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The image reads:

"Unfortunately, we're dealing with the fallout of a domestic  violence situation in my family. Right now, my family needs stability and security. I will continue to do my work as a VA and I will take comfort in it. Because that's what you do. Looking forward to stepping it up."




I hope the situation doesn’t get too bad…


Stay safe tea, I hope everything ends up for the better and everyone can get away ok


Oh my God. I'm so sorry, Tea.

Noah Warnock

sending love <3

Gary Cieszynski

Don't be afraid to take some time off Tea, we all get it if its a way of coping with your situations be please don't be afraid to do so. Take time for yourself🥰

Camilo Iribarren

Take your time and take care of your family. That’s more important than being a VA. We will wait


It’s all good tea, hope everything turns out ok


Take your time and thank you

Galactic Gaming

Hope you’re okay, same goes for your family

Flux Goodra

I’m sorry to hear you’re involved in such a situation. I hope you manage to keep moving forward

Timothy Shaw

I'm so sorry you gotta deal with that shit. I personally get disgusted with domestic violence. Because coming from someone who struggles with anger issues, and violence being my second nature I will do anything to avoid violence. So I hope you the best and can only wish you will reach out if we can help!


Wish you and your family all the best Tea. It's rough, as someone who's been around it before, lord I know it's rough. Hope things work out okay. <3

Maxfield Grassy

I hope things get better for you and your family. Take all the break time you need!


Stay safe, stay strong, and stay happy Tea. We're rooting for you.


I hope things get better with your family Tea. And I pray you find renewed passion for voice acting so taking care of your family doesn't tear you down. Don't forget to take care of yourself.

Warden D.

Stay strong and go get em' Tea. You got this.

Loaf Head

Im sorry to hear that, hope it all sorts itself out


Best wishes towards you Tea, I hope things get better for you soon


So sorry to hear that Tea. Unfortunately hearing that happen too much here in the UK lately… Sending love and hoping the situation improves. Do whatever you need to do for you and your family ❤️


So sorry to hear that tea but I know you can get through it you're strong


Mercy above I'm sorry to hear, I hope things settle out soon and you are those affected are safe and sound


Tea, stay safe, please. We all hope things get better for you and your family. Take the time you need


I'm Sorry to hear that. Please take care of yourself and your family first.


I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I hope every works out for the best.


Stay safe tea, hope everything turns out okay

Shadowy Fox

I'm so sorry to hear that's happened. Having been there myself, I hope for safety and security for your family


Shit, I hope things'll turn out okay. Stay safe, Tea


I'm so very sorry to hear that this has happened within your family Tea. I can't do much as a random stranger on the internet but know that if you ever need anyone to talk to that is an outside listener, I am here for you. Hopefully everything works out for the better with your family, sending all the positive thoughts and vibes your way.

Just Plain Joe

Please stay safe, Tea. And take care of yourself and your family before anything else. Sending love and virtual hugs ❤️


Best wishes to you all <3


Oh my gosh, Tea. You and yours are in our thoughts and prayers. I hope the situation is resolved without further trauma, but I know from experience that it's not always that easy. So, please, take care of yourself and your loved ones through this ordeal, and let them do the same for you. Best wishes, Tea.


Oh no... I'm so sorry to hear that :'( Remember to also keep yourself safe as well! You can't be there for them in the long run if you run yourself too hard. *Raises hands to lend energy*


I hope everything work out in the end tea take any time you need to keep yourself mentally ok


I'm so sorry for you and your family. I hope they are ok and please do whatever you need to. That includes taking an extended break or focusing on script writing for a while if that is what is best for you. We will always be here to support you and I want whats best for you because you've done so much to let me be a better person than before I found you and this amazing community


Look after yourselves Tea and Tea's mum. I really hope everyone's okay.

Joseph Brown

Love you Tea. Here for you if you need it. I'll say a prayer for you and your family.

Jeremy Knight

Sorry what you're going through. we'll always be here to support you.


With you in whatever way that I can Tea, may you and your family be blessed

Monkee Boy

I'm so sorry to hear this happened Tea. Please take care of yourself and yours before anything. We've got your back.

German Wulf3

We're all here for ya tea. Just keep on doing what you feel is the best course of action. We stand by you.


Aww damnit Tea that’s a shit situation, if we can do anything please don’t hesitate to ask


I'm sorry to hear that, Tea. Do what you need to do, we'll always be there for you. Best wishes


Oh dear... I'm sorry for the turbulence. I hope everyone's safe/recovering. And I do hope this work is a sincere comfort for you, and not just for our sake. Take care ❤️.


Im so sorry to hear that, we hope you take the time you need and think of us as the durable audience we are. Youre a pro at this and nobody offers something so good. We wont go away if you take time to handle what it is you need

Brian Henegar

Oh No......I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I don't know your religious status, but rest assured, I will pray for you and your family.

