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I apologise for spamming you with so many written posts this week, Teacups. 

I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry I've been indisposed. Today is the first day I've actually gotten proper sleep and a sense of respite. Whatever's going round is thoroughly unpleasant. 

Please know I appreciate your patience so much. I am so incredibly lucky to have this job. Like, it's actually ridiculous that I get to do such a fun, creative thing with such chilled out, nice people. I am ridiculous and so is my job and I am lucky to be here being ridiculous.  

I feel really shitty that I haven't been making anything. Please know I'm not meaning to be inactive. I want to be back at work. I have a lot of exciting ideas and I want to put them out for you. 

I'm resting the fuck out of my voice and I will absolutely see you next week. 

Thank you for everything. 

All the best,




Feel better soon. Take time to rest!!


Have a great rest!! It's all good 🥂


Don't sweat it Tea, really! It's not like you decided to get sick :p We love being here and it's worth the wait! Take care


Don’t feel bad at all! I think I speak for all of us when I say that we care WAY more about your well-being and we don’t want you to drain yourself for our enjoyment (😏). You do whatever you gotta do! We’ll still be here ❤️

Da Mustache

Take care of yourself tea, gives us a chance to throughly enjoy your older and the overlooked audios, several of which i had no idea id enjoy before this.

Benjamin Horton

Hey, if you’ve been sick, you’ve been sick. Don’t sweat it.


It's all good tea we understand


Get plenty of rest and come back stronger next week 💛

John Folmer

I get feeling sick this week. My throat feels like someone ran 80 grit sandpaper all over it so I don't expect you to go beyond any comfort level


No worries girl, it's all good. Take the time you need to get better. We ain't goin nowhere!! Lol


Tea get that good ass rest! You absolutely deserve to take as much time as you need!! Don't worry about us, just make sure to take care of yourself 💜


Looking after yourself is top priority Tea! Hope the good sleep continues on and you feel right as rain!


Don’t feel guilty for getting sleep. It’s so important for your health.


Mental and physical health should always take top priority. Get well soon Tea.🧡

NiceGame Eh

Take all the time you need for yourself Tea!


Don't feel bad about not uploading any audios. Your health is always more important, and we'll happily wait until you're better. Be inactive as long as you want. Take all the time you need. You're wonderful, and your stuff, wether it's audios, or written posts, is much appreciated <3


It's cool, take your time.

Savage Dragon

Take the rest you need. We're not going anywhere.


Take your time


Please don't feel bad about it. Your health is a priority and you must rest. Take as much time as you need. I actually enjoy reading your posts, as they're giving me an insight on various topics that I am not well met with.

Nicki Løvstrup Hansen

Take all the time you need, and I hope things look up for you soon. I really have no problem with you taking time for yourself for what you need.


It’s ok Tea, that’s why we have a whole library of ur voice audios that we can go back to listen to ^_^


Oh how dare you try to get some sleep and R&R while you're sick? Only a monster would do such a thing. /s In all seriousness, I hope you get to feeling better soon. Always sucks being stopped up.


To take a leaf out of your book Tea. Tea, You are an amazing creator that comes up with original scripts every week. Not only are you deserving of kindness and love, you deserve to be able to take a break when feeling unwell. Don't feel bad about taking care of yourself, we will be waiting when your ready to return. Sincerely, A Fan


No apologies needed Tea, it's great to hear from you in text form too. And you fully deserve to rest when you're not feeling 100%, everyone does. I'm glad to hear your resting, keep it up. 😊


I don't mind at all Tea. You focus on getting healthy and we will root for yah.


Honestly i have such a big backlog to get through anyway xD Get some rest and get well again don't stress yourself ^^


Take your time focus on youself

Iron Piedmont

No need to apologize, Tea. Just rest and focus on getting better.


Before I worked out of office, I knew this guy who would take any opportunity he could find to shirk. When called out on it, he would just tell another blatant lie. Rinse and repeat. You aren't like that, Tea. At all. You care so much about this that you are offering a heartfelt apology for taking actual time to recover. And we are saying that it's okay. You can HAVE time to recover. So go, shoo, go rest. We're not going anywhere.

Monkee Boy

You are perfectly fine Tea. Take the time for self maintenance, don't be a workaholic like me, lol. Hope you feel better soon.

Jeremy Knight

It's alright. after that housefire audio I'm certain that killed your voice.


Tea, there is no us without you as well. All we wish for is your good health ❤


Your fine tea. You been overly good to your patreons from my perspective. You do so much. Over the top compared to others. Do not push your self to burn out either missy


Spam Harder

Ghonnathan Bagwell

spam is welcome. Glad your got decent sleep and hopefully you can continue to do so while stuff improves. Don't forget to take care of yourself


Patience... whats that. I want stuff and i want it naow !

Out of Character

I am glad to hear you are resting. Please don't feel bad or be sorry. You need to rest and recover. You do so much for folks, and you deserve all the time you need. Sorry.


Get some well deserved rest. Maybe oil those working devices with some tea.


Take as long as you need Tea. As you like to remind us, please take care of yourself!


Kinda enjoyed all the text posts not gonna lie


Take your time. Your own health is the most important.


Let us give you lots of virtual hugs and many get well wishes. Spam us of your wholesome thoughts if you want to, I don't think many will mind.

Mike Taylor

You're not the only one that this has hit. Another tea-drinking ASMR content creator has had to take time off to let her voice recover on top of dealing with other in-home issues. You're fine.

Jared Chinchello

Tea, it's all good. We're just glad you're resting. No content, wonderful though it may be, is worth your health. I for one enjoy the writing posts, it gives me something to read on my lunch break.


The written posts are peaceful and pleasant. You just rest. We will be okay to wait.


Hey. Chill out Tea. No need to feel as you do for lacking content or whatever. Much as we love it and the wholesome degeneracy it brings, we care about you as a creator more Take as much time as you need to heal up. One week. Two. A month. However long. We'll be here. So chill. If you absolutely need to feel productive (wildly unhealthy btw) write some scripts or something, but do not push yourself. Take care tea.


Tea you absolutely deserve a bit of a break to rest up! Don’t worry about us we’ll wait, your audios are worth it and I know they’ll be a force to be reckoned with when you’re back creating. In the mean time I’ll be listening to a few of my favorites from you again!

Florian Fuhr

Don‘t apologize for being sick ❤️


Don't feel bad for feeling bad...wait...Anyway, u get the point. XD You focus on getting better, aye?


Aw thanks for the compliments tea! Take as much time as you need, can’t control getting sick. We will be here whenever you return!