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"Being a good person doesn't mean you never get angry, or never have mean thoughts. It just means that you have them, you process them in a healthy way, and you don't punish other people for how you feel. Being decent is a choice. Choose not to blame the world for your problems."






Wise words😌😌


Words I can relate with 😌


Tea speaking truth.


I've been noticing lately that I'm overall very angry about a lot of shit. I get easily pissed off about certain things. And inevitably, I do the unhealthy thing and just internalize all of my anger. But on the outside, people who know me would say I'm such a nice and good guy. So I guess I successfully contain my anger so I'm perceived well on the outside but I'm not dealing with the problem properly...


Somehow, I feel like you're gonna attract the bad feelings of a lot of people, saying that on Twitter. Shame when it is the truth. Big love to you.

Timothy Shaw

I describe good and decent differently and it's probably why I see my self the way I do

Cullen Nash

You, Tea, are a very good person. And we know you get angry and have mean thoughts sometimes, as we all do. But you process those thoughts very well through the soothing, loving material you put out. As always, many thanks and love.

Camilo Iribarren

Yes! Being good is important because it spreads to others and may even inspire. Thank you, Aun-Tea


Thank you, Tea. I think I really needed to hear this.