Agent M

Storms don't last forever so stay strong for your family


Wish you and your family all the best in this situation and in general, do whatever you you feel is best and take care Tea

Agent M

I got this earlier this week..so feel free to share it with whoever might need it: Learn that loyalty doesn't mean you must accept unlimited pain from people who are in pain. Loyalty starts with first being loyal to yourself and your own growth. Normalize leaving relationships where loyalty to "them" always costs the loyalty you must prioritize for yourself.


I'm so sorry to hear that tea! Take your time and do what ever it takes to feel at peace and centered again


I'm sorry you have to go through that tea. Be strong and I hope things get better and are more stable again. Prayers to you and your family. We're supporting you.

Jam Elephant

Tea if you need to take some time off, take it. Do what you need to do for your family. Take care.


Lots of love to you and your family!


Stay safe!


Take all the time you need, family comes first.


When my parents got divorced my dad met a new woman. Now before I continue I will describe my dad. He is a veteran of the marine corps. Was in Africa before the events of the battle of Mogadishu. And for years he was an operator that defended American senators and all those kind of people. Now a little while after my parents got divorced. He met his now ex girlfriend. Who after 2 months of a relationship she started forcing him to go to church. And she started trying to force him into being religious. (He is not.). They broke up recently. Now the way I helped him was as such. I’m gonna help him move into his new home. And I am always checking in on him. I call him every weekend and I do my best to keep his mind occupied. Now this may not help the person in your situation. But that may help. Hope everything gets fixed tea. We are here for you.

Iron Piedmont

I'm sorry you're family is going through that, Tea. If there is anything we can do for you, don't hesitate to ask. Best wishes. 💙

Phoenix Brave Hideki

Sorry to hear that Tea. Do what you need for you and your family. Stay safe.


That’s horrible no one should ever have to put up with something like that! Please look after yourself and your family during this tough time. Sending my love and positive vibes ❤️💛


Domestic Violence audio next week?



Neil Winter

Oh... Oh my god, just do whatever you need to feel better. Whether it's making content or not, just focus on you


We wish the best for you and your family we thank you for what you to but remember to take care of yourself


Sorry to hear that, Tea. But I'm glad are you able to take solace in your job.


oh goodness. take whatever time you need, family always comes first.

Dalton Remy

I wish the best for ya Tea. Don't be afraid to take some short breaks here and there between making audios. And if you haven't already, maybe find another hobby that interests you and that you can engage with on your spare time. Or get a gym membership. Both if those suggestions tend to help with fighting depression. All the best Tea!

King Demon

I’m sorry for what you and your family are going through, I wish you the very best and hope things turn out for the better. Do whatever you gotta do to stay strong and well ❤️

Paul Gooch

Take care of yourself and be safe!


Forget the Audios. Drop everything and take care of your family and yourself. Don't go back to doing them until you and your family are 110% safe and recovered from this dark situation.


Please only do it for if you are comfortable.

Ryan N

Sorry to hear that, Tea. I hope the situation works out for the best and gets resolved smoothly for your effected family member… Do what you need to do. Best wishes.

Ghonnathan Bagwell

That sort of thing is always awful, Hope everything can get situated.

Mike Taylor

It doesn't seem like she's in immediate danger. More like something happened to a family member and they're picking up the pieces. She's using the audios as a respite from dealing with that.


Well that's quite awful to hear. I'll send my prayers and hopes for the safety of your family.

Jakub Juchniewicz

Take care Tea and all the best wishes to you and your dear ones ❤️


Oh my goodness. Tea, don’t try to force yourself to work during a bad situation like that. Domestic violence is a serious and even traumatizing experience, and whoever it is, you need to be there for them. We can wait and understand what’s happening. 💙

Cullen Nash

I’m so sorry, Tea. You do whatever you need to do to find stability and security. We’re all here for you and we wish your family well. Thank you for everything.


Please take care of yourself Tea, I'm so sorry you and your family are going through this, wishing you the best and keeping you in mind and prayer.


Take care of yourself and your family... Don't worry about the audios..

Scarida Ghostly

Oh geez. Hopes you're okay. 🖤🖤

Nam Bui

I hope things work out for the best for you and yours.


Tea, we’re eternally thankful for all the work you’ve done for us. But if you need time, then take it. In times like this, family comes first.

Buck Toddrustle

Take all the time you need, Tea. We’re here for you, honey. Your health both physical and mental is more important than anything else.

Florian Fuhr



Tea, I dealt with DV situations alot when i was a police officer, because of that i have quite a bit of experience with helping families through these types of situations. I dont know what happened nor do need to know because thats a private matter and I'm just a friendly internet stranger, but all i have to say is if you or your family need anything my messages are always open. I wish you and your family all the best and I send all the support I can. We love you Tea, you and your family and as always if you need take a break from social media and making audios. When all is said and done your physical, mental, and emotional health and well being always comes first. Love you Tea and I am sending you prayers and best wishes.