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I was recently informed that only 15% of autistic adults are employed. This is predominantly because autistic people struggle with typical workplace structure and routine.

I got really overwhelmed in the booth this morning. There were tears, head smacks and just this horrible feeling of not being able.

So, thank you. Because of this market and the people who support it, I can have my implode, calm down and then try again later.

Appreciate you and all you do.


John Folmer

I definitely know how that feels, getting overwhelmed sucks. In today's world it feels like anything and anyone who doesn't fit the exact mold is disregarded as useless when that's not the case. It really sucks sometimes but we gotta deal, ya know? Personally I'm just waiting for some oncoming social regression where people with special interests and focuses becomes mandatory once again, instead of the factory production lines with planned obsolescence.

Lost Puppy


Jonathan Stanbro

Your doing great Tea! Don't let a medical condition get you down, and stop you from doing what you love. We are here for you and support you! ❤️❤️❤️

Ninja T-rex

Yo! I'm on the spectrum too!


I have autism and im employed. I wish i wasnt and i know others who show signs of autism and still continue to work. However i think your too hard on yourself. 🥺 we love you Tea


As someone with autism who's also in full-time employment I can attest to how hard it can be especially when having a meltdown or shutdown at work, it's one of the many reasons I try to raise awareness for Neurodiversity at my job but the fact you've been able to do so well, find an environment where you can do such great work and feel comfortable is amazing and I'm so glad I can support you!


Maybe more than 15% Gotta account for Morons like me who are undiagnosed but are 100% certain of what we have I have ADHD and I've put the pieces together that I also have Autism to a degree, but in my line of work it's kind of a Good thing? I don't work with customers and I can somewhat work with others. I just hope my bosses can be a bit patient with me and my HarryHoos because of Overstimulation and ADHD caused depression. It's not fun in my brain what so ever lol

Jeremy Knight

I never knew you were autistic, as a legally blind person I know the struggle since people won't hire you because your eyes don't work. I really wish I could work, the only thing that makes me feel like I'm actually doing something is writing scripts and even then I eventually start feeling like I'm not getting anything out of it.

Liam Hughes

Your doing a fantastic job Tea. Be proud in all that you do ❤️❤️


Been pretty solid so far, thank you for the last 3 years of clips


Your audios have helped me through some tough times so the least I can do is fork over some rupees as a thank you. 😁


Shit, i had no idea you were autistic as well. But yeah, having a job and being autistic ain't always a walk in the park.

Phoenix Brave Hideki

Your very welcome Tea! Im glad to know that we are helping you out a lot.

Warden D.

You are so welcome Tea. I'm currently unemployed and autistic, so I understand the struggle.


Always remember you are able Tea. Over and over again you've shown everyone that you are able. Sure today wasn't a good day but what is that when compared to all that you've done? Today was a blip that will find itself surrounded by so much productivity it won't know what hit it:) have a wonderful day today Tea




I never would have guessed you were on the spectrum, honestly. I was diagnosed at age 3, but didn't know I was until I was 18. And it is -fucking- difficult. I've been through 15 years of physical and occupational therapy to get where I am now, and there are still rough days. You are and always have been phenomenal and talented and genuinely good at what you do here, Tea. And if anything, knowing this makes me respect you even more than I already did. 💙

Shadowy Fox

As someone also on the spectrum, I can say that you are an inspiration. I'm happy to be supporting you.


I'm also Autistic. I think it's part of why ASMR is so good for me. Thank you, Tea. <3

Joseph Brown

Thank you for what you do Tea. Your characters are awesome and your voicework is exemplary. Got me through a lot of late nights and stressful days. I appreciate it. 🙏

Camilo Iribarren

Huge respect and love to everyone on the spectrum.

Tyler Ferguson

Oh you're on the spectrum too? Neat! Welcome, hope you're having a good day




Tea, you’re on the spectrum, too? I have Asperger’s Syndrome. It’s funny, it’s my understanding that autism is a rare occurrence, but I keep coming across fellow humans who have it. I think that’s actually kind of nice, really. Thank you for sharing this with us. I hope you know we appreciate you, too.


My little bro is heavy into the spectrum and he won’t ever be able to even live on his own, so knowing that we’re helping someone to have stability in some sense is awesome!

Pall Serpent

Thank you for sharing this, Tea. We all can get overwhelmed sometimes. We're human. Well, most of us anyway. Keep your head up. And thank you for always doing more than your best. It shows!

Nathan Brown

I myself am a highly functioning autistic person who also has ADHD and dyslexia. So despite my struggle, you're welcome, you help me fall asleep at night and genuinely relax so who am I to not do my part to make your life a little easier. 🫂


I’m on the spectrum as well always love your sleep aid and cuddle videos.


I’m on the spectrum too and also do some audios as well like you. Their mostly M4M audios


I was unaware that it was only 15%, I'm glad that we can say we're apart of that lol, appreciate your audios and everything you do for us.