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Hey guys -

Over the course of my time here on the internet, a few people have messaged me with concerns regarding my safety and security as a content creator. And whilst I very much appreciate this thoughtfulness, I actually feel like I'm very lucky with regards to the vast majority of my community.

So, I just wanted to take this opportunity to say: I am so grateful that 99.9% of you completely understand that "Teacup" is a character. It's really, really appreciated. It states on every audio post "Script & Audio by TeacupAudio" because they're works of fiction - just like books, games, etc. 

So, again, thank you so much for the vast, vast majority for being decent, chilled out, taking your wholesome degeneracy and getting about your day. 

Best wishes, 

Tea (and the woman who voices her)

P.S. To anybody who even has the slightest bit of curiosity around me (the person behind the voice) - please know there's no great mystery. You're not missing out. I am not Teacup, I would not give you the romantic support and affection that Teacup does (because she's a character and I'm a voice actress) and you wouldn't wanna be in a relationship with me. Straight facts! 



Thank you Tea for understanding humans, and knowing what we need, desire and want to make a character to provide that. Shows your humanity in your imagination and soul.

Matthew Thomas

Feel like I just listened to William Wallace giving a speech before a battle (don’t worry it’s a compliment)