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“I have sometimes wondered what it would be like to… be the little spoon.”




No demon women were harmed during the making of this content. All received pre and post counselling.


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio 


All characters are characters. My voice is just the way I peddle my wares. 






Phoenix Brave Hideki

Unfortunately I can't listen to it right now but I know it will have that wonderful Tea quality. Thank you Tea in advance for another excellent audio!



RZS dran B

big bad little spoon=cuteness overload That was incredible.


I'm so pleased. I had this ready when the suspension happened. FINALLY! It comes to fruition 😍

Warden D.

Ooooh this sounds like a banger! 💜

Finnish The Finnish

Wonder if the bit about kangaroos was a real tea thought or a bit. Either way, funny


Oh my god please more. I love this trope so much


this is actually so goated 🙏🏼

Jeremy Knight

I always wondered how demon horns and their tail would feel like, I love it when people make demons, werewolves and other scary monsters so cute.


I love it! Please do more.


The bigger the beast, the bigger the baby girl vibes when it’s snuggles time 😆


Ahh Monster Women my favorite. What a way to start the week


Yes! I've been praying for moments like these 🙏


We need to make up for last week’s stress-tsunami and just embrace springtime and wholesome snugs… with a side of degeneracy, of course 👌


That’s so wholesome. Thank you. Really wanted to bump up with the wholesome cute factor with this one ☝️


You're give us so much I feel spoiled

scott flanagan

Loving this, honestly wouldnt mind a more intoxicated version. Heres an idea inspired by a book im currently reading. The main love interest is an Oni, or a Booze Giant as they are called by slang in world. Their size fluctuates based on how sober they are. If they are totally sober, they look completely human, even being human sized and skin toned, with slightly pointed ears and one or more horn nubs. As they drink and get more sauced they grow in size, their skin color changes, and their horn grows to a proper Oni horn. I think that kind of character could create a good series with a range of size play and drunken tomfoolery and cute wholesomeness. In the book a gentle hug* from a fully sauced Oni is apparently an immense relaxant.


You do more than enough I don't want you to burn yourself out


Whats the book title. I'm more of a sci-fi/historical nonfic guy but the drink to your size Oni thing sounds interesting


Went on a small 40k lore weekend YouTube trip so all I'm seeing is a Slaaneshi daemon that wants to cuddle😱. Thank you Tea for this Sunday surprise:)

Mike Taylor

Wife? How about House Hubby instead?

scott flanagan

Its actually less of a strict fantasy book and more urban fantasy. The book's title is Rose, by Author; Cebelius. Rose is actually Book 5 in his series 'Would You Love a Monster Girl' Each book in the series features a different Human/Monster Girl couple, but they have a connected over arching story. All of his books has erotica/smut in them, so sex scenes are common but not the main focus. He's also got two other series, two of the others ive read are 'The Celestine Chronicles' and 'The Mountain King Saga' Both are Monster Girl Harem/Isekai/Smut. I'd highly recommend them all to be honest, though 'The Mountain King Saga' gets dark.


Choke me with your tail--I mean, I mean nice audio Tea! Loved it, as always.


That's right up my erotica alley. Monster girls and harems. I'll point you to Titan Mage by Edie Skye. Paralyzed guy makes deal with a corporate headhunter that magically sends him to a new world and body. Has magic, lovely ladies, a cat girl, Mecha, and adventure. Its a good read.

scott flanagan

Oh, that sounds right up my alley too! If you need any other suggestions, ive got plenty. If you like dinosaurs, hit up Tamer; King of Dinosaurs, by Michael Scott Earl. Same deal, a little more of the scifi with this one, abducted by aliens and dropped on a world with Dinosaurs and a bunch of other aliens who were also abducted, Got a Cheeta woman, Spider woman, and Stone Woman to start book 1 with. Sort of Paleo fantasy as the dude and his new tribe literally have to build a primitive camp from scratch, all while he figures out he is able to actually tame some of the Dinosaurs. Good sexy times, and nearly every dinosaur he tames gets some pop culture reference as a name.


Something a little like an adult Dinotopia then. Hell yes! The other critters are just a bonus. I'm all for more books. It's my vice.


