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I was recently asked if I think the audios create an unrealistic expectation for real relationships. I think this is a really interesting and worthwhile thing to examine. Here are my thoughts:

Whilst some audios are obviously more outlandish and even ridiculous (looking at you Milky Cow Girl Monster), for the most part, I don't believe the audios create an unrealistic expectation for relationships. On the whole, I think the audios are very reminiscent of what good relationships should be: people caring for each other, listening, trying to help and being there for each other. In a lot of the audios, especially the ones regarding mental health, the girlfriend characters don't magically make everything okay, but they listen and try to be supportive - and that's pretty much all any partner can do. They're not the heroes, they don't always save the day, but they love and support their significant other.

What might be an unrealistic expectation is that people could ever be as consistently convenient as the audios. When you turn on an audio it's because you might want comfort, positive affirmations, etc. But you can't just simply turn those things on in a person or a relationship. People are not products and products are not people.

Even with amazing people, there are gonna be times when they can't be totally attentive and supportive, because they themselves have their own issues, worries and mental health ups and downs. Essentially, people, unlike the audios, are not solely here for our entertainment, enjoyment and comfort. They're complicated, flawed people who don't always say the right thing or put their whole life on hold because their partner is having a hard time. We are not their whole life, but one part of a much bigger picture. And so, I'd say the best way to have realistic expectations around future relationships is to know that people are not designed for us, they're not catering to our specific needs, they don't come with tags of [positive affirmations] [comfort for insecurities], etc.

People are just people. They can be wonderful, fundamentally decent, but they're not always gonna react or behave the way we'd like, and that will absolutely be true of us too. We can't always be our optimal selves and that's what makes us real and human and not a product, not an audio. Ultimately, I see no reason for the audios and real relationships to be in competition with each other. The audios are not real, complicated intimacy, and real relationships are not thought-out, specially crafted role-plays catering to specific wants and desires. They exist in the same universe and are completely separate things.

Ultimately, these audios are not trying to be a replacement for a relationship. They’re escapism, just like a romantic novel, video game, movie, or any other form of entertainment. Their primary function is to make the consumer feel engaged and entertained. Relationships ask far more from a person, but if they’re the right relationships, they also give far more too.

I hope that explains my thoughts and provides you with some insight.

Best wishes,




I agree. And honestly I feel like listening to audios like this has made me better at communicating. Which will be a huge boon to me in my life!


I'm not the best to answer, as i do not expect any kind of realism, i mostly listen to the audio as a background noise while working. At least, those i enjoy. I don't remember enough of the actual audios even shortly after listening to it to even determine if its realistic or not haha. I only remember if i enjoyed the audio or not


I feel like the girlfriend/wife audios definitely feel like a realistic and mature conversation a healthy couple would have


Id love people with tags. What would mine be? [Hopeless Pervert] [Silly Nonsense] [Unsolicited Dinosaur Facts] [M4nobody]... In all seriousness though this was an interesting read. I'd never considered that the audios could be unrealistic (barring obvious exceptions) but I guess some people could see it that way.


I agree with you Tea👍


Well if we are going to be honest with each other here they are going to be unrealistic for most relationships, as problems communicating is a common theme. But that kind of communication is what you should be aiming for.


Precisely. They model a healthy, communicative relationship. Perhaps they're not the majority, but they're probably what we all should be striving for :)


Not to mention that while one can love comforting girlfriend audios, they ultimately only temporarily fill the void of loneliness or lack of romance in someone’s life.


They are fictitious works, so yes unrealistic in that fashion, but in the sense they set up unrealistic expectations on how actual relationships work heck no. This body of work isn’t a self help guide on how to act in common society and never billed itself that way.


Since the listener can't actively interact with the speaker during the audio it obviously can never serve as a replacement for an actual conversation/relationship. But you still manage to make your audios feel realistic (obviously not full but even the monster girl audios for example). This helps me get more invested in the audio and with escapism but it also influences my day to day live. Not like a strict rulebook on how to behave all the time but rather how someone could act in these situations (comforting, reassuring someone, etc.). It also really helped me with my mental health (depression and social anxiety). When I first found your audios I could hardly talk to anyone let alone make friends. Now I went to a halloween party all on my own and actively keep in contact with the new people I befriended without constantly worrying if I annoy them. I still have depressive episodes but it has gotten much tolerable and in these dark times your audios help my through them. In short: Your audios aren't realistic in the sense that they can perfectly mimic a real relationship but they are realistic enough so that the listener is completely engaged in the audio and that it can have an impact on peoples lives.


