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How to handle unsolicited dick pics/sexual messages:

"Can you hang on, babe, I just need to squeeze out a GIANT SHIT FIRST. Like worryingly large. Oh god, it's painful. Yeah, I'm gonna need a book & a candle. Be right back."

Hilariously, they then think you're the weirdo. It's a win-win!

P.S. Family crisis all sorted. Thank you and I'll be replying to commissions very soon :) 



Phoenix Brave Hideki

Phew glad to hear that the family crisis resolved.


Glad to hear you ok…also someone suggested sending the dick pics back to their parents…..


What if this only ups the ante?


I always love to receive a drop of positive from you) You know how to cheer us up)

Jeremy Knight

Yeah, this is one of many reasons why no matter how much a audio porn creator makes me cum it's best to be friendly and not a thirsty dude that thinks she'll have sex with me. Not everyone is a single hottie and making someone feel uncomfortable is just the worst for me.

Dalton Remy

Just imagine if he was into that shit (literally) and asked for a pic of that bowel brownie. Lmao

Erin McLean

What if this just turns them on even more.


The unsolicited meat picks are wrong but ngl I don’t think this will repel them 💀


For extra effect, agree and amplify first, leading them on for a moment. Then do a complete 180°, such as with Tea's tactic, or something equally disturbing. That shatters them fast. 💮

Ron Pelech

First of all Tea, glad to hear the family emergency has been sorted out, that stuff never gets easier to deal with. Also, while I do think the idea is funny, there are some people that are really into that shit (both figuratively and literally). I know, I knew a couple in high school that was into it.

Scarida Ghostly

I curious to know if replying with "😂😂🤏🤏" will work.

phoenix (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-09 09:57:02 "worryingly large" SHEEEEEEESH <3
2021-12-06 20:34:00 "worryingly large" SHEEEEEEESH <3

"worryingly large" SHEEEEEEESH <3