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To clarify, I am not speaking for all autistic people. This is just my experience. Autism is a spectrum and if you don’t relate to my experience that doesn’t invalidate your own. Just wanted to share some of my own thoughts and feelings and say that’s it perfectly okay to find living with autism a struggle. 



Please don't feel bad about yourself for not fitting perfectly into a world built mostly by and for neurotypical people. It's not your fault 💛🤯 Not theirs either, really, because they didn't know any better. It's just the way things are and all we can do about it is try to improve things a little bit in our little corner whenever we get a chance and have the spons left to do so. 🤷‍♂️ Like you do with your audios and blogs, whenever you can. And we appreceate what you are doing, but also that sometimes you just have to take care of yourself first. 😊💛 So thank you for everything and please don't worry too much about us. We're here because we want to 😉


It is a struggling being autistic sometimes. I'm so lucky that I have a job that I can hyper focus on and do amazing work, and love almost every day of it. But, outside of that, it tough being around people that I have to constantly tell people I'm not sad or angry because I look like I have RBF. I'm always just trying to get people to not talk to me and I just run a script in my head to say and finish a convo as quick as possible. I get it all too well, and I can talk about the struggles for hours. Just keep being you, Tea, you good.


I relate so much with your story. I was diagnosed at 4 . Went through physical, occupational, and behavioral Therapy. It’s always a state of stress, and shutdown. I got a job at a hardware store, and everyone I work with wants to switch from task to emotional stuff and that’s exhausting because when I’m emotional I can’t think straight or speak what I feel it just turns into a rambling mess. I feel like my work is like therapy I can just zone out and not think about life. I thank you for your audios a lot they helped me sleep a lot of nights because sometimes I needed to be told to stop , or relax .