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Guys -

I'm sorry I'm such a wet blanket, but sometimes I just feel overwhelmed with this covertly narcissistic want for "let's all be happy. I want us all to fall in love, have wonderful friends, make memories, brighten lives, get ice cream at 3AM. I just don't want us to die before we've had as much of it as possible."

I know no one here knows me and I am not my characters, but I've seen so much sadness and strife in my short, inconsequential life, that I just have this burning desire to try and spread as much joy as possible. I appreciate that I'm just a weird lady on the internet, and for all anyone knows, I really could be some bloke named John. But I mean this sincerely, I really do want you to be happy. I want me to be happy. I want us all to put out good and get some good in return. 

We're all gonna die a lot sooner than we imagine. Life is quick and it is often filled with far too much pain, confusion and hate. Please grab, experience and be happy as often as you can. 

Shit, as always in my traumatised family's life, continues to go down. We are a family that comes from a long line of abuse, it's been passed down to us, and I for one have really just had e-fucking-nough.

None of us can change the past. None of us can change our parents, our mental disorders, or even how we behaved five years ago. All we can do is try to be better for ourselves and the people we give a shit about. 

I wish you nothing but the best of luck, and I really, really fucking hope you feel something good soon. 

Best wishes, 




Benjamin Horton

If John sounds like that, I might just be a little gay after all 😂


Alright group hug session in 10 minutes


Tea you’re thinking to much. But maby thats a good thing 😞✌🏼


And you deserve so much happiness too Tea


Like this for a V-hug ;-;


I propose a summoning circle for happiness and love to enter all of our lives


Right back at ya


If I could hug you❤️ thanks a lot for this post and I wish you all the best in every way possible, hope you'll get even more patrons for even more stonks 😂 big love from France ☺️


Awww tea that was so heartfelt and sweet i wish you the happiest of happyness please take care of yourself you beautiful bean

Duke The Rebel

I’m gonna be honest, The past couple years I have not been happy fully in anyway at all even though I did smile some days even when I would watch your stuff regularly Tea nothing just seem to be enough things did start getting better at the beginning of last year, I made amazing friends that I am still friends with to this day and I plan on doing everything I can to never lose them. I have an IRL friend which I really want to spend more time with but me and her are very close, and recently I started a new job and I finally think that after all that’s happened and to the point that I am now I was finally able to get out of a funk that I’ve been in for the better part of half a decade. So thank you very much for this message Tea, I will absolutely continue to do what you are saying


If it’s wrong to want to brighten the world then I don’t want to be right. I think it’s more important than ever to be involved in building the community and culture you want to be a part of. Some want to see the world burn. I don’t, and I’m tired to see those around me try. So why not support good folks and content that build the world I want to be a part of? Thank you for sharing what you do and how you feel with us. I hope you get the happiness you spread returned to you and more.


Just want to say that I hope everyone here is doing well in their lives, keep your head up and appreciate the small positive things that comes by. Be safe 🥂


Thank you. You too


Having been subjected to the... whims, shall we say, of an abusive narcissist, I can guarantee that there's nothing covertly narcissistic about wanting to grab all the happy you can with both hands. Sadly, there's no Oprah shouting "You get happiness! You get happiness!" So we need to take it where we can. Absentee deities know I'm certainly trying. Here's me wishing you the best and hoping you all the happy as well!


Sending some hugs to those that need it. Please take care. Thank you Tea, for being such a light in the world. Even if it maybe doesn’t feel that way. You have built an amazing community here. I am proud to be part of it.


I hope everyone's day turns out great, this community is simply the best

sa r dran 24

We also want happiness for you tea ❤️

Hubert rockstrong

I discovered recently that I have a genetic heart condition, and the “we’re gonna die a lot sooner than we imagine” hit me like a freaking truck


Be well everyone and take whatever you can steps to a happier future. Drink water, get some sleep if you can, and a walk around for some fresh air. Make sure to enjoy the scenery in life. If you focus on the storms; then the storms are all you’ll see.


Sending you love Tea <3 I'm sorry that you've had such a difficult time in life. Thank you for being a positive impact on your community

John Folmer

God what kind of idiot would be named John


I think you're doing a good job in the bringing people happiness department. At least for me, I feel that your audios might not be happiness itself, but they definitely have been a interesting beacon of sorts that I believe is guiding me closer to a happiness. Your audios make me want to take action and find my happiness. Sure, sometimes my loneliness brews up seemingly out of nowhere, but instead of just letting that storm bash me around, I actually have been using it to fuel my efforts to find a grounded happiness. All your content and the values they convey have been that beacon that represents that grounded happiness. I hope to find myself there one that, and I honestly believe I'll get there if I keep moving. Thanks for that.


Tea. You make me happy. YOU! Know that. Your audios give me a short escape into a fantastical world. I smile because of you.


I know this will be simple but I truly wish for everyone to succeed and be happy (besides the bad ones lol but perhaps they can be swayed?). Everyone deserves a slice of that happiness and enjoy some peace and quiet, whatever that may look like for them.


So we are spilling the "tea" today huh. Ok I'll open up just for today. Tea, You will probably never know just how much things like your audios mean to me. Even if your some dude you make something that at least for a little I can forget my problems and not over think everything. And for that I say thanks. Now I'm going to go back to lurking as sharing my feelings is not really a skill of mine.


