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Hey Teacups -

I don't have anywhere to record right now, so I figured this would be a great time to compile as many new concept ideas as possible. 

So, if you have an idea for an audio, please feel free to share it with me here and I'll definitely consider it.  

Thank you,




Date night

Galactic Gaming

Hm, how about something where you comfort the listener and they fall asleep on your chest listening to your heartbeat


Cow girl tea

Elmer Ortega

"Doing it for the first time with your experienced girlfriend and she teaches you how."


Rainy cuddles

Dalton Weakly

Tea teaching her new Robot (the listener) how to be human and understand emotions

Dan C.

A married couple going out for the first time in a long time after having kids


Helen of Troy/Paris(listener) [post sex cuddles][forbidden love][Paris leaves tomorrow][Go with you?][we can't][Passionate love][Love vs Duty][i love you][I'll go][There will be war...] Hector(listener)/Andromache [Hector home early] [Baby is growing][proud parents][Happy&Loving Marriage][How was Paris' trip to Sparta][whats wrong?][Paris did what??][dread][fear for Hector and son][resentment for Paris][you don't have to fight][Troy can't lose you][You ARE Troy][I can't lose you][Duty vs Love][The Greeks will come][Achilles will seek out Hector] (this was so long. i really should try writing a script for this sometime)


Deadass just like 20 mins of u sleeping next to us would be lit, no talking either just sleepin

Kris Valentine

Recovering Yandere attempting to console the listener after a bad day. Results are.....dubious.


It’s too hot outside


Yo Transdayofvisibilty just happened, trans positivity would be dope. Or just gender neutral stuff.

Tyler Bohon

Female hero and villain listener


A mini-series, drama based relationship with hardships audio would be interesting.

Nix Klappt

I have said it once and I will say it again. Veteran adventurer and Newbie watch over their Party at night.


Daughter comes home from school or college and tells us about her day. Could do for either gender, dad or mum. Similar to the one you did a while ago where she was having boy troubles, but talk about much more happy subjects. We tell her how proud we are.

Tommy Hiesto

Sitting up at night on the phone with your best friend to lovers maybe?

David Murphy

💪😊 Tall Muscle Girl(Girlfriend, Kind, Sweet, Loving, and Protective.)💪😊, 😣😐Boyfriend(Listener, also Kind, Sweet, and Loving, But Has Autism and Depression.)😣😐 [Honey, I'm Home From The Gym] [There You Are!] [You Will Not Believe How Much I Can Lift, Now!][What's Wrong?] [The Thoughts Are Back?] [Honey. Remember. You Can Talk To Me.] [No. You Are Not Stupid.] [Listen, I Know That I've Said This Before And I Know You Know But You Can't Let Your Autism And Depression Beat You.] [Sweetheart. I Love You.] [Yes I Do!] [...Jesus!... It's That Bad.] [Sounds Like I Have To Prove Myself.] [I Won't Let You Let It.] [Like I Said, Earlier, I Love You Too Damn Much.] [Let Me Carry You To The Bed.] [I'm Gonna Take Care Of You, Tonight.] [Missionary] [Girlfriend On Top Then Bottom] [Extremely Wholesome]

Jared Chinchello

Imma give good old resubmission cuz I rarely ever have good ideas: It can be SFW or NSFW. The listener gets home from work early to surprise their MILF gf. They hear faint sobbing coming from the bedroom and they go to investigate. We find Tea crying because her insecurities got the better of her an she thinks we will leave her for someone younger. We comfort the Tea and reassure her, ultimately culminating in the ultimate declaration of our devotion and love. We get down on one knee and bust out a little black box.


Something involving time travel? Maybe the listener is thrown back in time before they met in order to save SO?

J.T. Packer

Powerful Sorceress becomes more and more fascinated by a Rogue she caught in her tower. Or, Edward Scissorhands redux.


A happy surprise from a soldier (the listener) coming back home early from a deployment

Davin Long

I know it may seem out of left field but maybe a Werewolf girlfriend...

The Baka King

Assassin girlfriend finally tracks down Masked Mercenary and is surprised to find out it's listener. Silly or Serious.


I've sent all mine before, you responded, just check back there for my submissions.


