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“Please be fair, this is not fair.”

You've convinced me 

Now, don't you dare hurt me.

“Because the horniness is charging up inside me, and your pretty face is above me…”


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio


sa r dran 24

*horny friends to lovers* *Oh yeah, it’s all coming together*

Neil Winter

Hello ma'am, could you please exchange your horny license for a wholesome one here. Effective immediately

Elijah King

The sacred friends to lovers tag, just can't get any better.


Thank you


Friends to lovers give's me liiiife. Many thanks Tea :)


Damn June you are so quick! When will the day come when I’m the first one on the post! You win again sly fox😺 Thx Tea!


Ahhh FTL 👀❤️😍 Also, Thank you Tea; I love your content. I hope everything’s going well!

Mike Taylor

My wholesomeness is unstoppable! Mwahahaha!


I thought this is NSFW


Horny friends to lovers and it’s sfw. All aboard the hype 🚂

Lachlan Parker

"My dear... I may not be anywhere near as sexual as you (partly because of effort to control it), but I want to be more sexually expressive if it means that we can be both lovers AND friends... It'll be fine, I promise. Even if we break up at some point, I'll still be your best friend. I swear to it..." (This is my character's response to her fears of losing me, and our friendship.) (Edit: "Lots of kisses? As long as I get lap pillows, nail tracing along my spine, and headpats, I'll give you all the kisses and orgasms you can handle...")

Jeremy Knight

The sexual tension in this is insane, I would be so down with being her good boy.


"I don't want to throw our friendship away for an orgasm." - wise words you really don't expect to hear. This was so amazing! Thank you, Tea!


Admittedly, it's been a hot minute since I've been here. And boy is it good to be back for this gem. Glad to see you degenerates held down the fort well and kept Tea workin

Scarida Ghostly

I don't mind being called adorable.

Jakub Juchniewicz

That was very wholesome :D shy tea is the best