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"Random dudes who send me sexual messages, no sir, I am not secretly turned on while voicing p*rn. If you'd like to know, it's far more likely that I need a nap or bowel movement after recording. But thank you for your message. I am slightly uncomfortable, but mostly just amused.

I'm taking this as a positive because hopefully that means I do a decent job with the p*rn, but I really do make it very clear that my work is a product, not a horny lady soliciting sexual attention. If I wanted penis, I'd make my intentions clear. I do not. I want people to enjoy my content, maybe leave a funny comment and then go about their day. Because that's very much what I do. I wake up, I feel anxious about work, I write, record, edit, upload and hope I did a good job.

Because that's what this is - a job! And the VAST majority of the people absolutely get that and it is so appreciated. So, here's this funny story, it happens every so often, let's have a giggle and just appreciate that voice actors are not their characters and very rarely (if ever) are they soliciting penis on the internet - at least not through their businesses. What anyone does in their free time with consenting adults, is really their private wholesome degeneracy."

Best wishes,







I put myself to sleep listening to both your nsfw and sfw content so 😎👉👉

John Folmer

Plus there's the fact that your married, but there's no excuse to send that kind if stuff unsolicited


I’ll admit, I have been curious about that too but chose NOT to ask at all because it’s, what’s that word? Oh yeah. INAPPROPRIATE

Mike Taylor

And just a little reminder: Tea is a married woman and she takes that seriously.


Are we saying you're not a slime monster desperate for my pump action 😯 Im frankly appalled.. Obviously shouldn't happen at all but glad to see atleast the majority gets it. Thank you for your lovely work Tea


The way I have always thought about it is Tea is Tea, the person behind Tea is whoever they are (love all the roleplays BTW). A message on a video would be to Tea, a DM would be to the person Behind Tea. And never send a message you wouldn't want to get from a complete stranger.


I... I've lied to you all. I am neither a shy tomboy nor a milky cow lady. I. AM. A. SHAM D:


They are aware you're married right? If you wanna get your rocks off you very well could just by walking into the next room. So what aim does some random username have in DMing a married content creator?

Timothy Shaw

WAIT! Are you talking about the .09% here that you didn't mention from your last post?


Personally, it doesn't matter if you're single, married, or whatever, this is a business. Can you leave a comment and say flirty things on the audio post? Absolutely because you're talking about the product. But messaging a creator with the intention of "just talking one on one, you and me, are you really just super turned on? I could help you with that, if you want." is well... gross. This is a business. It has tiers, it says at the bottom of every audio "script & audio by TeacupAudio". It's a performance and it should be treated as such. End of the day, Patreon is my work place and I don't feel it's appropriate for customers to send private sexual messages to me. Send me a NSFW concept? Absolutely. Suggest stories with an entirely sexual plot? Great. But don't make it personal with me the creator, because that's not my job. I hope that expands my thoughts further :)

Garrett Gregory

Let’s hope that a polite clarification is all these folks need at the end of the day.




What an asshole! I hope this an isolated case and doesn’t occur often. Tea you do a fantastic job and I appreciate every single audio of you!!! 🤩 Thank you for all ❤️‍🔥 Lots of love


Nobody in their right mind: Weirdos on the internet: Can't common sense, am horny 🐒

Jeremy Knight

I can't really blame them for thinking that since you sound so convincing. There are some audio porn actors i've listened to where they've said they are horny when they record to enhance the experience. But it's fine that you don't feel that way.


I listen to a Tea NSFW audio. I get aroused. I get off. I eat a pop tart. No where in there does there need to be "I give direct unsolicitated sexual attention". Respect the creator and the product y'all.


I am sorry you (and without a doubt other VA's) have to work with that kind of people. Those people do not understand what is reality and what is fiction. If they're feeling horny, they should just jack off or pay a sex worker rather than leave unsolicited texts and pictures to VA's and other similar jobs.

Paschar Araton

Ha, I had been curious of that but thought it impolite to ask. Now I know. I did guess that most likely it was "just doing a job"!


The low IQ monkey brain really does take over when horny, doesn't it?


Fair question, but awful phrasing.


Precisely - fair personal thought best kept to yourself. I can see that these people aren't trying to do any harm, but it's very much on the same vein as those interviewers who ask female celebrities "that catsuit is so tight, did you not have to wear underwear? Well, was it special underwear? I'm just curious". It's absolutely fine to think those things and wonder, but it's very tone deaf to ask complete strangers those kinds of questions, at least in my opinion. Personally, I think a lot of people have a hard time separating a woman's performance, specifically a sexual performance, from the woman themselves. It's almost as if people can't comprehend that a woman could just as easily pretend to be aroused as she could pretend to be annoyed, happy, in love, etc. Most of the time when people go to work it's because they have an obligation or a sense of purpose or plain just because that's what's expected. I am very lucky to have such a creative job, but that's what it is to me. It's a job I can have fun with, have freedom in, but my goal is to do a good job, and to me, work is the least arousing thing in the world. So, if I was actually turned on, I'd literally do no work and be very unproductive. And that's absolutely fine and good that some VA's do get turned on to help their performance. I was speaking solely from my perspective and method. I hope that explains it a bit better. I don't object to the thought, it's more the inability to keep it as just a private wonder. But that's the thing about the internet, anonymity allows people to ask things they'd probably not in real life. Just reiterating that I'm just some very ordinary woman who's very much just doing a job and it's not the best thing in the world to have to politely week after week say "no, sir, no I am not really turned on. It's acting" :)


I think more than anything your throat would probably be dry from all the gasping lol

Wendy Darling

Thank you for articulating this struggle, I’ve been growing weary of the “curious” inquiring pokes as well. You always have a way of clearly pointing out the faux pa in a nonthreatening way. Much appreciated.

Jeremy Knight

They most likely ask personal questions like that because it's a bit more personal for them. I hate making someone uncomfortable and when you said you're married I stopped wanting to ask questions like that.


100%. I can see that it's not meant in a bad way, but it's just that - it's a personal thing and I feel it should be kept personal with the listener. I'm the creator, not the characters they had a connection with or a hard-on for. And whilst I appreciate the good intentions, it doesn't really matter that I'm married. I'd still feel uncomfortable if I was single. Because these audios do not feature me, they feature the characters, and it's the characters that people listen to and enjoy. I am literally just the mouth piece :)


Not at all, lovely. Hope you haven't been made to feel uncomfortable. I don't think people do it with any bad intentions, but it's really important to state what's appropriate or not. This is your and mine's work place and it's just good to make sure everyone is aware that even with the best of intentions, inappropriate behaviour can still happen. End of the day, this is a job and everyone deserves to feel comfortable - including the content creators :)


Have you ever gone to a restaurant and finished a meal that was so good you went back to the kitchen to ask the chef if they wanted to check out your genitals? They did a job and you enjoyed it. That's all.


The most inappropriate question I ever actually wanted to ask Tea is what blend she prefers. I hope she’s not an Earl Grey drinker — all my dreams would be shattered.

Ji Eye Joe

😔 I understand the struggle/pain.


Good god, never Earl Grey! A wholesome degenerate has standards! English Breakfast all the way :)