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Yo, Teacups! Well, it’s a new year, a new slate to paint with life, colour and imagination. So, let’s push forward to see and do more than we ever have before. 2022 is a year of promise, progress and prosperity - let’s kick things off as we mean to go on.

If you haven’t seen one of these posts before, this is just what it says on the tin - a recommendations post. Sometimes I get caught in a cycle of the same movies, books, activities, and whatever else. If you also suffer from this, I hope this small collection of recommendations can be of some help.

P.S. These are obviously just things I like and if you don’t like them too, then that’s absolutely a-okay ❤️


  • Polar Bear Cafe. Jesus lord have mercy! This shit is adorable. Watch, fawn, love and most importantly binge the whole series. Also, you’re gonna need a mug of something warm and delicious - trust me.
  • All the Joanna Lumley Documentaries. If you don’t know who Joanna Lumley is, don’t worry, she’ll fill you in on her many adventures across the world. Joanna travels to a vast number of countries to explore cultures, beliefs, and times long past. On top of all that, she has one of the most distinct and calming voices out there - if you need some culture and some soothing - this lady’s got your back.
  • Unwind Your Mind. Seen those ads about Headspace? Well, if you have a Netflix account, you can get some of that sweet, sweet meditative goodness. Seriously, I get that meditation might seem a little daunting, even silly, but I personally have found it incredibly helpful and enabling. It’s a practical way to understand your thoughts, practice acceptance and generally lead a more contented life.


(I apologise that this month is entirely filled with animated movies. I’ve been on a bit of a splurge recently and these are the movies that stood out to me.)

  • Howl’s Moving Castle. It is absolutely hyped for a reason. It’s beautiful, it’s witty, it’s very, very funny and I think you’ll have a great time watching it. Also, if you watch it, please feel free to DM me on Patreon with your favourite quotes. Personal favourite of mine “I give up. I see no point in living if I can’t be beautiful.” :D
  • Kiki’s Delivery Service. Oh. My. Days! I love this movie. I was so late in watching it, but I’m so happy I gave it a chance. It has the most gorgeous colours, characters, animation - just honestly like something out of a dream. This is such a comforting, gentle experience that you can enjoy whenever, wherever. Please, please give it a watch. Also, fair warning, it will almost definitely make you wanna pack up and move to a quaint little town in the countryside :)
  • Tokyo God Fathers. Okay, not gonna lie, this one is very emotional, but so fresh and secure in its style. Maybe not the best thing to watch if you’re feeling worn-out, but it really is a beautiful, individual story that has a lot to offer. Also, the character designs are just AMAZING! If you’re looking for something a little different - this is a fantastic watch.
  • Wolf Children. Beautiful, heartbreaking, life-affirming - please, please watch it, fall in love with it, and look back fondly. You will cry, but you will also leave feeling like everything’s gonna be okay.
  • The Cat Returns. Perfect for when you want something fluffy, wholesome and whimsical. Goes great with snacks, fluffy socks and fresh bedding. Don’t think - just enjoy :)
  • Encanto. Oh my goodness! This movie made me into such a fucking mess. Not only is it absolutely gorgeous and enchanting, but it such a powerful exploration of trauma and how it can affect an entire family. So many of the songs dealt with real struggles, people struggling under the weight of pressure, secrets, responsibilities - all done in such a caring and healing way. Honestly, you’ll love this movie regardless, but if you’ve experience trauma, especially trauma inside a family, this could be such a wonderful experience for you. I know we don’t all get to find perfect closure, but we can make peace with what’s happened and find solace with ourselves and the people we love.


  • Meditation. There can be this assumption that meditation is merely “Oms” and “aahs”, and maybe for some people that’s true and that works for them, but I also think there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye. For me personally, meditation is a practical and sensible way to maintain mental stability, and generally just lead a calmer, more contented life. Let’s face it, we as people often suck at regulating ourselves. Our emotions overwhelm us, our brains tell us lies, and all in all, we end up in a scrambled muddle. Meditation can be a great way to take control back and put us more firmly in the driver’s seat. I highly recommend the headspace guided meditations (absolutely not sponsored - just genuinely think they’re a great tool). But there are also a plethora of free guided meditations on YouTube too. Give them a try.
  • Journalling. Got thoughts and feelings? Of course you do. Writing them down can be a huge help, especially if you’re trying to make sense of how and why you’re feeling and thinking them. This is very much on the same vein as meditation. I completely understand that you might be apprehensive or even dismissive of journalling, but as with most things, there’s probably a lot more to it than first appears. I personally find it really helpful, especially if I’m accompanying my journalling with counselling. Figuring out why we feel and think things can lead to a very healing and contented place. Please give it a try.
  • Cycling. I got a bike, guys. I got a bike and I now cycle daily. It’s not a pressure. It’s not “I must do this or I’m a failure”. It’s simply “this is good for me and I actually like it”. Also, totally don’t imagine I’m a Ghibli heroine riding to the bakery. Nope, not me. Okay, it might be me. IT’S HELLA ME.
  • Goodness Lists. Wanna feel good whilst looking back on the good deeds you’ve done? Write that shit down! I’m serious. Just write it down as a list on your phone. Helped your friend move house? Write it down. Baked your mom a pie? Write it down. Listened to your co-worker’s problem? Write it down. It feels so good to do good and put good intentions out into the world. Do good, write it down, and feel the fruits of your compassion, kindness and generosity of spirit. Also, when we practise kindness with others, it can make it a lot easier to extend ourselves the same hand.

And that’s my humbling offer, guys. Even if it’s been bumpy, I really do hope this year leads to growth and healing for us all.

All the best,




Your amazing Tea. Im thankful for your recommendations an thoughts on the movies, activities, an everything. I like showing or seeing different peoples reactions or thoughts on things i didnt know if they would like it or not or if they were into it at all. ☺️


Polar Bear Cafe is one of my favorite things ever - whenever I'm feeling down, I throw on a couple of episodes, and it cheers me right up. :D There's even a twitter bot ( @ShirokumaScreen ) that tweets totally random stills from the show and I love it so much. Always love seeing people spread the gospel haha