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β€œβ€¦I’ve liked you for a very long time and I’ve just hoped that it would go away. And it hasn’t.”


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio


All characters and audios are works of fiction and should be enjoyed as such. 


Mike Taylor

Let's be annoying assholes together, shall we?

Camilo Iribarren

Tsundere loving, here we come!!!!!

Phoenix Brave Hideki

Excellent work Tea! It was very sweet that she could always rely to call us for her problems no matter how absurd it is. When we came to her place and said we loved her too was a great moment too. That "Fuck!" when the call ended was fun to hear and YES! to wanting a relationship like Gomez and Morticia. Thank you Tea for a wonderful audio!

Jeremy Knight

"I just watched the Adams Family and I'm incredibly horny" Me: thumb slowly hovers over the end button, which version of the Adams family were you watching?! I mean watching or listening to stuff can make you not want to be alone, feel something or fit in. Just last night I was listening to a werewolf and her fuck buddy talking about how great it is being sexually active and that made me go "Gee, I wish I could be sexually active... but no one wants to fuck a blind person". I wish I had a hot yet really strange friend that confessed she liked me, that'd be such a welcome surprise.




I humbly ask for a Part 2 Part 3 and Part 4 Please and Thank You


Part II Part II We need Part II!!! Please.


I too would sell a kidney if it got me a lover

Lost Puppy



The deep tomboy voice is so good