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I have this horrible habit of taking on too much work, overloading myself and then wanting to close down and never record again. 

I don't know if I'm just easily overwhelmed, not very good at time management, or even just not that great at my job - but for whatever reason, I have this shitty tendency to take on commissions and then be absolutely incapable of doing them justice. 

I've just today refunded two commissions that I've been wrestling with for weeks. I sent the commissioners my deepest apologies, returned their money and cringed throughout the entire process. Maybe this isn't something I should share, but I think being transparent about this is probably better than making up some excuse. 

I don't have an excuse. I just can't ask people to give me money when I have no confidence in the product I've made. If I can't see merit in what I've created, then I can't expect to take people's money for it. 

I guess I'm sharing this today to once again say that I'm really sorry I have this tendency. I wish I didn't. I wish I was better, more confident, less neurotic, but I just can't take people's money when I know I've done a shitty job. As unprofessional as backtracking is, I think it'd be even worse to take money for something I know isn't good enough. 

Again, my sincerest apologies. It is absolutely not personal to anyone but me. Sometimes, I just feel so incapable and I'm so sorry that that sometimes affects Teacup stuff. 

I've kept on the last two commissions that I feel I've done good work on and I will get those out to the commissioners as soon as possible. 

All the best, 

The woman who voices Tea



Maybe make a schedule so you don't put so much pressure on yourself, have some days where you can work on it and some days where you don't as to not overwhelm yourself

Cole M.

We all love you and want what is best for you. Please take care of yourself and know we all support you no matter what, so don’t be hard on yourself or feel like you haven’t done enough.