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it was a quiet night in Peak City. It was only 8pm but the streets  were somewhat bare in the industrial district, which was usually packed  with people rushing to discover or create the next great thing. All  those creators had finished work and either gone home or out for their  evening events as once the sun went down the nightlife of the city  roared to life. Officer's Higgins and Bansh were not so lucky to be out  in that nightlife as instead they were on their usual route patrolling  the streets to ensure no harm would come to the many businesses or labs  in this part of town. They made their usual conversation when a voice  interrupted them.

"What is the thing no law enforcement lady can resist?"

Both ladies spun around instantly upon hearing the voice behind them but they found the street totally empty.

"Did you hear that?" Officer Bansh asked her fellow officer

"Yeah I did. Where did it come from? Wait, what's that?" Officer Higgins replied walking over to a small pink box on the ground

She  was cautious at first but once it was opened, Officer Higgins was  shocked to find a delicious looking assortment of donuts in the box

"Oh wow donuts" she said excitedly as the smell of the sweet treats hit her nostrils

Without  a second thought she quickly grabbed one with pretty pink icing and  shoved it into her open mouth. Devouring it in two swift bites.

you can read the rest at montyisfats page, lil cover i did since im digging his hero world stuff



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