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"Please hold on tight - we need you - I need you - maybe we'll never meet, maybe we don't speak the same language, maybe we live completely different lives, but I still need you to keep going - please show me that we can do it."




I struggle with what seems to be never ending pain, some days it's hard to find the motivation to get out of bed. Thanks Tea for being a positive figure and for giving some of us the motivation to get up in the morning.


I hope things on your end are going well and I wish you the best in 2022


Personally I viewed my life to be a waste, I was stuck in a depression paradox where I would be lazy, get depressed from it, and would then become more lazy, to the point of by the end of quarantine I had gained 60 pounds. I used to listen to your audios as of something to have what I couldn’t obtain, now I view them as what I can obtain if I got off my ass, now it has been a month and I have been the happiest I have been in the last 10 years just by workin hard and by believing in a phrase I made up “exhaustion equals satisfaction” meaning that if you work till your physically tired then you are doing at least something right. It’s not perfect but I believe it’s a step in the right direction that started with you.