Um...Cat girl gf? Like a continuation of that series. Or maybe a sfw or NSFW thing with the MILF. And my last suggestion: bringing home our child/baby(could be adoption or birth)


Uhh, aggressively affectionate half-pint? Love me a short girl trying to climb me like a tree.


I can hear her saying "howdy y'all" like it is in my head

Tommy Hiesto

What about and sorry if this hits a bit close but maybe reverse comfort where listener helps you after a tough week also hope you're doing well tea. Just thought i give a little new day warm words hope you see these just so i know they're somewhat cheering you up just wanna share some positivity so i can make some one day i guess anyway hope everyone has a good Easter love you all


Listener and Werewolf Girlfriend get trapped in the basement where she spends the full moon. Turns out her wolf self is not as feral as they thought and is basically a giant dog that wants cuddles.


A heros final moments, kind of like the death of super man. Hero listener and Reporter Tea.


I've made a lot of mistakes lately. I would like a motivational audio telling me I'm not a screw up. Mistakes are natural. Cuddles and compliments would be much appreciated


We come home after a long day from our jobs, and just comfort each other.


SFW: 1) (Character roleplay) Bloodborne The doll helps you relax for a while before continuing the hunt (sleep aid) 2) Shy listener and confident, experienced (?) Girlfriend. [Of course I have been in countless relationships before] [I'll teach you] [Confident and experienced on the outside / nervous and inexperienced on the inside] [using romance movies as guides] NSFW: 1) Look, no hands. ["A Footmassage after a hard day at work? Sure, why not."] / [Do you Have a Foot Fetish?] / [Comfort and Kink acceptance] / [Handjobs are for amateurs] / [Massage turns into Footjob] 2) For educational purposes. [First time for both] / [How do you do the sex?] / [A lot of awkwardness and shyness] / ["Lets do it like in those videos"] / [Using porn as a guide and debunking it by trying it] / ["let's just do it how we like it"] 3) Oh, how the turntables. ["You want to try something new?"] / [Pegging] / [Slow and gentle] / [Affirmation] / ["It's alright to show a weaker side of you"] / ["Getting pegged doesn't make you any less of a men]

Christopher Haist

im still stuck on tomboy tea....sorry im a broken record XD


Can we get more monster or otherwise non-human listener based audios please.


SFW idea is Tea and listener watch and talk over during a movie. They can talk about the characters, repeat lines, and relate the movie to themselves. NSFW idea is Newlyweds on honeymoon and want to start a family.

Nicki Løvstrup Hansen

I'm in no sense a writer at all, I've had some ideas that at most I've fleshed out in flowcharts in terms of what the overall idea is. Nightmare/Night Terror, Comforting and making the listener feel safe after experiencing a horrible nightmare/terror. Breaking the Cabin Fever, being isolated with your roomie, best friend, ex, whatever. Listener surprises [Tea Character] by cooking dinner and dessert. "Your scars and wounds doesn't make you ugly or worth less, I actually think they're kinda ... cute."


This could be a SFW or NSFW idea. How about a dom wife or gf comforting the listener for the lack of sexual experience? Like, the listener hasn’t has had much sex (or not at all and adding some of what you said in the post about “virginity” into this) and is not confident in satisfying their wife or gf, but she comforts and encourages them? The SFW side of this could be some kissing but the listener stops before it goes further or it’s after sex and the listener almost immediately feels ashamed of their performance with their lover. The NSFW side could be before sex, comforting words, then the dom wife/gf encourages the listener to go harder, faster, or whatever to make them the best possible lover.

Mike Taylor

A quiet holiday together. After a wild flurry of work and family-related events over the previous months (weddings, promotions, transfers, births, deaths), Tea and the Listener decide to take time away to be together someplace quiet and peaceful. Depending on when you get to this, it could just be a vacation, or one of them is hitting a landmark birthday, or the decision to celebrate a major holiday alone as a couple. They're decompressing and sorting through all of the big changes that have happened while reminiscing. One thing is for sure, their relationship has remained solid.


I don't know man it just takes so much energy to bring up a smile nowadays.