Titan mage is my only erotica suggestion though as I've not gotten around yet to the others in my harem list. A good sci-fi series I'm currently reading is Backyard Starship by JN Chaney. Highly recommended and it's a long series. Guys grandpa dies and leaves him the farm. The barn has the Starship a fun know-it-all AI Bird and his next job. Intergalactic Peacemaker.

scott flanagan

Ive heard of Backyard Starship, havent gotten around to reading it yet though, but how you describe it actually sounds quite a bit like another of Earl's books, Deathship; Kill Count, except less know-it-all AI Bird and more asshole AI starship that literally kidnaps the MC from earth. Im in the same wheelhouse with you, i love books and i have a library of over 400 audiobooks on audible alone, plus however many i have on bookfunnel. If you want more spicy authors, check out Eric Vall and Logan Jacobs, if you want a non-spicy author, check out Jeremy Robinson, a huge number of his books and series eventually crossover with each other, though if you wanted to try him out i have a reading order for his books so as to not spoil anything before you get to the crossovers. If you like Kaiju, he's got a whole series on that, but the end of that series is a major crossover event sooo. Another author, more fantisy based, would be Peter V. Brett and his Demon Cycle books, very mature but not erotica and very political, at least in regards to in-universe politics. Another fantasy one with a very lovable MC is the King's Dark Tidings series by Kel Kade....like i said, i have a large library.. thank god for Audible, or id never get through so many so quickly

scott flanagan

OH, and one of my favorite series that just finished this last month, the Binding Words series by Daniel Schinhofen. If you have any interest in Celtic themed worlds, this Isekai Harem is amazing. More in universe politics, but plenty of action, both sexual and non sexual. MC's middle name is literally Aragorn too, which just makes my LotR fanboy giggle.


Jeremy Robinsons work sounds interesting. I read the first two books of demon cycle years ago but dropped it and never finished.


I'll check this Binding Words series out too.

scott flanagan

Demon Cycle was hard to get into for me at first, if i was physically reading the books id probably have dropped them too. Audible has two versions of the series though, one normally narrated and a full audio drama version with a full cast of narrators and sound effects in the background, which really helped bring one of my friends into the series.

Jonathan Stanbro

Where can one get a girlfriend like this? Asking for a friend? Love the audio Tea!


I always appreciate when a book gets the full audio drama treatment. Whats the reading order you recommend for the Jeremy Robinson stuff

scott flanagan

Jeremy Robinson Book Order Cross Over 1 required reading Series 1: Last Hunter Book 1: Descent Book 2: Pursuit Book 2.5: Antarktos Rising - Not part of the series proper, but takes place after/during Book 2 and leads into Book 3 Book 3: Ascent Book 4: Lament Book 5: Onslaught Standalone Book 1: Second World Standalone Book 2: Nazi Hunter Atlantis Standalone Book 3: The Didymus Contingency Standalone Book 4: Mirror World Standalone Book 5: Xom-B Series 2: Jack Sigler Thrillers/Chess Team Series + Novellas & Supplemental Series Book 0: Prime (Book 0 cause it was released after Book 1, but is the teams Origin Story) Book 1: Pulse Book 2: Instinct Book 3: Threshold Novella 1: Callsign King Novella 2: Callsign Queen Novella 3: Callsign Rook Novella 4: Callsign King; Underworld Novella 5: Callsign Bishop Novella 6: Callsign Deep Blue Novella 7: Callsign Knight Novella 8: Callsign King; Blackout Book 4: Ragnarok Book 5: Omega Supplemental Book 1: Guardian Supplemental Book 2: Centurion Supplemental Book 3: Patriot (NOTE: the 3 Supplemental Books take place during Book 5: Omega, something happens to the character King. I forget the exact chapter, but for best listening experience, id pick up the Supplementary Books after King is abandoned, but thats only a reading suggestion for timeline purposes) Book 6: Savage Book 7: Cannibal Book 8: Empire Standalone Book 6: Raising The Past Standalone Book 7: Island 731 Series 3: Nemesis Saga Book 1: Project Nemesis Book 2: Project Maigo Book 3: Project 731 Book 4: Project Hyperion Book 5: Legion Those are all the books needed to get the full story and characters of the Nemesis Crossover Crossover 2: The Infinite Timeline Supplemental Book 1: Beneath Supplemental Book 2: Space Force Book 1: Infinite Book 2: Torment Book 3: NPC Book 4: Infinite 2 Book 5: The Others Book 6: Tribe Book 7: Flux Book 8: The Dark Book 9: Exo Hunter Book 10: Mind Bullet (Personal Fav) Book 11: Order Book 12: Singularity

scott flanagan

It would seem that Audible is currently missing most of the Chess Team series where before it wasnt. No idea when they were taken down, ive emailed the author about it, see if there is an option to get them somewhere else or if he's aware of their removal. He's usually pretty good about interacting with his readers, so we'll see if he responds. The second Cross Over does require the first Cross Over to be completed.


