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"Now, take off your shirt and let me get at it."

Accept the fact that even though you don't always love yourself

I, very much, do.


Apologies for this being uploaded and then deleted. It was supposed to come out this week under a totally different title and I goofed it all up like a goof. Apologies, and please enjoy :) 


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio



Thank you

Camilo Iribarren

Everyone needs good cuddles and appreciation

Flux Goodra

Don’t worry about it. Goofs happen, just a thing of life

Mike Taylor

I'm glad to see it back.

sa r dran 24

That was sweet ❤️❤️❤️

Garrett Gregory

You: “Excuse me, I have to devour you.” Me, a vorarephile: “Uhh… “ You: “And now I’m gonna wrap around you like a snake.” Me, a vorarephile: “Uhhhhh… “ Entire premise of the RP: “I love your belly.” ME, A VORAREPHILE: “UHHHHHHHH!”


This is a very sweet audio. I’ve been losing weight years and while only about 20-25 pounds from where I want to be, the belly still haunts me. Great job, Tea. 💙👍


The second you quoted smash mouth, I said "I love this girl."


The ticking clock was a nice touch, really cozy and relaxing 😴

Chad Schmaltz

This was a really sweet audio, Tea. I'm still working on self-acceptance and my self-image so an audio like this is a nice morale booster.

Scarida Ghostly

It's me teeth that I'm insecure about


This but for us skinny folks please. We have insecurities too


Thank you Tea 🥺💜

Blaze of the Razgriz squadron

Ive always had insecurities about my "dad bod/beer gut". Probably always will, because my desire to make the girl I'm with proud to be seen with me. I've never understood the female psyche regarding the attraction to that kind of body type and how anyone let alone women could find it sexy. I'm open to discussion about it, I'd like to understand why you find it attractive.


To absolutely clarify to everyone, I am not the characters in the audios. The characters hold their own opinions, desires, and wants and they are totally separate from me. I really hope that's clear. These characters are created for the listeners entertainment, enjoyment, and comfort. I think ultimately, anyone can find a multitude of personalities, body types, features attractive. People are just people, and if you like someone, that's probably the biggest part of the attraction.

Blaze of the Razgriz squadron

Appreciate the reply Tea! My fault for not conveying my message correctly. I know your audios are characters and are separate from your own desires. What I meant by my comment was primarily directed at anyone in the comments section who did have an attraction to this particular body type and I was willing to discuss it with them. But I digress, and am thankful that someone who I've enjoyed listening to took the time to reply to me and was willing to give me a little insight about it. Much love Tea, and stay you!❤


Thanks so much for this audio Tea. I’ve been saving this one for a day I really felt down and I really needed it last night to drown out some pretty bad thoughts. Won’t go into the details but long story short everything in this audio was what I needed to hear. Here’s hoping I’ll take the lesson to heart and practice more being kind to myself.