Dalton Remy

I will once again submit my favorite idea. ASMR GF roleplay where the listener has just gotten discharged from the hospital after being in a car accident, getting away with a broken arm, leg, and some cuts and bruises. The GF (Tea) takes the listener home and takes care of them. You can put on a movie, nap/cuddle with them, feed them, help them scratch under their cast, and all around just baby them. I would also think it might be a good idea to have the GF share just how scared she was when she heard about the accident, and how happy she is that the listener survived the crash (optionally have her crying). It think having it end off with them cuddling and watching a movie or something would be nice. Title: 🚗🤕 Car Crash Recovery 🤕🚗 [ASMR Roleplay] [After the car accident] [Discharged from the Hospital] [Girlfriend takes care of you] [And babies you] [You're not getting up] [Helping you recover] [Feeding you] [Scratching that itch] [I was so scared] [and I'm so happy your alive] Feel free to change or add anything you think might make it better. Hope you decide to do it one day 😊👍


I would suggest doing whatever makes you happy- maybe a rant or venting thing. Honestly, it would be neat to hear some real-life “tea”.


Either tea or listener trapped inside a cave in with nothing but dwindling supplies and a voice of the other person on the radio


I'm sorry to hear that. Seriously, that must be horrible. I really hope you feel better soon. Please take care of yourself.


Whilst I appreciate the loveliness of the comment, real-life Tea is very boring and that's why she acts :D


Fanstasy Setting. Mercenary/Listener comes back into the Kingdom to flirt with not the Princess he saved but with her Personal Maid. The Maid could either be the serious, all business type of person or really shy and easily flustered.

Dalton LaTurner

late night at gym, Hot girl in low cut shirt and short shorts, looking at her, she confronts you, try to make up an excuse, her a crash go and check it out and see two silhouette of two people fucking in managers office, getting turned on, you both start to make out, then head to the locker room to get each other out of the clothes, and eat each other out and then fuck against a wall

Timothy Shaw

Can we have some about life issues and bad ideas. Kinda like self harm, drinking addiction, addiction relapse, etc. And for a series can we have like a highschool relationship series, and continuing the vampire one into a series I think would be kinda cool.

Camilo Iribarren

Do a Shaman girl interacting with a ghost, helping them solve their unfinished business of giving them the ability to talk to the one person they loved so they could say a proper goodbye before they can go into the afterlife


maybe something like friends one has experience and the other not and the experienced one gives flirting tips (maybe both ways around)


ill fully admit that this is emo, but what about an angel that has come to guide you to heaven and also show you all the great things about your life, like first kisses, time you got your first dog, a place where you were married. Kind of a last trip down memory lain it would be great for the days when you feel like the whole world against you and theres nothing to lose. Even if the memories are made up, it might still be an amazing experience. Also as a counterweight a devil thats send to guide you to hell but finds you the hottest thing around


This is an idea that I don't think I have seen done anywhere before. Photographer X Model, the listen is doing a photoshoot. This photographer is known for wild life and landscape pictures, so the company told them to do a shoot with a model. Only they have never done a shoot like that before. What kind of shoot is it, no idea, maybe a beach scene. Tea is the model, and after a few nervous pictures, realizes it is their first shoot with a human subject. It starts out with Tea talking about how nervous her first photoshoot was. Listen admits that they never thought they would take pictures of a model, let alone one so attractive. A few jokes, a good laugh, a relaxing of the nerves, and shoot continues more smoothly. This is a strangers to more idea for a script.


I`ll throw in a couple of ideas. 1) Wife Tea and Spouse Listener takes a vacation after leaving the kids at grandma`s place. Lots of love and cuddles ensue. Can go NSFW if you wish. 2) Shy listener goes on a picnic date with confident Tea, with her enjoying how easily they get flustered. If you want, you can include you feeding listener, despite their embarrasment. 3) Knight Tea breaks into the castle of Demon King Listener. She recognized him as her friend who she thought was dead. Much to listener`s surprise, she drops her weapon, runs up and tearfully hugs him. After he calms her down, she confesses her feelings and promises to stay be his side from now on. 4) Shy nerdy Tea meets listener in the library,. She sees them carrying a book she loves reading (your choice which), and calls out to them accidentaly. After some convincing that they can chat, they discuss the book and become good friends.