Honestly when I first saw the question posed at the start, I was thinking something along the same lines, but your explanation was much more well-worded. Thank you, Tea. Hope you're feeling better!


Thank you 🖤


Tbh I feel like listening to Tea has helped me better my communication and social skills, even do I have no dating experience ;-; I feel like I now have a better idea and understanding of wat to expect when and if I go out with someone weather it’s a friend or someone I like 😗👍


Honestly same. Never been in a relationship. So Tea’s audios are like audio books or novel. Might as well taking pointers on what to do if I ever get into one. 😂

Iron Piedmont

I agree with this statement. As much as I enjoy your audios, they're not going to be the same experience as interacting with someone right in front of me. That someone might not be there for me but the audios will. At the same time, I can't hug or do anything else with the audio, but I can with the somebody. As a whole, both the audios and having a relationship with somebody both have their pros and cons.

Aryk Strykker

Tea, I think you're exactly correct. These audios are entertainment, escapism, and fantasy. Maybe they're also instructional, demonstrating a good thing to say in a certain situation.

Joseph Brown

As unrealistic as it may be, I hope to find a woman who will allow me to indulge my perverted fantsies of using her thighs as a pillow while I watch anime. Thigh pillows are amazing.


love your audios. I know what they are and what they aren't. some are wacky and unrealistic, some tell stories, others are meant for healing. My personal favs are the tavern series, tomboy, and the first time series. looking forward to Christmas bc i can listen to miss Santa. you make great content, and that is key, content not life.


Tea talks like a college graduate who helped invent grammerly. So eloquently spoken

J.T. Packer

Some are silly, some are grounded. All keep my humanity from draining away TOO quickly. I'm still almost a person.


It’s absolutely possible to have a relationship like you hear in the audios. It’s imo, the type of relationship you should strive for. But the thing is it’s not just that, there’s going to be difficult times, and in a relationship it’s not about just you or them, it’s about both of you. Ultimately there is far more to it than this.

Finley Cartmell

I don't think people should be basing relationship expectations off of audio roleplays to start with. Same way they shouldn't base their expectations off of movies, or TV, or books. Yeah there's good stuff that one can aspire to be in a relationship like the supportive aspect and the comforting aspect, but expecting it to just be like that by default and all the time is just unrealistic. People are flawed and so is life, all we can do is try, hope for the best, and not get upset when it doesn't live up to our chosen form of entertainment/comfort.

Camilo Iribarren

Perfect way to explain it. Thank you for giving us a TED talk!


To be honest, I feel like these are realistic as they can get. There are many ways a relationship can start/end and tea's audio is just some ways a relationship can turn out. Love is weird and unique and that's why there will always be no way to know if a relationship is realistic.

Jeremy Knight

Someone has to be very closed off to human socializing if they think your audios are replacements for real relationships and sex. As much as I'd love to have a girlfriend even I know she isn't always going to be there to comfort me and be there whenever I need her for help. I always think about what could I offer to the relationship like am I useful? am I worth her patience because of my low vision? would I be able to help her with her issues and would I be good at sex. It's why I have such a low opinion of myself. But I do think your audios are nice examples of what healthy relationships should be.


The only thing unrealistic of anything in a relationship is expecting pure perfection but one thing that can be true is that your significant other is imperfectly perfect for you. The audios you create can be possible and real if so individuals have the imagination and affections to create such experiences for the ones they love.(excluding the monster ones unless you truly do some science magic to turn yourself into something as so out of determination hehe) Your only limit is your imagination everyone. A wise quote I heard and still sticks to me is "When you let reality win and stop dreaming, you die inside." because its true. Anything can be possible but you must understand it's balance and know that everyone can't be that dreamy all the time too and have their own flaws. Tea's audios create a doorway for our imaginations that someone CAN be treated this well and be loved this much. These kind of scenarios don't just drop into your life. They are made through having an imagination and a passionate desire to love you and care about you with affection and so much more. So remember, IMAGINATION is your only limit. Thank you if you read this far, I'm a hopeless romantic so I may be a bit too naive on this topic but I still stand true to what I wrote and I hope you all will too ❤️❤️❤️ Have a wonderful day everyone.

Deadpool 6667

I love your audio's tea and I think they are realistic as they can get


I don't feel that the audios set anything as unrealistic, like you have voiced Tea, they are a good example of what a partner can be. That however, does not mean these audios are a substitute for a real life partner. They are a very genuine source of comfort though on some of the lonely / down days.


Couldn’t have been said better.

Victor Seers

I like the more narrative audios, realistic or not.