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“You like somebody?!” 

Sometimes, the person we're not meant for

Can be the person who wishes us the best.



Wholesome commission for a wholesome commissioner :) 


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio



Thank you 💕


Normally I listen to your sfw audios as they come out, however I think this one is going to have to wait for me to be home alone.

Tristan Elliott

Strange that this audio exists for me, considering I'm best friends with one of my exes. Super cool!


We love a healthy break up in this house

sa r dran 24



I dunno why, but the vocalized "plz" -es are killing me. Seriously, I almost choked on my lunch after the first one 😆 Edit after listening to the full audio: Thank you for this Tea. It won't "cure" my social anxiety, but hearing stuff like this certainly helps! Now... if only I had friends and did things outside of the house besides work... Stupid Virus probably made the social anxiety/awkwardness even WORSE. Plus closed down local game shops and such so outside hobbies for me more or less completely disappeared. 🤣

Timothy Shaw

I can't relate to this at all. Me not having any ex's and all.


Please feel free to skip any you don't relate to/don't enjoy - no obligation. People should be here to have a good time :D


I do not know you, but I believe in you, internet stranger! Little progress is still HELLA PROGRESS. Be brave and take it slow, and mostly importantly, celebrate the small wins because they matter :D

Cassandra Selene

I became single a couple of weeks ago and I'm trying to start dating again so this is really timely for me, thank you


If only relationships like this existed outside of fictions. They sound so nice


Damn I’m Sure this one is just as high quality as the rest of Your work but I heavily dislike my exes


My ex and I are still close friends. It's doable.