May i humbly suggest, clown content?


Hmm well on the top of my head, one that you are perfect for would be a Soldier/Pilot x Captain listener. Though idk if you are familiar with the character of Himeko, since idk if Honkai impact is popular outside it's dedicated degenerates(?) But I base this idea on that-- But i think it would be neat to have a bittersweet audio.. A few hours before an intended mission? She is alone on the cantina, when the listener comes by to talk carrying some refreshments, they chat abit. Mostly about how the world is close to ending and there they were popping a cold one. The two were never lovers, but close enough that they were intimately involved (i.e the odd kiss here and there) So she asks him if she was his/her type. Listener jokes around and then when listener was about to admit his or her's feelings,(or they were about to share a non-drunk kiss for once) a loud alarm interrupts them and she was about to exit the cantina when the listener grabs her by the wrist and begs her to come back to him/her as they have a lot to talk about...and alot to do. She smiles and asks her captain when has she ever failed the captain before? And maybe just leave it vague ? With a little bit of a sad tune playing in the background? Or just the sound of a plane/mecha being shot down?


1. Valkyrie tea as she comes to collect the listener as they've fallen upon the battlefield, comforting them over their lost comrades and sharing admiration for the listener as Valkr-Tea takes them to the halls of Valhalla. 2. Study-partner Tea approaches the listener in a fluster hoping to swap notes for an upcoming test/final, heartwarming conversation as she opens up about her own struggles and goals, ending with Tea hoping they stay in touch outside of class as friends. 3. Tea and listener are pilot and co-pilot of a starfighter that has to launch since they're under attack, rough humor and compliments are thrown about during the melee, but in the end their starfighter is hit and they are without power adrift in space. Tea struggles to keep the listener conscious as their life support fails, reminiscing and talking shit, she stalls long enough to link their suits giving them a bit longer in a noble act of sacrifice. Near the end the listener drifts off to sleep... Or do they? 4. Girlfriend painter-Tea has run into artist block and is frustrated, tries to rope the listener into absurd and wacky things to get her creative juices going. Painter-Tea and listener go full space-cadet and just end up messing around, inspiration strikes! Painter-Tea needs the listener to act as her model, and her appreciation for their sacrifice is both playful and plentiful. 5. Gunslinger-Tea has ridden into town after an outlaw, and recruits the listener to help track said outlaw down. Their relationship is one of convenience until Gunslinger-Tea gets wounded in the outlaw's ambush, the listener has rescued her and has to keep the listener's spirits up as they escape the outlaw's encirclement and search parties. 6. Listener and Tea are married with a baby that just, won't, stop, crying whenever they try to get some sleep. The sleep-deprived couple finally get the baby to sleep and they decide to spend the hour before they need to be up for their respective careers cuddling and in that half-asleep half-awake sweet spot as they enjoy each other's company.


huh...i dont see my message...i left a pretty long paragraph lol ANYWAYS ig i'll take this opportunity to make a TL;DR - im an ambivert and i love other shy ppl, so I rlly love ur shy audios. and if u decide to make more, u dont need to add the "i dont wanna go further, I'm not ready" climax because, again as a shy person, i wasnt even considering it!! i dont wanna go further !!! it can bring the mood down sometimes. i just wanna enjoy ur company, ur lips, and cuddles. so more audios where we have pre-established boundaries and can get straight into the lovey dovey makey outtie would be cool 👉👈 (wow, this is my tl;dr?)

Iron Piedmont

"Florence Nightingale relieves your pain." Florence Nightingale, the grandmother of modern nursing, pretty much got her start treating wounded soldiers during the Crimean War. While the medical officers were asleep, she would go around at night tending to the soldiers, this would ultimately lead to her being known as "The Lady with the Lamp." Essentially, the listener could be the a soldier who was wounded at Balaclava whole Tea could play the part of Nightingale, tending to the listener, talking to him, making sure he's comfortable before moving to the next soldier.