Right back at Ya👌

Lachlan Parker

I don't think you're a wet blanket, Tea. You're just a little conflicted subconsciously. I may only be 20, but I think I see what you mean. But I believe in you. I believe that you will find happiness within yourself. I can absolutely relax to wanting to ignore yourself to make others happy, but please don't. It's horrible. You have no drive, even when you're determined and obsessed by your "life's work", like I am. I know life is short. It terrifies me more than I can comprehend. But please focus on 'your' happiness first. I understand such a selfish desire. It makes me cold sometimes. But I want better for you. However, I'm glad that you trust us enough to tell us this. I don't know how to thank you...

Lachlan Parker

And if, indeed, you are not like your characters, I do not know what to say or feel about that. However, I completely understand, and I do something similar within my own fantasies. Just as long as you stay true to yourself (sadly no one in my generation has integrity anymore), I will not judge such a disparity... After all, you enjoy it almost as much as we do...


I know it probably sounds sappy, but I personally believe that if you are happy more often than you're not, then you're living a good life. Doesn't matter how you're getting happiness, whether you're doing the job of your dreams or sitting at home all day collecting cheques from the government and playing video games, if you're happy, more often than you're not, that's what's important. And if you're going through a period when you aren't, and what's causing it is beyond your control, then try to make the best of it. I learned to do that when I was in the hospital 6 years ago. That whole time really changed my perspective on life, and showed me that even at your lowest point, there's nowhere left to go but up. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


I am thankful for not just finding these audios that you have made but knowing well you care for your community too. It's a rough world, inside and out but it's nice to know you made a safe haven for people. Thanks Teacup. I may not know you personally but thank you for being there.

Ryan N

Thank you, Tea <3 Gotta take the time and appreciate even the small things in your life; that’s helped keep things positive.

Out of Character

Thanks Tea. Your audios, posts, and tweets are a real comfort. You're always a source of happiness. Thank you.

Erin McLean

It's canon to me now that Teacup's real name is John.


Many hugs and much love to ya as well Tea! You do amazing work and I know that I really enjoy all the things you produce and wish you all the best along this wild, but super fun journey! :D


Thank you very much the people in my life are very negative and your posts always bring just enough positivity to get by <3


Cheers John, I want you to be happy too. Keep it easy bud ❤

Cullen Nash

No need to apologize, Tea. I wish you well too and I most certainly hope you feel something good soon as well.


The "we're all gonna die a lot sooner than we imagine" line seems a bit too morbid and overly pessimistic for a piece that is otherwise positive, personally, but I do otherwise much appreciate the sentiment!


thanks im trying my best

Mia K Holster

I smiled for what feels like the first time I days reading this. Thanks.


For all that it's worth, you have my love as someone who comes to your content for all kinds of comfort. Heck, everyone here gets my love 💕 Next round is on me guys, be it beer, whisky or ice tea 🍻

Monkee Boy

Goddamn it Tea, stop making my heart swell. It hurts when it presses against my ribcage lol. You make me wanna meet you and give you a great big hug every time you say something like this. 🤗


Buddha said life is suffering. Most people in history and now are poor. Even in developed countries, the poor outnumber everyone else. Not all poor people are constantly unhappy and not all rich people are constantly happy, but in general money is supposed to help alleviate some of the stress of living. It would seem that MOST people by a LARGE MARGIN have lived lives of suffering. Social media, telelvision/movies and even the news will TRY to paint a picture, that there is an "average person" that has a certain "quality of life". But everyone was born. Everyone dies. Every bum you see was someone's baby. Possibly loved or perhaps unwanted. They are where they are now. Families lose homes, people die in accidents. Lives are "ruined", to use the term that media would have us say for this. If we look to animals (which our strong scientific tradition has told us we are), and lets just talk about mammals here, we see mothers eat their young, we see violence and suffering, males come in and kill their rivals' kids and take their mates or just kill them outright. They know bitter losses. Animals don't generally ever chose not to live despite these things. Jews didn't commit suicide during the holocaust. Most living beings chose to LIVE even if it is understood to be suffering. That is to say, whether you think we're animals or divine, whether you think Buddhism is wack or dope, maybe something to remember is that the "default norm" isn't constant happiness, or fulfillment, or calm, or any of those things. It merely is. I'm not trying to say "only the bad assess make it, RIDE THE LIGHTNING", quite the opposite. Shit sux and miserable is the default state. Not of man, but of everything. Yet the world keeps turning. You're going to make it. d( ^_') PS More Vampire audios plox.

Iron Piedmont

You deserve happiness too, Tea. Your husband deserves happiness. Your whole family deserves happiness. I just hope that happiness comes sooner than later. Best wishes, Tea. 😊

Mike Taylor

Tea, just know that we all appreciate what you do and we understand when you have to take a step back and deal with whatever crap that comes your way. I wish you and your family the best.

Tony Silvey

You're a wonderful woman tea, you make us all smile and we're always grateful to you. We only want the best for you, your husband, your mom, your whole family.


That- That’s amazing. Thank you.


You have my gratitude for your words Tea. I understand because I'm like that too. I want the absolute best for everyone even more so than I do for myself. I know I should want myself to be happy too but for a reason I can't even understand, seeing and making others happy makes me happy. Honestly, if I could have a super power, that would be it. The ability to make people happy.


Thanks Tea, happiness would be great for all of us. Lots of love to you for being there for us 💙


You are a kind and thoughtful person, Tea. Your notes like this help to me from giving up and losing all faith in humanity.

The Loneliness

Thanks, you too. Jo... ahhhh Tea. Sorry almost mixed up.


You too Tea, and thank you.