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“Ah, I forget you’re dense… I’m trying to sleep with you.”


✨Double V Day Series:✨





✨All SFW & NSFW audios can be found in our Archive:✨



Script & Audio by TeacupAudio


All characters and audios are works of fiction and should be enjoyed as such.


✨Art by imakureitto:✨

► Twitter: https://twitter.com/imakureitto






Phoenix Brave Hideki

Lovely work Tea! Her teases and flirts that she wanted to have sex and pointing out that we're dense and not figuring it out was fun to hear. It was very sweet to hear if we turn her down she won't be offended and if we're ok with it. As always the breathy kisses groans chuckles and showering together are amazing. The idea of her in a cupid outfit and the "boing" of the bow and arrow were fun moments. Thank you Tea for another amazing audio.


A wonderful audio Tea I hope theres a 2nd or even a 3rd part🥰

sa r dran 24

That was incredible. I love it. ❤️


I thought that was very sweet. Valentine's Day has always been difficult for me, but your audio made it a little easier.


Anti-density cupid to the rescue! Nice! Thanks for the audio, Tea.

Camilo Iribarren

Perfect trading when it comes to genuine love


Tea... one of the few creators out there, not that I listen to anyone else, that gets the sound effects just right.

Lost Puppy



For some reason this makes me feel... Heavy. More "Here we go..." or "Let it be done already" instead of connection and reciprocity. Nothing against the work, just an interesting internal reaction.

Brandon Porter

Friend: *Shoots the bow* Listener: *Gets hit with the arrow and dies. Also drops all their loot and exp* "Listener has been slained by friend." Friend: 😐😑😐


Ooh! That's an interesting take. I wanted to try a new approach. We have SO MANY awkward ladies, accidental confessions and the such and I wanted a character who approached it in a practical, but still heartfelt way. She's autistic, so she's direct, in tune with what she wants and she see's no harm in being clear about her desires. I hope to keep things fresh and keep bringing new characters into the roleplays. Thank you for your thoughts :D


I was considering having the arrows having suckers on and it getting stuck to the listener's head :D


Eyyyyyyyyy! Thank you. You're always like 'is that too loud, too quiet? Ah, feck it, let's guess!" :d


I hope you had a relaxing and peaceful day. But also, if it did suck, don't worry about it too much. Sucky days are a part of the mix. You're gonna have better days soon :)