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Dm Message:

Hi Tea it's been awhile if you remember me. I'm the one who commissioned the one you called foxy and the one who left and told you that I was going to delete my patreon account. I'm doing ok if you're wondering or even care. Remember that when I left I was trying to find a girlfriend? Well it's not going great. Finding the right woman now is hard thanks to modern feminism. One woman that I was talking to only cared on how much I make and what I owned in life. Didn't even cared about on who I am or what I'm like. Hell one girl just wanted to have sex with me but I shot that down fast.

Talking to girls is hard for me since I have high functioning autism and an introvert. It's honestly disgusting and pathetic how modern women have become now. Whatever happened to traditional women who are feminine, kind, polite, compassionate, accommodating, nurturing and cooperative? There almost impossible to find. And dating apps are such a scam now it's pathetic. Now I'm just waiting for this modern feminism to be over it's cycle and try again. I honestly do miss your audios though now. And yes I know they're fiction but they do bring a smile to my face. Just wish there were more women like them in the real world. Like the foxy audio you did. A woman who cares for who you are and what you do for her. But that's not gonna happen. It's a great fantasy but it's not reality. And it'll never fix the reality I am in.

But there's something I have to share with you though. I nearly had a suicide attempt. Trauma from my past came back to my head thanks to my parents. I won't go into detail but I lost trust in my parents. I lost my best friend due to her sister telling everyone that I raped her even though I didn't. I lost trust in my friend and his family. And the tipping point is when you cancelled my commission after you made me wait for four months. I lost complete trust in you and I even considered you a good friend. Did you know what it felt like when you did that? It felt like you ripped my heart out and crushed it front of my face. I was going to take a loaded gun, aim at my head, and pull the trigger to escape all of this pain. But thankfully I decided to get help. My parents are sorry for what they did and swear they will never do it again. Thanks to all of this trauma I have trust issues now.

I do forgive you but I won't ever trust you again.  I know after reading this letter you're gonna say you're sorry but I don't believe you anymore. Your sorry means nothing to me now. Even if you say sorry to me a thousand times a day, every single day of your life until to die it will never be enough to erase the pain. The only apology I'll accept from you is that you do the commission that I asked for back then, do it for free, and say the name that I asked for through out the entire audio and not just in the beginning part as you did in the foxy audio.  But for now I'll listen to your audio's again cause it does help with my trauma and depression.

My Response:

Hello -

I’m sorry for what you’ve gone through. We all go through tough times. When I reimbursed your commission, I was going by through a tough time too.  There’s no more to say. I’m sorry you’re in pain, but that doesn’t give you the right to speak to people however you like.   I hope you can talk to friends and family and start to feel better.

Please don’t message me again. Listen to the audios, don’t listen to the audios, delete your subscription, think whatever you like, just live your life because what you’re doing here, saying all this stuff to me, blaming everyone around you is a waste of your time. Your finite time. I recognise you’ve been through horrible things - we all have. I wanted to kill myself last year too. I get it. I really do. But this, talking to people like this, feeling disappointed and angry towards strangers and people you don’t know, won’t help you.

I wish you the best, but I won’t take responsibility for issues that are clearly a lot bigger than a content creator reimbursing a commission in full because of mental issues. This isn’t about me. You don’t know me. It’s about you. So focus on yourself and live a life you’re actually gonna enjoy.


There's currently no way for me to turn off DM's on Patreon, but if it ever becomes a feature, I believe I will opt for it. 

Thank you to everyone who has ever sent me kind words, concepts and amazing ideas. This is not a reflection on you, I just don't want to engage with this kind of behaviour. 



Camilo Iribarren

It’s sad that this person went through a hard life but you have nothing to do with it. Like anyone else, he wants to blame someone for his pain but that doesn’t help him and makes anyone near him feel terrible about themselves when they have nothing to do with it


All that just to throw in a wild guilt trip in hopes you'd cave and do the commission. That's just scum behavior. Talking about his trauma while simultaneously using it as a weapon against you, dude can pound sand.

