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"Fantastic question for when you're on a date, spending time with a new friend, etc:  Do you like who you are lately?"

It gives people the opportunity to speak honestly, reflect and hopefully show you a little of who they are and where they're at.

To clarify, I didn’t mean the first date, I meant in the dating process (somewhere in the 50 first date process :D). But then again, people move at different rates. Some people fall in love in two weeks, others in two years. We’re all different. But it is interesting that some people feel this is a heavy question. People seem very happy to discuss sex, intimacy and past relationships, but not where they are with themselves. And yes… my autism rears its head :D

It’s like “I’ll tell you all about what I like in bed, but I am not discussing where I am mentally and emotionally. Feck that!”

Again, just my personal take, but I’d much rather take the intimacy, sex and flirting REALLY slow than the ”real discussions”. To me, if you’re getting to know someone, it’s important to be honest and open about how you’re feeling, why you’re dating and what you’re working on personally. That’s the stuff that matters, not “what do you like in bed?”. But again, autism and wanting to know things and yeah :D 




Honestly, I tolerate the person I am now, and every day I slowly but surely continue to mold myself into the person I wanna be🦦

Lost Puppy



That's... honestly not one that I imagine many people consider. Good advice, Tea!

Phoenix Brave Hideki

As always great advice Tea! Something to keep in mind.

Jeremy Knight

I think I'd answer with "Not really, I would like to be something more but I can't because of my blindness".

Warden D.

That is a really good question. I think I've been doing a lot better recently and have been more proactive about myself. But I'm definitely still not where I want to be. It's kind of a yes and no.

J.T. Packer

Don't like who I've been, don't like who I am, and pattern recognition says I won't like who I'll be either. Now how 'bout another drink?


That’s a good question… honestly I haven’t asked myself that when I’m alone. I don’t get out much, much less go out with a girl lol though I’d like to. I look at myself and I don’t like what I see but it’s like living in a constant state of complacency as idk what I want to do with my life or what I’ll do to 5 years from now.


I‘m not sure if I should answer that without a trigger warning?


This is the sort of question I'd avoid answering in every possible way.


Understandable, but if one wishes to partake in premarital handholding, one must be brave and emotionally available 😄


It is a good question, and I have to honestly say, I don’t know.

Richard Hardslab

You know? I can answer "yes" to this, and I'm pretty happy about that. Now to figure out how to get a date.


I guess it's a good question for rotting out both narcissists and depressed nihilists / defeatists. Unfortunately, I feel my own answer (with following explanation) would raise massive red flags on both ends of the spectrum...


Great for when you've been on a few dates or have a pre-established friendship, but, kind of a heavy question for a first date. It'd make me uncomfortable, especially if I don't know the other person well.

Mike Taylor

ME ANSWERING: My life has taken a battering over the past several years. I've been much better situations emotionally, financially, and socially. I'm not real pleased with where I am, but I'm looking for ways to improve my lot. EDIT: See my reply to Jack for my opinion on when this should be asked, though.

Mike Taylor

I gotta agree with this position. Let's move a little further along into things before hitting that one.


To clarify, I didn’t mean the first date, I meant in the dating process (somewhere in the 50 first date process :D). But then again, people move at different rates. Some people fall in love in two weeks, others in two years. We’re all different. But it is interesting that some people feel this is a heavy question. People seem very happy to discuss sex, intimacy and past relationships, but not where they are with themselves. And yes… my autism rears its head :D


Honestly I’d love to see more questions like this :) maybe you should make a huge list of things to do/ask! Honestly I’d love more advice on going out.

Bill Pedersen

Thanks for asking, I've reached my Ron Swanson part in my life, i mock adult people for riding bicycles why would anyone do that to themselves. "End Of Date"


Unfortunately I don't trust myself to be emotionally available. Everyone who's asked me to be just gets angry. It was opening up that ended both my relationships.

Karl Wikman

I haven't liked myself since I graduated and I doubt I ever will again lmao

The Moisturizer

I think its more of current state of mind tbh. If you're trying to figure out some character arc shit then don't look for it in dates. Plus there's a ton of factors that can come into it. Like where you are currently, what you've experienced in the past, how you differ from them, etc etc. Me personally, if I just can't be my genuine autistic self around my partner, it ain't gonna work.


I'm not super comfortable discussing any of that with people I barely know, but that probably speaks more to my lack of deeper relationships. Really, I can't think of anyone in my life I trust enough to discuss what's going on in my head, been trying to resolve that these past couple of years.


Understandable. We’re all different, but I hope you’re able to let people in (if that’s what you wish) eventually.