Wonder Woman with a non powered human listener. Reverse comfort cause even super powered beings need some comfort


I'm still waiting for Hentai Logic part 3


A phone call series like a voicemail message it can be anywhere from a call home to an s.o calling to say they love you or even just a friend calling to catch up (can be done in a car )


- villian/hero - goth - celebrity/fan - monster girls (of any variety) - supernatural (ghosts, aliens, ect.) - ex wants a second chance - medieval (like knights and stuff) 8P Basically I'm not very picky and if it has fantasy, romance, wholesomeness, or is just silly I'm already sold! 8P


Caring bodyguard berates you and tries to force you to get your life together instead of behaving like such a teen ^^

Seth JayArch

I’ve always liked the idea of monster girl, Demi human, lamia/centaur role play type of thing. There’s also a script from a Reddit post that I think would be cool. Another VA did a SFW version on YouTube and I’d like to see a NSFW version. I’ll link it here. The script writer has a lot of other cool ideas too😉 https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/f6hkg9/come_to_me_my_brave_paladin_f4mscript/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Definitely would like to see a part 2 to the spoiled princess series

David Frey

1. You're a physical therapist, and the person you're helping is recovering from a major injury. You're trying to help the person recover, and the injured person is getting continually frustrated by a lack of progress and being in a lot of pain. You calm their nerves and slowly but surely, they start to heal. (whether you want to add a romantic twist to that is at your disposal. 2. To borrow from the TV show Grimm, you are a Wesen (something more than human). You're trying to not to get kill by the Grimms (the only people who can always see the Wesen in their other form), but you encounter a Grimm when at a crime scene. You beg the Grimm not to kill you, that you didn't kill the person. You are able to show the Grimm to the person/Wesen you're pretty sure killed. When the other Wesen knocks the Grimm unconscious, you're left to face the other Wesen. After you kill the other Wesen, the Grimm realizes what you've done for them and at least befriends you. (again, another one that up to you whether this progresses any further). 3. It's 63 A.D. and you live in what's currently known as the U.K. You're part of the warrior tribe that has the leader Boudica (1 of the 1st female warrior queens). You're preparing for a Roman Legion to quell your continued attacks on Roman outposts on the island. Even though it's lead and has women as part of the warrior part of the tribe, there are also men in the tribe as well (Boudica had a husband, but then after he died, the Romans betrayed Boudica and her tribe, plus raped her daughters and beat Boudica, hoping that would stop her. Big mistake!) But days before the upcoming battle, one of the soldiers is nervous and hears about the Roman Legion having 5 times as many soldiers as you have. You try to prepare them for the battle and for victory. 4. You're in an alternate timeline of what if certain storyline happens to a Superhero (up to you which Superhero you choose). For example: Say that Superman worked for Lex Luthor as Lex's bodyguard. Batgirl goes over the edge and kills Poison Ivy for trying to kill her father.


A lockdown haircut from our partner while she's talking to us could be nice. I've recently shaved my head since the ravages of time haven't been kind to me so maybe an audio of my partner doing that for me and being positive about it would be extra nice, haha. I miss my hair.


Maybe something in the theme of "You're not a loser", whether it's for someone who has yet to kiss a girl, who is still living with their parents, who doesn't have a job or have other things going on that may make them feel like a loser. I also suggested a while ago a sort of comfort for people who are struggling with a lack of talent or inspiration while pursuing artistic/creative work like writing and drawing. One that would be very personal to me and that I don't see a lot of asmr in general for would be a comfort audio meant for people who struggle with intrusive thoughts - if you need inspiration for that I can help. If you're looking to make an erotic audio then maybe one where the listener is some sort of gigolo and you're a very satisfied customer?


Monster girls, giantesses, lovers, specific monster girls id say lamia, drider, vore always good wether live or die, positive sex, ill stop there


I'll throw my hat in the ring here and say that a dragoness admiring her husband as the most prized possession in her hoard would be something nice to listen to. That or possibly a quiet romantic encounter with your librarian wife/girlfriend.


Also a cool fantasy-themed erotic audio would be sex with some kind of beautiful etheral being who is either some kind of forest nymph (maybe with a mystical, echoey voice) who likes to seek out mortal travelers for a moment of pleasure wherever they might come across her - maybe in an area deep in the woods where the human has to undress and if the being likes what she sees then she will appear - or it could be that she sees the listener as something more special than most mortal humans, something she can't simply let slip aside and begs him to have sex with her. I know you can do it.

