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Sometimes I get caught in a cycle of the same movies, books, activities, and whatever else. If you also suffer from this, I hope this small collection of recommendations can be of some help.

P.S. These are obviously just things I like and if you don’t like them too, then that’s absolutely a-okay ❤️


The Birdcage (1996):

Nathan Lane and Robin Williams! What more is there to say? Okay, maybe there’s a little bit more. So, there’s a gay couple, their straight son and a need to please his prospective conservative in-laws. Should they hold firm and be authentic, or should they create an elaborate lie complete with cross-dressing and fake-mothers? I’ll let you find out in this deliciously camp, feel-good masterpiece.

Bob Hearts Abishola (2019):

Need something easy, breezy, nice and cheesy? Me too. Bob is a businessman. Abishola is a nurse. They meet when Bob goes into the hospital and the rest is delightful, predictable history. Honestly, it’s such a sweet and simply story and it’s brilliant to curl up to. If you love wholesome romance and adorable side character - you’re in for a treat.

Saltburn (2023):

Love what the actual fuck stories? Me too. Especially when they’re full of millennial bangers! Saltburn is the gross, beautiful, eerie and hilarious story of Oliver Quick, a seemingly poor and unfortunate soul who becomes friends with the rich and charming Felix. After a term at Oxford together, Felix invites Oliver to his family home - Saltburn - and the rest is twisted, delicious nonsense. A really fresh and entertaining watch. Highly recommend.

In Bruges (2008):

I’ll let the dialogue speak for itself on this one:

“I’m not being funny. I mean no disrespect, but you’re a cunt. You’re a cunt now, you’ve always been a cunt. And the only thing that’s gonna change is you’re gonna become an even bigger cunt.”

Watch it. It’s amazing. I promise.


Murder on the Dance Floor - Sophie Ellis Better

Lil Boo Thang - Paul Russell

In the Air Tonight - Phil Collins

Hypnotise - The Notorious B.I.G

Have You Ever Seen the Rain - Creedence Clearwater Revival

Vampire - Olivia Rodrigo

Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now) - Phil Collins

Can You Feel the Love Tonight? - Peyton Parrish


Go See Live Entertainment:

Having recently dragged my snivelling carcass down to London, I speak from experience - live entertainment is serotonin fodder. Even when you feel like a sack of rotting vegetables. It’s good to get out there and experience something as a collective. Maybe take in a local comedian, go see a musical, or even just watch people busking in your town centre. However you do it, I hope you enjoy it. Streaming services and the internet are amazing and definitely my staple, but it’s also to good to mix it up sometimes.

Make Achievable Plans:

I often feel like I let life get away from me. Between work, the dogs, my family and friends, I often don’t stop to think about what I want to do outside of those things. So, having just been down to London, my friend and I, have decided where going on a small trip for my birthday this year. We’ve got months to plan and we’ve already made parts of the reservation. It’s easy to let life slip by, and most of the time, I actually prefer it that way. I am just an animal, very much like my dogs. I like my routine, I like food, and I like the safety and security of the everyday. But that doesn’t mean I can’t occasionally go out and try something new.

Being Grateful for Safety and Security:

The devastation of the world does not invalidate our everyday, mundane struggles. We shouldn’t feel guilty for the security we’re all entitled to, but sometimes it’s really good to just stop and think ‘nobody is hurting me, nobody is forcing me from my home or bombing my country. I am free and safe’. I know this is all very generic and vague, but it’s been helping me a lot lately. It is not revelling in other peoples misfortune, it is appreciating the worth of everyday security and freedom.


Lost Puppy



saltburn was my favourite movie of the year!! barry keoghan is just phenomenal at playing a little freak.