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The image reads:

"It's really, really hard not to let your bad experiences cloud your world view. Yes, some people will hurt you, cheat on you, abuse you. That is a fact. But there are many, many other decent, kind people who would love to make you feel cared for. Two things can be true."




Thank you


If you haven't met the people that care for you and make you feel like you matter, don't give up. They're out there, for sure Also thank you Tea :)


Well said Tea truly well said.


Again: Thank You!


While I hate the expression "My Truth", I do agree that everyone has their own experiences and view of everything. Don't discount another person's viewpoint without knowing their experieces.

What Would Network

I know that people are good, but people like you and Sweetheart Audio are my internet waifu's. After a Negative DNA test a week before the boy's first birthday, I will never get into a real relationship again. Internet Waifu's for life. They can't cheat on you if they're not real.


Very kind words! Very often, some bad people can harm the psyche of another person, this is a fact, but you should never let this ruin your life!


Just got around to seeing this.... Had an argument with family over this same exact thing. My parents want me to stop being afraid to meet people because of one bad relationship. Which they are right, just hard to get back out there. Thank you for the sound advice