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A message:

To be honest, you do you, but in my head, if a man is consuming this kind of content, then he can't logically degrade the women making it. From another perspective, what a lot of people don't like is the fact that making sexual content online to make money out of male loneliness is not honorable. Just as making money out of selling drugs. Of course, selling drugs is more rough on the short term on people consuming it, but consuming online sex content becomes just as bad on the long term for mental health for men. So people don't like that all the women are taking advantage of this pretty easy way to make tons of money out of people mental health. It's legal, just not honorable. And seriously, people saying it's "hard", like that's just hilarious just go and try to solve triple integrals when working as an engineer, THAT is hard.


A response:

Can't both be hard? I mean if people are willing to pay for sexual content, performances, and engineers, it would suggest ALL are things not everyone can do to a certain standard, yes? As for the honourable thing, it kinda falls in the same line of 'MacDonalds made me fat'. No, you made choices, and you chose to overindulge in something that should be consumed occasionally, like fast food and pornography, and now you're experiencing the consequences. I think consuming porn 24/7 is definitely not healthy, just like overeating burgers isn't healthy, but that's where self-control comes in. I pay for an onlyfans myself and I do so because the gentlemen who make the content do it to a standard that free content doesn't reach. It's ethical, it's made by consenting adults and I know exactly what kind of porn it's funding - safe, consenting adult entertainment. I don't wank off and then send them hate. Why? Because I'm a grown up and I chose to buy their product. I'm not addicted to it because I exercise self-control. And yes, sex is an addiction like food and alcohol, but if you're susceptible to forming addictions, then it's your individual responsibility to come away from it. As for job-shaming and job snobbery,  and "this qualifies as respectable and this doesn't", honestly, it's just a joke. All jobs are jobs, that's why we get paid and not everyone can do every job. And if you really feel it's not hard, perhaps you should spend a day being a NSFW content creator. Maybe you'd thrive, maybe you'd see aspects you wouldn't expect, or maybe it'd just give you a wider, more informed perspective. I see the value in engineering and I also see the value in adults creating safe and ethical porn. Porn will always be made. It will always be in demand. Please don't degrade the people who are making it harder for sex traffickers to sell children into sexual slavery. The more we normalise and demand ethics in porn, the more we stop evil people exploiting the minor and unwilling. Respectfully.



Paschar Araton

So I'm blaming the candy store for my obesity, got it. I love about Tea that she is like the opposite of "take advantage" of anybody, she is literally "pay me and I will make audios, don't want to spend your money on me then don't." Also her audios are actually good, and good audios is much harder work than waving your crotch at a camera.


You know, I have no idea why- but I had a feeling I'd see this comment again in one way or another. My two sense is that if I feel lonely I'd rather have the RP audios then nothing at all, and I believe this transaction be healthy, but also very UNexploitable. (What exactly would I be exploited of here? My 10 dollars?) Plus, on that note, Tea's content is like, super affordble, and not only that- ethical. I would have commented this on the original comment had I had the energy at the time but- yunno, I didn't. I'm not really the type who has anything to prove on the internet, but unfortunately most people dont operate like that online.