Ryan N

Meditation guidance or something along those lines of relaxation


Simple concept, both listener and speaker have little to no experience in terms of relationships, dating, etc.


How about a couple (older woman*late 30s - early 40s*/younger partner *mid 20s to early 30s*)? the younger partner is watching Saturday morning cartoons from their childhood, and the older woman sees them on couch all huddled up in a blanket, clearly has already been out to the store and has an bowl of frosted flakes or some other kids cereal in the bowl. Cheerfully the younger partner beckons the older woman over to come cuddle and get nostalgic with them. The two can kinda just have fun/deep/wholesome conversations about: (In no particular order) the different cartoons they watched, the show that's on now, getting older, being a kid at heart, age is just a number, It's never too late to enjoy your life, Not really getting to be a kid, And Life is short... but not that short, we need to enjoy it as best we can with what we've got! Plus any other things you might wanna talk about with a partner who wants so badly to be a kid again! The script can go either way, comfort or reverse comfort!


Cooking a meal together because cooking is a skill that everyone needs to know regardless of norms


Ooh, that sounds really interesting. Like help is on the way, you're going to be gotten out, but you have to ride out the rough conditions until then.

Phoenix Brave Hideki

Partner encourages lister to out for a jog early the morning and having a great time.

The Jolly Dane

How about a couple's trip to an amusement park. You go on the love tunnel ride, but the ride crashes. Waiting in the dark, you start to feel frisky


“April showers bring April cuddles” ; “Comfort/cuddle your girl” as in the listener comforts you ; “April showers bring babies?/ Just found out I am pregnant “


Best Monster Debate gets heated but turns into a wrestling match of hugs


Comfort or calming down the listener for when they are crying and is having an panic attack. And lots of cuddles after calming down before falling asleep next to you

Image Incorporated

I have 2 options. 1. Being going to comic con together 2. Being me having an anxiety attack and you calm me down with hugging and cuddling, telling the listener that they’re ok and that they’re safe.


Coming home after after a long day and your gf taking the role of mommy to help you both de-stress


A gf roleplay where shes impressed with the listener's gym progress! Thanks tea!

Squirrle team 6

1) listener preposterous to Tea 2)taking the family/sun to the park or some where. 3) hot sex time 4) military boyfriend or Husband get home from war/deployment and you see him for the first time in a long time

Jonny Trash

Post-apocalypse theme, where you're both hiding out after something happened to your group and you're trying to comfort each other.

Martin John Campbell

Stargazing, talking about life, aliens, destiny, cookie/serious chat.


International assassin Tea juggling everyday life with the listener who starts to suspect what her real job is


I Wish We Could Stay Out Here Forever [friends horseback riding in the desert] [making camp and watching the sun set] [sharing secrets under the stars] The listener and Tea are spending the weekend riding out West, enjoying the solitude and the beauty of the surroundings. Tea talks about how much she loves it out here, and how she wishes they didn’t have to go back to their regular lives, with jobs and responsibilities and hassles. Sitting around the fire after sharing a drink, they lie back, and make a wish on a shooting star…


Test Subject *[Mad Scientist Girlfriend] [Accidental werewolf transformation] [passion in the laboratory] [were you always that hairy?]* Tea, an eccentric scientist who has created a formula using wolf DNA which she believes could those suffering from chronic conditions, is preparing to test it on her boyfriend [the listener], who lives in constant pain due to an old injury from a car accident. Strapping him to an exam table in her lab, she administers the formula and monitors the effects, noting in amazement as his scars fade and pain decreases. However, some unforeseen side effects become apparent – he has grown noticeably bigger and hairier, his teeth appear more canine, and his eyes are now yellow and wolf-like. Bursting out of his restraints, the two embrace and start to make use of his new animal passion…


