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Society‘s just a bunch of unspoken rules passed down by a bunch of dead people. That doesn’t mean you have to follow them, believe in them or live by them. They’re a suggestion, not a sentence. 

Just remember that there is no set way to live your life and be happy - that you’ve gotta figure out for yourself.



So what I’m hearing is we should rebel 😎

Camilo Iribarren

Love this so much. We all have to follow our own path, our own Dao. Find our Darma, our purpose


Yes. Inflation wouldn't be nearly as bad if companies didn't use the albeit high rates in 2020 to raise prices massively for huge profit. They bribe politicians to stay at the top and make sure they won't get in their way. Politicians are looting the people they 'represent'. Revolt. All of us need to stop fighting each other and REVOLT. It's not liberals vs conservatives, communist vs capitalist, whatever. It's us vs the pricks that run us.