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Hey Teacups -

So, the good news is we're moved in and ready to go. The bad news is (because obviously nothing can ever go smoothly) the contractors keep delaying the work on the studio: panels, soundproofing, fire door installation.

Because of this I cannot give you the higher tier quality I promised (at least, not until the contractors actually do what they've promised).

However, I have made a make-shift recording set up in my new house. I am more than happy to record things of a similar quality (probably slightly lower) to our old set up. If that is all good with you guys, please let me know and I will get straight on it. I just wanted to keep you in the loop and get your thoughts. You guys are the only reason I have a job in the first place. It's imperative you have a say in what goes on.

I truly am so sorry that we're still not where we're supposed to be. This whole process should have been straightforward and simple, and it's just been anything but. I cannot apologise enough.

If you're okay with our current quality, I am more than happy to make new content.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Best wishes,



Connor Boetzkes

These things happen, I don't think anyone would complain


Not a problem Tea we totally understand not everything goes perfectly ❤️ Will we be able to get a sneak peek of the setup once it’s complete? (No worries if you prefer to keep it personal 😊)

sa r dran 24

It’s all right. I’m ok with this new studio.

Lily Yoshimi

I just can't wait to hear our favourite auntie again we love you Tea


It’s okay, Tea. Everything’s good. We’re okay with everything.

Samwise Thebravee

that’s good news that you don’t need to sleep in a hotel anymore. Now i’m fine with waiting and you just keep uploading older audios on yt <3 but lot of people probably want something else, oh well let’s see


You could record on the subway and Id still listen haha!


Whatever the quality may be, it's completely alright. Just glad things are coming together 🥂


That's life in general, Mama Tea. Nothing ever seldom goes smooth as planned. Do whatever works for you. We'll be here. Congratulations on moving in the new house, btw. Take care!

Dalton Remy

Unfortunately things like this do happen. I'm cool with the makeshift studio. I'm just glad to see you and the fam are in the house now.


Do what you think is best, we're ok with everything you put here Tea! Don't worry about it!

David Murphy

The current quality is good. I don't mind. I'm glad you got to move into your new house. At least the ball is rolling.

Savage Dragon

If you're able to record stuff now, if you have time along with anything else you need to do right now, and - most importantly - if you WANT to, then by all means record new stuff now. Otherwise, don't rush it. Get some much needed rest. We can wait. X


Come on, I thought you knew us by now. Of course it's alright. Anyone who has lived a little knows that, as the ancient saying goes, shit happens. I'm just happy you finally got to move in <3


Tea, you really are worrying too much Baby Girl. I joined to hear you and I bet most of us would say the same. If you let us know why things are different, that will head off many questions in the comments section, but if you are comfortable with the temporary studio and can be happy with your productions, we are eager to hear your comeback! Bring it on!!! 💛

Nam Bui

Some new content would be nice but if noise from the contractors or anything else is too frustrating then I can wait. You have nothing to apologise for.


It’s all good Tea shit happens do what works best for you and we’ll all support your decision


One, it's not your fault Tea sgit happens that you can't control. Second, yes if you want to make new audios I'll support you.


Totally a-ok with new content cause if its the roughly the same quality as the old ones then that's top notch! But if you feel it's better to wait for the studio to be finished up a wait would be worth it, your stuff is awesome and you can't control everything! Hang in there Tea!


Yeah. Personally, I'm cool with waiting.


Things often don't go as planned ^^ no need to be sorry, we all understand Tea. And if you are comfortable with how the quality would be now with your temporary setup, we'd be more than happy to listen to your awesome work again :)


Its cool, do watcha gotta do, we will support regardless

The Jolly Dane

That's fine, the old quality holds up, not like we would need to adjust or anything. We would be happy with any new audios coming from you, old quality or new


No need to rush anything out Tea. I think we can all agree you deserve a little break. And if audio setup is a little bit lackluster how about making a new one of/series about someone trying to record ASMR for the first time. maybe something along the lines of she`s struggling to set up the recording, trying to copy people she seen online and grabbing random things around the house to see what works.

Jacob Griffith

It’s really fine Tea, please don’t stress yourself out. The old quality was great, don’t worry about it. If anything give yourself a bit of a break after all that moving in difficulty.


No rush. If you want to tackle a bit of content, then go for it. Don't feel the need to stress yourself out on our account though.

Exl Kaldra

Lower hier is better then no tier


Any quality is fine with me


Thank you

Mike Taylor

What is important is that you're moved in.


It is cool with me. I know you want to get back to making audios, but if you need to take some time off and relax, that is ok with me.


It's all good tea we degenerates love hearing your sexy voice


Then firstly, congratulations on moving in Tea! I'm so happy to hear that's sorted for you guys. Secondly, don't stress about the studio, I'm sure you'll get it sorted. And no matter what the quality it'll be great to hear new recordings from you in this new phase of your life. 😊 And lastly, remember that you deserve a break too. Things are still happening obviously so please don't feel the need to stress yourself about new recordings until you're feeling ready. Again, I'm so happy for you guys, I hope you're time in the new home is wonderful.


