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Whilst Patreon won't allow me to close them, I will no longer be responding to DM's (outside of concept suggestions).

This is absolutely not because of any one person. I just don't have the energy to engage with inappropriate nonsense. I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone. I just need to stop pussyfooting around and be clear. 

Please only message me about concepts and audios. 

Thank you so much. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 



Sad, but understandable. Have a good weekend too.


Understanadble its a good choice, but can i ask what you mean with concepts?


Valid tbh. Sorry you've been having trouble with it Tea.

Nox Nemesis

Understandable. Gotta do what you gotta do. Nobody can fault you for that. All the best Tea. 🙏

John Folmer

Sounds good Tea! Can't wait for the next audio!

chad drake



It sucks that it's got to this point, but you gotta protect yourself. Props to you Tea, hope Patron let's you restrict DMs someday.

Mike Taylor

I enjoyed our interactions, however short, these past few years. Do what you've got to do to keep the stress levels down.


Your the best tea thank you for talk to time to read and respond in the first place and take your time.

TheFireIron 357

It is no one else's responsibility to set and maintain our boundaries for us. And it's a big step, however painful, when we accept and use that power in ourselves. Well played sister. Do what you gotta do and we'll be glad to have what we have of you. 🫡

Jaller Isuzu

Make this sticky somewhere, so you don't have to repeat yourself ;)


Right lads the lady is setting a boundary let's try respect it and yes I'm looking at you at the back.😅👏


Still sucks this keeps happening considering all the important things you have to deal with. If throwing you a story idea would help I'd be happy to give. Admittedly I can't remember if you only took sfw ideas.😅