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Romantic love is not the superior form of love. Love is love. A parent's love, a friend's love, a stranger who showed you genuine kindness and concern. Love is love and we need to appreciate people beyond their romantic potential. 

It's completely natural for people to want romantic love and connection, but personally I think we often neglect to appreciate the beauty and meaning behind non-romantic relationships. 

I cannot explain how connected I am to my mom. I wouldn't be here without, I wouldn't have made it through without, and now that we're both getting older, I want her to know that it's now my turn to take care of her. 

Let's appreciate all the kinds of love there are.



Seth JayArch

The Greeks had many words for love. Family love, brotherly love, and erotic love, etc

Bill Pedersen

romantic love can also be terrifying and hard dare I open up to this person? do I give enough? romantic love is a commitment to a person and it wouldn't be fair for this person if I can't be me when I'm with this person friendship is easier friendship can also be said to be a form of love just not as extensive as romantic love