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Hey Teacups -

So, we might no longer be on YouTube, but that doesn't mean we should miss out the stellar thumbnails.

I hope this will all add to the experience and hopefully enhance your Patreon experience.

Please give all your love to Imakureitto. She is amazing to work with and always delivers!

You can check her out on her Twitter:



Art, banner & thumbnails by imakureitto

All rights retained by TeacupAudio





Mike Taylor

You might want to update the text since you just returned to us on YouTube.

Jeremy Knight

I wonder what characters are in the thumbnails...

Lost Puppy


Phoenix Brave Hideki

Beautiful work from both Imakureitto and Tea! My favorites are both kissing practice and panda girlfriend.

Joseph Brown

Can't get enough Mommy Tea. Love it. ❤️


This freaked me out, thank goodness there is still a youtube channel atm *few* 😌 Love this stuff though amazing work by the both of you