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The following link contains the complete UtilityMod and 3dFix file.

El siguiente link contiene el archivo completo de UtilityMod y 3dFix.


I recommend removing before unzipping the folder called "mods" located where the executable file of the game is located:

Recomiendo eliminar antes de descomprimir la carpeta llamada "mods" ubicada donde se encuentra el archivo ejecutable del juego:

\Steam\steamapps\common\Action Taimanin

The "Fix Material Skin" exe files correct the highlights and shadows of colors in the skin, but they work mostly on the main color, not on the others.

Los archivos exe "Fix Material Skin" corrigen los brillos y sombras de colores en la piel, pero funcionan mayormente en el color principal, no en los demás.

  • The news:

    Rin's clothes
    Sakura's clothes, eyes & hairs
    Maika's clothes & hairs
    Shizuru's Clothes
    Astaroth Default
    fix all faces

In the "key combination" text file are the combinations of each character.
(Some combinations are repeated for different suits).

En el archivo de texto "key combination" se encuentran las combinaciones de cada personaje.(Algunas combinaciones se repiten para distintos trajes).




I lost my cursor from this version. Is there any workaround?

Jackpit Hernan

Sorry dear friend, I see that problem did not only happen to you. The solution that occurs to me is that you restart the mods with the combination: "Alt + Ctrl + F10". If the problem persists, here is a link to a file that does not contain that mod. This file located inside the "JackPit Mods" folder must be replaced.