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Someone can break into your home and if you fight back, they can sue you for “excessive force”. I don’t care if I have to do time in jail, if you break into my house and try to assault me, I’m using ALL THE FORCE. Fuck around and find out. I’m little, but  I’m feral.

I may not be strong, but I’ve got teeth and the will to outlive scumbags. Don’t let people intimidate you, and don’t let anybody who threatens you, harasses or assaults you, get away with it. Nobody has the right to belittle, humiliate or violate you. Fight back, always ❤️



Casey Hengstebeck

Where do you live? Most states in the U.S. have some version of Castle Doctrine, so you are in the clear to protect yourself in your home. I know there are quite a few urban legends out there about things like that, but unless you behave in a completely unreasonable way, as an example setting a shotgun booby trap for intruders (not a random example by the way, this really did happen), you should be totally fine. Hell depending upon where in the U.S. you live, you can use lethal force against a person in a public space if deem that feel threated enough.


It may be the war crime Canada in me but that sounds like an 811 problem.

Dave Baker

In some states in the US like my own. It's legal to fire through the front door if you feel threatened and there is just cause.