Awkward Space Man

What the... As someone with Autism... I'm so sorry you had to read that, let alone have someone blame you for their life circumstances..! You chose not to do the commission to protect YOUR mental health. We are proud of you, and the fact you're able to draw that line, and still even get up in the morning when you're having to read through shit like this. You even provided sympathy to them. I take my non-existent hat off to you. You're a far better person than so many in this world. I hope the original writer is actually getting the help they want and need, and is willingly trying to improve themselves too (with the 'spin' of Autism I have, I had to be taught how to 'understand' those around me, and... It's still a work in progress...). We know you are doing everything you can Tea, you are literally brave enough to tell random strangers as such here on Patreon..! And on the other hand, I hope your Mum and your puppy dogs are showering you with love you deserve, to help you forget the... Literal nightmare of a message you had to process :-(


I am truly sorry that happened to you.


Jesus I don't blame you


You shouldn't have to go through this kind of thing, man. I swear my stomach turned when I read that message. What a fucking sick and fucked up person. Zero tolerance for that kind of crap, just block them immediately. They don't deserve any response from you.It's very sad that you have to deal with these internet scumbags.


They where a tad weird messaging a random person about that like go to a Therapist


Yikes, I was shocked just how much worse it was getting as I continued reading.

Lost Puppy



I’m sorry that you had to go through that. It isn’t right for them to try to use their struggles as a weapon like that

Iron Piedmont

I find the stuff this dude is saying hard to believe, honestly. With the amount of buzzwords he's using, it almost feels like a parody, all in an attempt to guilt trip. Sorry you gotta put up with these people, Tea.

Casey Hengstebeck

Yikes! Sending love and positive vibes Tea. Know that nothing this person said is any reflection on you. I'm sure you know that, but I also know it can also feel good to hear others say it too. This guys demons are his own.

Casey Hengstebeck

The comments about women only being interested in what he earns and what he owns makes me think the actual problem is he's unemployed and living with a family member.

Mike Taylor

What in the world? That's putting a lot on you and it really is unfair. If the person is still here, my advice is to quit listening to Tea's audios and go get help. That's not what she's here to do.

Elijah King

I can't read all of that 😭 I hope this person finds the help that they need.

Warden D.

Oh boy. That escalated quickly. I simply don't get why some people can't grasp the concept that content creators are neither their friends nor are they their enemies. You've never met each other and you don't know each other. This whole rant is so unjustified to be thrown at you. Even though this man may have gone through difficult things, he is failing to take responsibility for himself. Sorry you have to continue to put up with this kind of messages. Patreon really does need to update some quality of life systems. ♥️♥️♥️


Tea- you’re a dope person and hopefully Patreon will have a disable DM version to prevent any more weird or messed up messages. I hope you have a wonderful Thursday and rest of the week, you deserve it fam!


Can someone tell me this fool's address? I need to send them my optometrist bill because reading this made my eyes bleed! Seriously though, this asshat pulled the "I forgive you for not doing what I wanted before, so go and do it now" card. Does he want some oil to go with his gaslight? Tea, if Patreon ever lets you opt out of DMs, definitely go for it. Nobody needs this kind of toxic noise in their life.


Tea, you are and always have been kind, considerate, and a consummate professional as long as I have been here, and I'm sure long before. Wish I could say the same for this DM sender.

Ninja T-rex

Tea, if I could, I would give you some respectful and consensual back pats.

Phoenix Brave Hideki

If its true then I genuine feel bad for him and I hope for the best and he gets better but it felt more like he was guilt tripping Tea for a commission and blaming her and anyone else for his problems. Either way im glad that Tea handle and responded with kindness and class. I really hope this doesn't keep happening to you Tea and you get much better DMs in the future.

John Folmer

Jesus Christ. Sorry you have to get those messages Tea. You don't deserve that negativity in your life. I don't have the words to describe how bad I feel for you. Hope you are doing better and never get one of those messages again.


I'm sorry that you get messages like that, it always sucks. I hope that they're able to get the help that they need and that you have a good rest of your week.


This person is deeply hurt, and trauma dumping like this seems to be the only way they know (or perhaps the easiest or most accessible, probably not only) to vent that hurt and pain. You know that already Tea - I'm not saying this to you by any means, this is more for anyone else reading. But the person here desperately needs therapy, and someone to help him work on the issues and emotions behind why he feels this way, and why he feels like the only way he can manage it is by externalizing it and forcing it onto others to carry.


