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I want to do something special for our Super Cups as they do so much good and demand so little in return. So, I've decided that we're now going to do a monthly care package competition. 

Every month I'll send out a care package (cookies, candles, teas, things that might help you relax and rest) to one lucky Super Cup

Unfortunately, Patreon doesn't allow creators to simply send out gifts through raffles. Apparently, it's to do with avoiding gambling restrictions in different states. Whilst it feels unkind to make people compete for care packages, we also have to comply with Patreon's rules. So as a compromise, I think Super Cups should simply message me if they'd like to be in the competition, maybe tell me what they'd like in their package, even tell me a bit about what's going on for them, and I'll pick from the people who write in. 

✨Essentially, it is a competition because you have to do something (i.e. message me) to win, but there's no real skill or demand placed upon you.✨ 

I hope this is something you're all interested in. 

Best wishes, 


P.S. I wil also be sending out 10-20 care packages in December as an extra thank you. Christmas can be a very lonely time and it'd be nice to pay forward some kindness to the people who might need it most :) 



That's such a nice and awesome gesture holy shit

Flux Goodra

While this is a good idea, I feel I should make you aware that some of us live in other countries. Just thinking about the costs of doing that. But it is a lovely gesture nonetheless


I’d be happy with whatever you decide to put in the package.


Thank you

Flux Goodra

I should be clear that I’m not complaining. I’m more worried about the costs of shipping stuff to people in other countries that want to take part in the competition



Lily Yoshimi

This sounds extreamly cool I was looking at the dm when you sent it out im enterly confused by it tbh, especially when you where asking about my situation

Ghonnathan Bagwell

I think I remember you did something similar a few years ago. I got lucky and won, Still have the mug in my collection but I'm not sure what happened to the candle. Never lit it so lasted a while.


That sounds wonderful, I hope patreon won't interfere with it.


I wish all super cups luck, I am just a China cup.


I’m also a China cup but I wish the best of luck to all of you Super cups!!


Sounds fun, I'll give it a shot!

Ron Pelech

I have a question about the P.S. Are Super Cups the only eligible ones for that as well? Either way, I wish everyone the best for this upcoming holiday and for future ones.

Dalton Remy

*Grabs walkie talkie* "Incoming care package" *Care package air drops in*


*Me thats too broke for super cups* 😭😭


This is an awesome and very thoughtful idea I’d love to get one please