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The image reads:

"Fat people know they're fat, underweight people know they're underweight. People don't need their issues pointing out to them, they need respect and the assurance that their bodies don't dictate their worth. They need love, just like the rest of us."






Say it louder 👏


Thank you


Well said. People are getting better at not doing this, but we still have a ways to go.


That's what I'm talkin about.

Jeremy Knight

As someone who's disabled I always did wonder if I was worthy or deserved love. I know I'm not a bad person but would I really be worth it based on my rather reserved personality.

Michael Miller

Love you and your beautiful mentality Tea! You really are a ray of positivity each and every day!


I don't agree fully, you should try to help people get to a healthy body weight. Just be nice about it, don't shame them for there body weight but also don't encourage it.


I understand that people shouldn't be made fun of or bullied for being overweight or skinny. At the same time I don't think it's right to encourage fat acceptance & "you're beautiful at any size" when science proves that being too fat or skinny is detrimental to physical health & wellbeing.

Timothy Shaw

While we shouldn't shame these people. We also need to recognize that it is unhealthy and we shouldn't normalize it.

Timothy Shaw

This is also coming from someone who is overweight and trying to fix that

Camilo Iribarren

And this is something we always need to remember, validate ourselves because we are always loved and capable of loving. Thank you, aunTea


Whilst I absolutely agree that the two extremes are unhealthy, I feel that again, (most, not all, but most) fat and thin people are very aware that they’re not at optimal health. They're more aware of the negative side effects of being either extremes than the average person. Again, they’re very aware of their issues and the problems surrounding them. They don't need them spelling out by strangers. They need baseline respect. Not glorifying, not romanticising, just acceptance. Most of us don't lead optimal lives, it doesn't mean we need everyone reminding us.


In all honesty I've always questioned my worth because I've been overweight for most of my life and I've just had really bad experiences with rejection, mainly from women. And to me it's always felt like my weight had to play a role into it and it's constantly made me feel like I'm not worth it. I've also been trying to change myself but it's been hard to stay consistent with exercise and eating healthy