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Yo, Teacups!

If you haven’t seen one of these posts before, this is just what it says on the tin - a recommendations post. Sometimes I get caught in a cycle of the same movies, books, activities, and whatever else. If you also suffer from this, I hope this small collection of recommendations can be of some help.

P.S. These are obviously just things I like and if you don’t like them too, then that’s absolutely a-okay ❤️



Guys, rich people have problems too - and most of them are pretty entertaining. Full of questionable, but very real and even sympathetic characters, brilliant acting, and just a real sense of “What the hell?!”. Please consider this a must watch, especially if you love to binge something in a night or two! I watched the first two seasons in a week and I regret nothing. Also, the opening theme is amazing and you will sit there trying to decode the scattered meaning behind the titles, houses, horses, etc. Enjoy!

The Boys:

What would people with super powers actually be like… well, most of them would be dicks. Explosive, gruesome and very, very fun! The Boys has a library of weird, scary and wonderful characters to enthral and entertain. Please consider giving this gem a go! Also, the guy who plays Homelander deserves all the awards - truly, deeply, masterfully unsettling :)


Everyone has probably already seen this comic book adaptation come to life, but I was late to the party. Holy macaroni! It’s so good. Well-written, enjoyably paced, complex and compelling characters - it’s all there. Also, it’s full of memes that I now appreciate on a deeper level. Absolutely recommend to super hero fans and non alike. It’s just a great story!



Absolutely, positively ridiculous and one of the best things you’ll ever watch! The original parody movie, full of dad jokes, slap stick and sheer belly-laugh nonsense. Prepare to chuckle… a lot :)

Apologies there’s only one movie on the list - I haven’t watched that many recently :)


Get Out of a Shitty Cycle:

The thing about negative emotions is that they keep you stuck in a cycle: you feel shitty, so you close down and don’t do anything, which then feeds into the feeling of feeling shitty. It can feel like a Herculean effort to even get out of bed in the morning, but that is probably the very thing you need the most. I’m not saying any of this is easy, in fact, I’m saying the opposite, but it is what I recommend to myself and to others.

Whether it’s keeping up your appearance, making the time to workout, or reading some more of that book - go the distance for yourself. When we feel sad or lonely or even just a bit flat, it’s really easy for our brains to convince us that the best thing to do is lie down in the dark and feel shitty, but actually that’s very rarely a good idea. Instead, seek out joy, or productivity, or even just distraction - go for a walk, clean out your cupboards, organise your workspace, brush your dog, make something to eat. It’s not always about what you do, but rather why you’re doing it - and what’s a better reason than “to not feel shitty”.

Create Quiet Time:

Life is loud, things go ping, beep, boop, and honestly, I find it all very overwhelming. So, if you can, carve out some quiet, alone time where you can unwind, relax and just switch off from the noise. I know everyone’s living situations are different, but even if it’s just a 10 minute break where you can sit and close your eyes - that will be a big help to you. For those of us who are lucky enough to have more solo time, I highly recommend a long bath/shower, fresh pj’s, clean sheets and listening to an audiobook or a comfort watch. Focusing on the sensation of winding down is a very healing thing.

Bake Banana Bread:

Guys, it’s so easy, I can do it! All you need is some almost on-the-turn bananas, butter, baking powder, sugar, flour, an egg, and a baking tray. Mush it all together, put it in the oven, and 30 minutes later - delicious, wholesome banana bread.

And that’s my humble offer, guys. Stay safe, drink water and get some rest.

All the best,




Don't overlook Airplane 2. It's not pure gold, but it is gold plated.


Thanks, tea. Appreciate the advice.