(tried to edit this comment, not sure it took, will delete if it did!) I wanted to finish by pointing out that in the same way that he's externalizing his emotions and blaming others for the emotional and mental state that he's in - one that he could work on if he only shifted blame for compassion, and spoke to someone who can actually help him instead of a stranger on the internet - I can't applaud you enough for enforcing your boundaries and protecting your peace by saying "hey, I'm sorry you're going through it, but please don't contact me again." You're doing what YOU need to do for your mental health and stability, and that's admirable more than anything. You have the emotional resilience to see this and sigh and say to yourself that this isn't your problem to solve, nor is it of your making, and you have no responsibility or desire to deal with this. I can only hope that someday this person understands that, and grows the sense of self and love of self required to protect himself from others who do this, and to find a healthy way to deal with his feelings. After all, that's the first step to the life he says he wants.


I'm honestly surprised content (of any type and medium) creators even respond to messages like this. I'll assume and really hope they aren't the norm but dear lord. If ever there is a "no way I'm reading that" button this would be why. I hope this didn't ruin your day or get stuck in your head Tea. You don't deserve that at all. You have a Tony the Tiger Grrrrreat Day:)


This sounded like a villain monologue 0.0 Like, no offense to the person, but holy shit.

German Wulf3

I agree with what a lot of other people are saying. This guy has a lot of problems going on mentally and needs genuine help. You keep doing you, tea, and don’t worry about weird people trying to pin their problems onto you. You are not at all at fault for this guy’s problems and mindset. Keep being the awesome you that you are. We’ll always be here to support you!


I’ve read both of the letters that you posted from this guy and I’m serious when I say this: this guy is NUTS. I mean it…


Your response is infinitely kinder than I ever would have clapped back with. I have nothing but sympathy for mental health concerns but a low tolerance for those that weaponize it as a shield to deflect personal responsibility and an outright disgust for those that do so against others that have been open about their struggles. You have a stronger heart than I Tea, because if I woke up to that in my inbox, I'd have had some choice words for this individual, none of which would have involved the word sorry.

Richard Hardslab

I understand not wanting to have the DM’s, Tea. It can be a lot sometime.

Shadowy Fox

I'm sorry so many people are placing inappropriate blame on you. It is a disgusting behavior and one you shouldn't have to tolerate or even experience. I don't blame you for wanting to close off DMs, and again I'm sorry people keep doing this.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news for this guy, but those women are still out there and feminism just helped women get neat things like jobs, houses, and their own bank accounts. He isn't struggling to find "a good woman" because they don't exist anymore, but it's his crummy personality

Paschar Araton

Tea, this is the proper response. I hope this person can take in your words and make their focus on themself, it's the only way in life. You can't change others.

Daniel Riley Carter

He calls himself a man & he blames others? Yes a lot about modern feminism is f'ed up but blaming it on others is ridiculous


I could barely read this without cringing super hard YIKES


yeah hopefully you'll have the option to turn messages off. That's some serious mental illness this person is trying to just push onto you. Like yeah you can just ignore it but the temptation to read can be too much sometimes. Hope you're doing well despite this Tea <3

Matthew H

Yeah…that’s not on. I wouldn’t even know what to respond to that tbh. Don’t let this get you down! Just keep on doing what makes you happy :)


That dude is cray cray

Karl Wikman

Got only one response here: Learn to spell, neckbeard!

Jaller Isuzu

There definitely needs to be a character limit to messages and maybe only one per day or something to relieve content creators.


I felt kinda bad for this guy until the part at the end where he demands a free commission from you. Even if there’s a nugget of truth in what he said, I think getting free shit from you was his main goal here.

Garrett Gregory

As someone who is deeply anti-Feminist and also struggles with loneliness, I am sorry you had to deal with that. Wishing the best for the both of you, and please don't let that kind of thing get you down.


I completely understand, I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. I admire your diplomacy and tact in dealing with others, and your respect for your audience. Thank you for trying to treat everyone with kindness and respect.

Timothy Shaw

I get it we all got shit were going through and to all of you I truly with the best. But your issues are just that yours, at some point you need to take responsibility and even if someone cause it (not saying test did) its your job to get through it and deal. I also wanna add the only forgiveness you'll accept is free content. Like wtf that follows the same logic that if I give the airlines more money it can magically hold more weight.

Shadowy Fox

Gods...I'm sorry you're dealing with people throwing their shit on you like this. You are amazing; you do great work; but you are not responsible for how any of these folks are behaving. Folks definitely need to understand to take responsibility for their own actions.


Yikes. That “modern woman” stuff is terrifying. Incels, man :/