The current quality is fine. We are patient degenerates so so don't stress about it. Create content knowing it will be happily recurved and upgrade as circumstances allow.

Joseph Brown

Go for it Tea. I'm cool with it, and I'm sure the rest of the harem would be too.

Murray Fernance

Content is content as far as I’m concerned


Do whatever works best for you. Get your living situation sorted, and if you want to release content before the studio is ready, great, but don't stress about it. You've got a great community hear that feels like you support us, and we support you too.


Better quality is good. Just having content is better ! Don't pressure yourself and keep them rolling, we will welcome whatever you throw at us =D

senior fluffy

Life is strange, weird and unpredictable. All we can do as people is take in all that comes our way and replan or come up with something new. Mainly never let it get you down and just forge ahead, joy and happiness is just ahead you just dont know till you try.

Out of Character

Glad you are moved in Tea. Your current quality is amazing and whatever you do that causes you the most joy/least stress makes me happy. You're amazing.


man, always enjoyed your work. i say if you’re willing to pump them out, then keep’em coming


We'll let you off the hook this time, Tea. This time.


Do whatever best for you we love your content no matter what


I have no issue with the previous level of quality. as was said before content is content. I would probably complain if you started recording on a laptop built-in microphone right next to a compressor, but beyond that.


Im happy with everything you do. Its always really good quality, but if you dont like the quality i dont mind waiting c:

Dalton LaTurner

The quality you currently give us sounds good to me, but whichever is least stressful for you right now


The quality you've always delivered is fantastic! Whatever makes you happiest though, thats the option I say to go with! Try not to let it bother you Tea, you are amazing and deserve so much better than whats been happening to you.

Michael Miller

Your present quality is wonderful, Tea. That said, if you aren't comfortable with the current situation and would rather wait, that is fine too. There is merit to taking your time to avoid burnout or anything of the sort. I believe I speak for most of the community when I say that we trust your judgement on the matter. It's whatever you feel most comfortable with. We all love and support you my dear.

Warden D.

This community has stuck with you through more than "jerry rigged in my house" quality. It's totally okay!

Jared Chinchello

I don't see anything wrong with it if you're fine with it.

German Wulf3

Great to hear that things are at least somewhat going better! Having just watched "life of brian", best advice I can give is Always look on the bright side of life! In any case, please do as you wish tea! We're here for you!


I am happy with whatever you put out tea! Cannot wait for some new content

Just Plain Joe

The quality has always been great, but if you feel like it doesn't satisfy you then I don't mind waiting at all. Whatever brings you the most joy and least stress. Keep being amazing.


It’s 100% fine tea!

Phoenix Brave Hideki

Quality always sounded good Tea! So its ok to use your current settings.

Tommy Hiesto

You always do quality content Tea regardless of the situation, just look after you and yours and things we'll (i hope) work out heart goes out to you


Whatever you provide is more than enough love. I’ll take anything you can give us regardless it’s always a special treat.


The current quality is still an award winning recipe *chefs kiss* of course it's still good enough. It's perfectly fine


I totally get it, I've been waiting to move too, and what should have been done and dusted in a couple of months has taken half a year... such fun

Robin Horn

Totally! Never had any issues with the quality!

Mika Koverola

Do what you can. I do not listen to your audios primarily for the excellent audio quality you normally have but for the stories


I quite enjoy the quality so far. Awesome on being moved in to the new place.


Things rarely go as planned, Tea. We just have to make the best of it. Do what you can do. If you think it is good enough quality, then do it. :-)


Totally happy with the audio quality you can do with what you've got. This situation sounds so frustrating and I'm so sorry it's not going smoothly, but I'm sure it will work out!

David Frey

I'm not impatiently waiting, so whatever time you need, I'm fine with that. I'm just glad that you were finally able to move into your new place.

Davin Long

Sounds fine with me, please take your time!

Timothy Shaw

Current quality is amazing. And I feel really bad I'm the 70th comment I'm ruining the 69 count on the comments. But I would like some more animal audios. Like a cat girl/neko audio, or a kitsune/ fox girl audio, or a Inu/dog girl audio. Thanks for everything youve done so far and everything you will make in the future.


Delicious cakes cannot be rushed. They take as long as they take.


Do work that you're happy with. Don't release something that will end up making you hate what you do. We won't be going anywhere


Whatever we can get is fine with me


Tea, make some audios now, and if they are up to a quality you are proud of release them. Also, make a list of your favorite ideas, make those your top priority once the new studio is built.

Camilo Iribarren

What matters is that you’re happy and we enjoy your audios as always. Thank you so much for them

Jeremy Knight

I didn't think the quality could get any better at this point. I'm sorry that things haven't gone smoothly and it's not your fault.


I am glad that you have moved, nevertheless, this is a new stage in your life, and I hope soon all the constructive work will be completed and you will be able to create high quality content. In the meantime, I think we will be happy to hear you with any sound quality.