchan watched with a milky smile, she knew this would be entertaining.

This person is none other than Wendy Lovelace.

“ I see you decided to show up after all, '' Commentsama said, placing her arms in a crossed position, having to press the crossing limbs deep into her surplus of bosom, her breasts squishing against her arms and flowing both above and below them as they pleased. While Commentsama usually strives to keep herself sleeve and fit at a range within her goal weight, she was quite a ways away from her usual size. Her once toned legs currently swelled and ballooned outward as they rose leading to her now shapely and full bottom as it stuck outward in a manner all to similar to a shelf that one could rest something upon, the large and voluptuous form of it could almost be traced back to her mother, a thought not at all lost to Commentsama as she was tightly packed into one of Beths larger pairs of stretch jeans, an elastic bridging the gap of their unbuttoned nature rested hidden underneath her

“Let's get to the part where i embarrassed you” Wendy declared

“e4” Commentsama declared confident in her voice, it was a strong first move if she could say so herself.

“ Oh please, you call that an opening move? Let me show you what a a real opening move really looks like you arrant novice.E5!”

“We’ll see about that. Nf3”

“I guess we will. d6” Wendy said with a smirk.



“ I think the time for  foreplay is over, it’s time for the game to really begin. d4xe5”

An onwatcher in the crowd gasped aloud at the sight.

“ for once I’d say we’re in agreement.” Wendy said as she retaliated “Bxf3!”

Commentsama bowed her head as she entered a deep thought. Wendy laughed, her left hand raised to her chin, the light reflecting off her golden bracelet( a gift from her grandfather and one of the last remaining hair loomed of their noble lineage) the act of her chortle caused small waves of motion to ripple throughout her body causing her immense bottom to jiggle in her seat. An onlooking mother covers her child’s eyes.

Commentsama raised her head, an intense look scratched into its deepest aspects. “Qxf3!” She shouted.

An old man in the crowd, shocked, dropped his glass plate causing it to shatter on the ground.

“d6xe5.” Wendy responded.

“Bc4” Commentsama replied



The same old man from earlier now drops his cup of tea, the cup shatters on the ground.

“Qe7” Wendy responds as she moves her most Cherished piece.

That same old man, shocked once again;now drops his glasses, the glass shatters on the ground.

“Am I supposeD to be impressed? Nc3!”

Wendy paused for a moment “c6”

“Bg5” Commentsama retorted, so confident in her decision she bravadoed her pose, unwittingly putting too much strain on her already taxed bra, the strapps beginning to tear and stretch to accommodate the two massive meaty watermelon sized breasts they had been holding that day.

“ b5” Wendy spat out, leaning forward in her chair a loud creeping sound filled the room for a moment as the girth of each of Wendy's vast and soft thighs pressed against each other and the gravity of their combined mass focused itself on the poor innocent chair.

“why don’t you show that poor chair some mercy, move your whale tail and stand for the rest of the game! Nxb5!”

“Your one to talk, I don’t know how a fat cow like you manages to gorge herself enough to continue growing, but sure enough every time I see you you're larger than the last time! 6xb5.”

“Bxb5+. You're done for now.

“ I don’t think so! Nd7”

A smirk came upon Commentsama’s chubby lil face. “0-0-0”


“ I see your fortifying your defenses, well that won’t work! This is where I launch my shark attack and rip apart the body you’ve just built up. Rxd7!

“Don’t get too cocky yet you bulbous blimp! Rxd7”


Wendy's fist clenched hard, her determination to beat her foe remained stronger then ever as her battling spirit radiated from her body. “Qe6”

Commentsama’s own battling spirit surfaced in the presence of her rivals and her hair flew out of its bun revealing its own long majesty as the intense conflicting forces pressed against each other causing both pairs' hair to flow wildly.





“Rd8#, thats game” Commentsama proclaimed, fates Victor.

“Ill get you next time ” Wendy said cheerfully

The roof lifted up as a saucer spun above the building as it absorbed brick by brick, it was a true alien abduction. A slobby mutter revealed a waking Discordia, she had fallen asleep during the game and was now alone in the community center. She got up and ran to catch up to her family, bumping a table and knocking over some kids project, the planets falling out of their orbits.
She thought about cleaning it up “Oh none of this is canon anyways” she said as she continued running off


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