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So everyone is tired. And it sucks. You can see it pretty much everywhere - online, in real life, the epidemic of loneliness. And yeah... it's a lot. There's wars and financial turbulence and even the threat of nuclear destruction. It's heavy. And I don't think we always appreciate the toll it takes on us. All that noise kinda numbs us. But when we stop and think about it, it's no wonder we feel all the icky and complicated things we do.

At this point, I wish I had something really poignant to say, but I don't. I don't think there's a cure all. I don't think there's just one thing that'll do the trick to make it all work out. I think, most likely, it's us just doing what we can in our own little corner of the world.

This is honestly such a dump of a post, but I'm on my period and feeling like punching myself in the face because I haven't recorded anything. So, baby steps and being healthy and all that.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if you feel tired and burnt out. It can be rough. I'm extremely privileged and I feel it a lot. Like, it's fucking ridiculous. But I still do. I don't mean to be tone deaf, or condescending, but I never thought I'd get to be as lucky as I am, and I'm still prone to 'ah, fuck off and let me rot.'.

There's a lot of good things about life, but there's also a lot of noise and frustration. Somedays, the thought of going in the booth and trying to act like a horny demon or a thoughtful girlfriend is just so exhausting. Somedays I honestly just feel like 'I can't do this. I don't know what to say. I can't act. I've never been able to do this. I can't. I can't. I can't.' And it's ridiculous because I am so lucky to have a job like this. But I can't help it. It is what it is.

I don't really know what this post is supposed to convey besides: I understand, if you feel this way too. I see you. And I promise you that you're doing a good job. Even when it doesn't feel like it.

Whoever you are, I hope you're okay.

P.S. You're not alone in feeling like this is too much. It is. But, at least we have wifi.


Phoenix Brave Hideki

Thank you as always Tea for POP post and I hope you feel better too.

Richard Hardslab

The loneliness is definitely the bit that hits me the hardest. I kind of set myself up for that though, so I get by day to day either by enjoying my hobbies or just finding time to decompress at work. Trying to 'fix' the loneliness has been rough but I remind myself it's better than making it permanent. In the meantime, I print models, I paint models, read books, and then I get out when I can to spend time with friends.

Jaller Isuzu

If you have no energy for something it's not right for you at that moment. It's as simple as that. And yes the planets are aligned to cause stillness at the moment. A time to take a step back and rethink what you are doing in life. Waiting for the right moment to take certain action. And you have gave already done so much, no need to fit into this crazy world that is overloaded with content. You do your speed. :)


Felt shitty last night, woke up to this, now i feel just that bit less shit. Thank you

Shadowy Fox

Sometimes, giving a name to the things we're feeling gives us the power to endure it. We all are weathering storms, and just knowing we are not alone can be a huge help.


Thanks Tea, I needed that.


No offense miss tea but we are alone. And honestly it better that well. We are all in this ourselves. All we can do. Others people. I am many of us have our stories of what others have done. If you doing well. Be happy about it and don’t worry about others. They will just drag you down and blame you for what they did. Lookout for yourself and only being concerned about yourself. You doing good. So try to be happy about that and when you feel like crap. Just try to power through it.

Camilo Iribarren

And a lot of positive vibes to you as well, Tea


Yeah me too


I hope you're okay too 🫂


Tea you're such an amazing person. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.