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Please look at the following interaction. I haven't been responding to dm’s for reasons evident in the messages, but because I couldn't even understand the messages, I wanted to see if it was something technical with the content that I could help with.  I am honestly just stumped as to what just happened.

Dm Interaction: 

I sped it up 2X. Why couldn't you tell me that, what's the big secret?

I have no idea what you're talking about. If you could explain more clearly, I might be able to help you. Apologies for not understanding, but I don't understand what you're asking me.

Well, when I speed up any audio on any platform...2 or 3 x.... it's all about fighting. About 100% of the time.

You have to know, everybody knows. And apparently i am the last one on earth to discover it. As a male, I'm too embarrassed to ask one of my friends about it. You have known about it since you were about 9 or 10, because every girl on the planet found it out at that age. And they'll deny it, until they realize that I am into it but nobody wants to tell me what it's called or how to hear it in a slower fashion. is it joi? Is it subtitles? What app do I need?

I honestly have absolutely no idea what you're talking. I'm sorry, but I can't help you.

Well you're a fucking moron or a liar then Jesus Christ what's wrong with you
Seriously what's fucking wrong with your brain are you a fucking that stupid
Just never mind, I'm going to cancel
You are a pathological liar and a complete fraud, you are absolutely disgraceful to this community

I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about, what you’re asking or why you’ve decided to swear and rant.  I tried to understand what you’re talking about and that lead you to call me a liar and a fraud. I’m none the wiser,  but we have a policy of not tolerating aggressive messages.

Please go ahead and cancel. I will block you from the page.



Jonathan Stark

It’s like ChatGPT crashed and this text was the result.


You’re not crazy. THAT person is certifiable though. Critical lack of sunlight and grass would be my best guess.

Jack Smith

This is schizophrenic behavior, but I’ve never seen it digitally, only in person

Lachlan Parker

So you think that this person has a psychological condition, and isn't simply a conservative hypocrite? If so, I hope you're right, for everyone's sakes.

Lachlan Parker

I think that this person has some serious problems in their life. Maybe their upbringing is sh**, and they never learned how to cope with what they've been through. Maybe they've received mild brain damage in the past, and no-one is taking care of them. Or maybe reality and fiction blur together for them, and they simply have f***-up ideologies. I don't want any of them to be true, but I can't think of much else. Whatever the cause, this person needs someone (and not just one person) to actually f**king help them. My first thought about this person was "conservative far-right scum" (not necessarily political, so you can relax), which is probably unfair, but I wonder if your first non-friendly thought was anything like that, and I want you to know that you won't be criticised for wanting to respond in that way. Are you feeling okay, Tea? If not, could you please tell me/us so that we can help? And even if you do feel okay at the moment, please tell us if that changes. Please stay safe, Tea. So few people deserve to have this said to them, and most certainly not you.