Your New Personal Trainer [Amazonian woman vs dad bod] [Tough love] [Whip you into shape] [Flirting and flexing] [Body contrast] The listener, a college freshman who has packed on the ‘freshman 15’, signs up for a personal trainer (Tea), who he meets at the campus gym, only to find she’s a towering, muscular Amazon of a woman. She sternly assesses his current condition (‘Let yourself go a little, huh?’) in contrast with her own swole physique. Tea takes him through an up-close-and-personal workout, indicating the areas he should stretch and stress with her hands as well as her words, offering a mixture of humorous discipline, genuine encouragement and gradual flirting…


Swole [Reunion with milf crush] [flirting and more] [body transformation] [oh my god, you’re huge] Opens with Tea talking with her friend on the phone about her friend’s son, who she has agreed to let stay in her city apartment for a few months while he looks for a job after graduating college, until a knock on the door signals his arrival. Opening the door, Tea can barely recognise him, and is both shocked to see he’s packed on some serious muscle mass since she last saw him a few years ago. Inviting him in, she makes increasingly flustered small talk that keeps returning to the subject of his new swoleness, before ‘accidentally’ spilling lemonade on him, causing him to take his shirt off. Seeing her reaction, the listener admits he always had a crush on her. Tea, pushed over the edge, can no longer keep her hands off him…


Dad Bod: Bigger and Better [weight gain, thicc bodyfriend] [body adoration, flirtatious teasing] [male belly pillow] [I like the new you, big boy] The listener is a young man in a loving relationship with Tea, who is a sensational cook. After a few months of living together, the listener has unwittingly gained weight, only noticing it when he attempts to fit into his old clothes – which is when Tea walks in, much to her amusement. Despite some teasing about his newly developed ‘dad bod’, Tea makes it clear she accepts and even likes the way he looks. The listener suffers an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction while trying to button his jeans (fabric ripping sound effect?), causing Tea to burst into giggles. This prompts the listener to head to the bathroom (with Tea trailing behind apologizing) to weigh himself. Tea vocally admires him as he strips down to his underwear and steps on the scale, but both are shocked by what it says. Once again seeking to comfort him, Tea pushes him down on the bed and shows him exactly how much she likes his new look.

Crooked Big Toes

College girlfriend. Tickling turns to foreplay which turns to...

The Baka King

This may be a bit niche. Girlfriend finds out that you/listener are a fellow Stand-User.


Proud and mighty half-dragon wife is actually really clumsy and dorky deep down

The Baka King

Bestfriends Tea and Listener are chosen to become Power Rangers.


Just you talking bout your day is fine. Something like friend would gossip between them. Talk bout your day, something that happened. I love very close to ear speaking, it's very tingly. If you have fun recording everybody will love to hear it. Take care.


Guy finds out his tomboy best friend is an assassin. And he is her target. So what should they do? Plan a getaway or face the music?


Not sure how popular this one would be but here goes. A Gunslinger/country girl hitting on the local saloon bar staff. A lil overconfident bounty hunter maybe, learning to be a little more humble? Secretly not so socially adept. Or take that starting bit and go to town. Be cool to hear some more accents if you can manage em. ^_^ SFW or NSFW. I don't mind either way. (Cowgirl for a laugh? lol)


Day out to the theme park or beach.


When everyone’s here giving hot fantasy in-depth ideas while all u want is a falling asleep in bed together cuddling Audio 👉👈


Day 3 of asking for a Shower with Tea


tea time with tea


I am a sucker for hair play. Maybe tea is bored and gives listener a makeover. Or tea sees a friend for the first time after the pandemic and sees how out if control their hair/beard has become and decides to fix it(I know there was a similar pandemic haircut audio) Cuddling in bed after a hard day and making plans to do something fun to take our mind off it. And cause I am a sucker for being desired by powerful women something where tea is a super powered individual (hero or villain). Feel like a nsfw for this could go a lot of ways, super clumsy cause superpowers in the way, dominant tea using her powers to take over, or tea desiring to not be in control for once