Now that is a very well organized reading list. Thanks Scott. I'm more of an ebook print guy so it's alright that some of the audiobooks arent available.

scott flanagan

You are very welcome. Its not the first time ive introduced someone to Jeremy's books, i love how his books form a sort of MCU connected universe. Most of his other works have little references to his own stories throughout, little cameo's of characters from other stories showing up in passing, or locations or events being mentioned. It all really well done in my opinion. Most of his books are Thriller novels, so its fast paced action packed for the most part.


I greatly enjoy that level of world building. Jason Anspach does that for his Galaxys Edge series as does the guy behind the Four Horsemen series. Both are very recommended if you enjoy military sci-fi.

scott flanagan

Military Sci-Fi is pretty much the Chess Team's genre, so id probably enjoy both of those.


Ever read or listened to the Dresden Files?

scott flanagan

I have, though ill admit i never finished the series, i got through the first two and then got distracted by another series that i had been waiting to update. I do need to pick the Dresden Files up again


It popped up when I was looking at the Jeremy's stuff and looked good. Thanks for all these good recommendations Scott. I'll have stuff for a while.


Glad I added to your lists. As you've heard by now with Tea opening a Subscribestar I'm going to be heading over there sometime this week. If you make the switch too, any variation of my name here (PDH) will probably be me on subscribestar. Thanks again Scott.

scott flanagan

Ill be making the switch sometime soon too, no idea what my user will be yet though, very indecisive


I used two first names and one last name of book characters to make my name here. Sucks Patreon had to go overboard on the channel. I liked it here and having a dedicated app.

scott flanagan

Thats the problem with any media site, the more popular they are, the more restricted they feel they need to become in order not to drive away what they believe to be their best source of income, and in many cases that causes them to drive away NSFW content creators. Its sad and frustrating for both creators and consumers, and Tea's been hit really hard on YT already as it is, Patreon taking a stab is just uncalled for and frankly I feel like it may have been targeted, considering there are creators on Patreon that do NSFW content that actively include themes that Tea steers clear of. Wont mention them cause I don't wanna cause her any potential problems, but the most taboo she's ever gotten has been the content with step related characters, she has never crossed that line with her content. So yeah, to me personally feels targeted.


Oh it definitely has the feeling of a very petty individual behind it. The YouTube problems I am convinced were all by that real individual that eventually caused Teacup to divulge her real name and voice. Little does Patreon and other media sites know but it's adult content NSFW stuff that keeps them alive. You take that away the site more likely than not will continue but it won't be as big as it was before it's purge.


I wonder if Patreons whole thing against anything that could be incest regardless of context is due to that (imo dumb and not placing responsibility in the correct place) we must protect children online bill here in the US.

scott flanagan

It could very well be because of that, and i agree. That particular bill does nothing to actually protect children and just censor people instead. Unfortunately, with the age we live in we cant protect children like we could in the past, there is just far too much information and content young children can access for free and at any time, and the only way to stop them getting access to that kind of inappropriate content would be to blanket ban it so no one can have access to it, but then that would cause uproar cause its censorship and blocking freedom of expression. there is no easy solution.


Maybe one day people will understand censorship doesn't change anything. It just makes things worse and you lose utility to name a few. The internet is not supposed to be child friendly. I've always seen the internet as a deep pool. If you can't swim that's fine you can learn how to do so before you go in. Parents should teach their kids and be the ones monitoring their internet access and where they go. But nope the reaction is always against the website or app.

scott flanagan

Exactly, and too many parents these days are just giving their young toddlers an ipad to keep them distracted because they dont want to take time away from doing other things. Sure some of those things might be chores, but raising a kid on an ipad was never a good idea. Doesnt help that so many people are terrified to let their children go outside and play these days. I remember being outside all the time catching frogs and bugs or climbing trees when i was a kid.


Same. I have a cousin that at 2.5 years could already use his moms iphone to watch youtube. They found it impressive. I found it sad. When parents do put the kids outside they forget that they have to supervise them still. My old neighborhood was overrun with packs of feral hispanic children any day of the week.