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β€œClimb on top of you? I don’t think that has any healing properties.”


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio 


All audios are works of fiction and are to be enjoyed as such :) 



Energy Vampire? Collin Robinson!? Here's my tip of the hat to you!

Lost Puppy


Thomas Herrera

Thighs save lives. Never underestimate the healing power of a beautiful women on top of you.


Your hearts are a blessing for a goober who keeps on stressing. Thank you so much <3

Jeremy Knight

Yeah, your not the first vampire to take too much blood from me (looks at Dangerous ASMR's horny Vampire character) Overfeeding has to be pretty scary.




If anime and manga have taught me anything it's that the more skinship the more healing and the less pesky clothes in the way the faster the healing.

Joseph Brown

I have a feeling that you could make a really awesome NSFW part 2 with this concept. Maybe an idea for the future. At least we didn't get turned into a cat again. 🀣

Phoenix Brave Hideki

Amazing work Tea! Lovely cuddles and being look after being accidentally drained is wonderful. And always the sleepy breaths were great. Thanks again Tea for a sweet and fluffly audio!


That was adorable. Aslo yeah i can see the listener not wanting his girl to go to another person for energy. I’d be like β€œnah chica I’m ya one stop shop. Plus I gotta put this ADHD to use, so drain away.” 🀣

James B

More SFW of this? Count me in.