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"I know you have a girlfriend!"

Loyal, loveable and entirely too snuggable.

That's just what you are, now hush!

"Because she is me!"


First Winner of October's Tea's Choice!


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio



Thank you


Thank you so much Tea ❤️

Benjamin Horton

Would it be a problem if I said I WANTED you to have your way with me?


Damn, didn't know I needed this in my life

Mike Taylor

This was nice and warm.

Thor Odinson

Fun fact: This exact thing happened to a buddy of mine. At their wedding, his wife said that moment was when she knew she was gonna marry him.

sa r dran 24

This was absolutely and wonderfully wholesome


This is so much more than the idea I had in my head. It's amazing. Truly a wonderful audio. Easily the best off all my birthday presents. Thank you so much Tea, you're the best. Now I have a raging heart on.


I adored every minute of this. Amazing work Tea <3


Loved it. Great concept!


Very nice


This is a beautiful example that the best moments are often the goofy but loving ones.

Mike Taylor

Alcohol was a mixed bag for me. It tended to magnify whatever mood I was in. If I was angry or sad, I quickly learned to leave it alone until the bad mood passed.


*with heavy russian accent*: "dis.....dis i like!"

Dalton Remy

This is really similar to the "Look After You" audio, which I absolutely adored. 😁 Keep up the great work Tea!


So my laughter-induced choking on the first sip of water was just poorly timed coincidence. The humor snuck up on me, and that's something to be applauded in any scenario. The second time though? That one's totally my fault. I didn't learn my lesson, tried to take a sip again, and choked when you made me laugh again. So, yeah. Congrats on making an audio that was so stupidly wholesome, I very nearly drowned on dry land! 😆

Lane howell

this audio made me feel fuzzy af. Great job!!