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Yo, Teacups!

If you haven’t seen one of these posts before, this is just what it says on the tin - a recommendations post. Sometimes I get caught in a cycle of the same movies, books, activities, and whatever else. If you also suffer from this, I hope this small collection of recommendations can be of some help.

P.S. These are obviously just things I like and if you don’t like them too, then that’s absolutely a-okay ❤️


  • Gilmore Girls. Sometimes we all need something gentle, relaxing and void of angst. If that’s the case for you, please treat yourself to the ultimate comfort watch - Gilmore Girls. Is it cheesy? Yes. Is it cookie cutter? Absolutely. But it’s the shows embracing of those things that sticks the landing and allows you to binge episode after episode in a relaxing, almost dream-like comfort haze. Follow Lorelai and Rory and get a sweet slice-of-life piece of 2000’s nostalgia. P.S. Please complete the experience with warm beverages and sugary snacks.
  • Ghosts. A campy, ridiculous, energising pick-me-up that knows exactly how not to take itself seriously. It’s written, acted, and I believe even directed by the same guys who brought us Horrible Histories. Please give it a try!
  • Julia. Attention to all the foodies - bring your appetite! Julia chronicles Julia Child’s rise to tv legend as The French Chef. If you love a slow-paced, but deeply felt story, Julia is a sure bet for you. Please either eat before or during - you will get those hunger pains.
  • The Witcher. Whether you’ve read the books, played the game or never even heard of it before, this fantasy show has a lot to offer any story-hungry viewer. I’ve just finished watching season two and I feel really silly for not giving the show a chance before now. Fantasy isn’t my favourite genre, but I thoroughly enjoyed the story, the mythical creatures, and the charismatic cast. Please consider giving it a go! Also, the songs will not leave your brain. Yes, there’s songs!

Ways to Move Forward:

  • Go to therapy. I know I’m a broken record, but that’s because I sincerely believe in the powers of self-improvement and personal growth. Your mental health is so important and therapy can be that weekly, monthly, or even sporadic check-up to see how its doing. Generally, we like to think of therapy as either inaccessible or for only the psychologically scarred - and neither one is a hard fact. Therapy is becoming more and more affordable and even accessible to those who cannot afford to pay anything. Those of us who have some disposable income rarely think twice about buying subscriptions, games, clothes, etc, but when it comes to looking after our mental wellbeing, we often get incredibly ungenerous. I know I’m just some random person who voices weird stuff on the internet, but I firmly believe that therapy can be such a positive and life-altering tool for so many.
  • Take a leap of faith. I’m full of cliches, but that’s because most cliches are rooted in some truth. And on that note, here’s another - life is short - do the thing you want to do but you’re scared to. I think growing up, we have this idea that by this age we’ll be married and by this age we’ll have our perfect career, etc, etc, etc, but that’s truly not how I’ve found it in practice. Fear can be immobilising and the human mind can very often be relied upon to plant the seeds of doubt. There could always be a hypothetical reason not to take a hypothetical risk. Take a chance on yourself. It might turn out to be the best thing you ever did.
  • Be patient with yourself. Whether its weight loss, career progression, or the often elusive search for mental stability - it cannot happen overnight. It’s frustrating, it’s painful, and getting there often feels impossible. The key to any lasting change is small steps. It’s not about turning up and smashing it everyday, it’s about turning up for yourself everyday. And that absolutely does not mean you have to be pursuing your dream career, going to the gym every week, going to therapy, dating, and pursuing varies hobbies - it just means you don’t throw in the towel. You keep going, each tiny step at a time. You may not be where you want to be right now, but you don’t have to stay here - keep going.


  • Do a jigsaw puzzle. In times of stress, worry, or even just sheer boredom, small, non-taxing games and puzzles can give us a much needed distraction. I hadn’t done a jigsaw puzzle in years, but after a quick look online, I found one that tickled my fancy. I’m currently only a few pieces in, but I have enjoyed every small moment. And in the end, what is downtime but the small moments we take for ourselves and our happiness? You may or may not find some solace in puzzles, but whatever your fancy, please embrace and indulge - life is short - do the boring shit that makes you happy.
  • Play solitaire. I play it on my phone if I’m having an anxious moment, or I start spiralling. It’s a great mindfulness activity - it keeps you grounded in an objective and it tires out your brain and eyes - it can be especially helpful if you’re laid in bed violently tired, but unable to sleep.
  • Spend time with a pet. You don’t have to own one, it can be a friends, a family members, or heck, even just look at cute cat videos online. Animals help relieve anxiety, keep us present in the moment and are generally just great. Spend some time with the fur babies.
  • Make your room comfortable and pretty. Your room is your space - your personal area where you need to feel safe, comfortable and at ease. I know this one is dependent on a few factors (whether you live alone, share or don’t share a room, your financial situation, etc) but even the most inexpensive changes make the biggest difference. Even just making sure your room is clean and tidy (or not tidy - depending on your idea of zen) can make you feel better about the space you’re in. Personally, I love making my bedroom clean and cozy. I wash my sheets, I light some candles and I often just listen to music in my space. There’s something very comforting about making your room aesthetically pleasing and customised to you. If you can’t afford accessories like throws, candles, etc, keeping it clean and de-cluttered is a good start to making it feel like a good space to be in.

And that’s my humble offering, guys. Even if it’s been bumpy, I really do hope this year brings so much growth and healing for us all.

All the best,




Tea? You watched the Witcher??? This puts a smile on my face.


She tossed a coin to him. Oh, valley a'plenty!

J.T. Packer

Sounds good, though with the Gilmore Girls... sorry, they're total sociopaths. At least Rory, anyway.