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"Sticking your dick in a vagina does not make you a man. A six pack does not make you a man. A big penis does not make you a man. A man is defined by his kindness and strength, not the size of his dick. Fuck societal expectations for men! Let men be the kind people they are."



Iron Piedmont

Hell yeah! Tell it like it is, Tea!


Thanks Tea for always looking after us.


Thank you, Tea.


Good thing that Tea doesn't know about FemaleDateingStrategy subreddit or else shed start a war


Thank you Tea, your sentiment is very much appreciated <3


Can Confirm, However if there was ever a Physical/Metaphysical thing that could make a boy a man It would be listening to Dragonforce songs like Soldiers Of The Wasteland, that song's enough to light a fire in anyone's heart.

Finley Cartmell

Idk why but I read vagina as vampire 😳

Emperor’s Champion

A man is not someone who acts strong, but is strong enough to be gentle. (Modified quote from Peter Cullen)

Coyote D.

Thanks for the kind words as always. When you read too much news and media that leads thought otherwise, you are a fresh breath of air.


Thank you


Absolutely. Those societal expectations have terrible mental effects on men who try to live up to those expectations but can’t, and people who don’t understand that, continue to press those expectations onto men, or negatively stereotype men using those expectations as weapons to push a harmful agenda, have no idea how they can and have ruined the lives of so many men. We’re human too damn it!


Aren’t you doing the same thing putting your expectations on man how they should be good or bad


I'm not sure what you read, but Tea didn't say she "expected" anything of men in general. She's just mentioning some of the toxic messages that are sent to men, usually on a daily basis by society. Society is constantly trying to push the idea of what a "Man" and a "Woman" should be, but we humans are not so simple a creature, especially with our varied genetic codes and lifestyles. Edit* whoops, forgot to go back and mention being kind. Sorry, Tea. But yeah, be kind! Lol

Tommy Hiesto

Thank you so much for your words tea they mean i a lot thank you btw when i read this all i could think about is the Men can cry audio you did a while back they both now have a very special place in my heart thank you again Tea


I appreciate the kindness, and understand what you mean, but this feels more like swapping expectations than getting rid of them. IMO, expectations aren't universally bad. If they involve harm to yourself/others, or if they're for something completely out of your control, or if they're seen as THE ONLY way to be a [identity] instead of A way, then yeah that's unhealthy. But for me, I'd rather have a guideline around, and risk failing to live up to it, than have nothing at all. I think I'm just not exposed to a lot of "toxic masculinity" as it can be called. I'll count myself lucky.


That's fantastic. I'm so pleased that's been the case for you. And you're absolutely correct. There's nothing wrong with guidelines, but using these as the ONLY way to be a man can be very detrimental to men's mental health and outlook on life. It's just the same with any concrete idea about any one group, so long as it's not taken as THE ONE TRUE WAY, there's nothing wrong with aligning with that idea. There's obviously nothing wrong with being a masculine man with a big penis. I truly hope that was obvious from my post. My point was YOU men define yourselves as men, not your anatomy or frequency of sex. Ultimately, there's a million positive ways to be a man, and I'm sure men would know far more about that than me. I am not a man. I will never be a man, but I really do believe that with good communication and honesty the sexes can better understand each other. As I said, the future shouldn't be gendered, just kind :)


Human beings in general, women and men, should never be judged just based on their bodies. It can warp and twist your mind when you constantly stress over appearances like this. I would know from personal experience unfortunately which I'm still dealing with. But together we can all try and be more open minded and accepting of our own and each other's bodies


A-fucking-men Tea. I constantly tell people that Muscles, Money, or Dick size doesn't make the man just like Beauty, Makeup, or Breast size doesn't make the woman either. It's all about who you are and what you do.


Can I confide in you Tea?


Everytime June shows up! So does I! Thank you Tea!


Oorah. A man is measured by the size of his heart, not his body.


It is like this; If a man was a cake, would you want that cake to be bitter, and tasteless? Or would you want that cake to be sweet and full of flavor? Sex is just the icing on the cake, and finding out a man has a big dick, is like a cream filled cake. (Inuendo intended)


It's posts like this make me think the world can be better.

Dalton Remy

A man sticking his dick into a woman doesn't make him a man because they cancel eachother out. However, if a man sticks his dick in another man, then he becomes a Man². Simple biology. Lol


Idk bro. Her making me come on her sandals doesn’t make me feel like a man.


Thank you Tea


Be strong enough to be gentle


I kinda needed that, thanks!


I mean, I'm sure I can make the Strong but Gentle thing work... The kind words are much appreciated still, Tea. We don't do the compliment thing around here a lot


Thanks Tea! That means a lot

Lachlan Parker

I may not be effeminate, but I can still proudly say: Fuck masculinity. Bell Hooks (female psychologist) described its emotional scaring and inabilities in her book "Men, Masculinity, and Love". I haven't read it, but I know a few bits and pieces. Enough to back up my thoughts on how being masculine is a curse. Those people need our help. Thank you for sharing this, Tea. Time to get the proverbial ball rolling once more...


This made me feel good.

Cloyd Vanderhaag

Masculinity is NOT a bad word. Men are kind. They are caring. That is not Effeminite or masculine. Its Kind. Some of the best traits of a good person are "masculine" The ability to stand up for and protect our friends and those we love. The media and shit wants to paint "masculinity" as this toxic thing and it is doing TERRIBLE damage to men. because those toxic things they try to pin on masculinity is NOT what masculinity is.

Camilo Iribarren

Thank you for your kind words. Now, on to society and change their views


Thank you for confirming this, it doesn’t matter from anyone’s attire/ looks and size and physicality , it’s their personality .

Jordan Curry

We need more people like you in the world