Joseph Brown

I would pay to see you act out a bored, Twitch-streaming, stereotypical egirl who ends up having a meltdown. "Hello, guys. Thanks for tuning into today's Let's Play for Raid Shadow Legends. *ding* Oh, thank you so much for the subs! Don't forget to check out my premium Snapchat for the spicier stuff. And for any of you *refined gentlemen of culture* I have custom feet pics for sale on my OnlyFans. Tomorrow I'm going to squat for subs. Ten squats for every new subscriber. Um... why is my bathwater fundraiser not selling out? GUYS, WHY HAS MY SUBSCRIBER COUNT BOTTOMED OUT? I HAVE BUSTED MY ASS PLAYING VIDEO GAMES AND COVERED MYSELF IN GLITTER AND BOOTY SHORTS SO I DON'T VIOLATE TERMS OF SERVICE SO YOU ALL CAN RELAX AND HAVE A GOOD TIME. FIVE DOLLARS TO SUB IS NOT A LOT OF MONEY AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE FIVE DOLLARS TO SUPPORT MY CONTENT MAYBE YOU SHOULD GET A JOB YOU DISGUSTING BASEMENT DWELLER. I AM THE QUEEN AND YOU GUYS ARE NOTHING WITHOUT ME."


More audios with hair play, puts me right to sleep

Johnny Bolanos

Would definitely love some giantess stuff. Maybe a mixed-size relationship? Would also like to see anything like that in a more modern setting as opposed to medieval. Aside from that I can’t think of anything to ask for, you’ve been killing it :D


I'd love to see a GF audio of a couple on holiday in the swimming pool fooling around


Pokemon Trainers camping out. That is all.


Childhood best friends that talk about the struggles of life. I.e. dating, work, dreams from when they were young, maybe the past from when they were kids. Maybe make it into a series idk. Also I'd say to keep it to strictly friends, no romance between them. I like the idea of more friendships between the opposite sex being portrayed like that


Not sure if you're still taking ideas, but how about us (the listener) surprising our girlfriend on her birthday after a shitty day at work? She comes home and wants to just put her feet up and vent, but also ends up getting cake, cuddles, and a special gift. :)

Cesar Escobar

The monster under your bed is as much of a nerd as you are


Look at this [On the verge of divorce] [arguing][fading spark] [marriage set back turns into intimate sex] [Reconsidering choices] [I guess we’re stuck together this time too]... hah actually it took me sometime to think about this 😅 I leave the details to you. Thank you


If you're still looking for ideas, i've got some topics that might be interesting: (Shy girlfriend tells you how they really feel about you when you're sleeping) (We're in a comma at the hospital, and our wife is by our side talking about the past and future) (Surprising our lover by getting home from a business trip early) Hope any of these help out, hope you have a great day - Anthony


I was thinking a series based on the Reach Out online dating loneliness audio... while there was no deluge of responses, just a few friendly supportive comments, one somewhat shy sounding message seemed like it would be worth a response. So a number of messages later they decide to partner in an online game they both play, kinda like a first date, and they talk a lot enjoying hearing each other's voice for the first time. After a while they've grown quite close together and start wondering if it would be possible to ever be together irl so she gets a message about what part of the country they live in and when she reads it she gasps "omg we live in the same city". Though both are very nervous about actually meeting in person they're equally excited about the possibility. She's sitting at the meeting place worried that he will take one look at her and just walk away or like the few people who seemed to like her before just want her for some bdsm fantasy, because she's kind of an amazon, like 6'2" and naturally pretty muscular even if she didn't workout, and he's of similar dread that she'll reject him because he's not tall and has always been kind of heavy. When they're finally face to face it's a bit slow and nervous but they manage to warm up with the little gifts they brought for each other, having recently talked about favorite candy this time of year he got her a little box of Cadbury eggs and she had gotten him a little box of marshmallow peeps, giggling over the fact that they had the same idea got things rolling. Eventually the conversation gets more serious with the inevitable "do you genuinely think I'm attractive" and "does our size difference brother you". Their relationship grows and eventually we get to enjoy the sweet awkwardness of their first time and lots more nsfw and sfw possibilities. I just saw how much I typed, sorry I think I got carried away.

Scarida Ghostly

Bloodborne roleplay. i.e. Doll: welcome home good hunter. What is it you desire? Hunter: wholesome degeneracy. Doll: ... very well...

Michael Evans

sister sees brother feeling down after a bad day and topped off by a break up with long time GF. She decides to use asmr and some good old sibling affection to make him feel better.


A continuation of “Tavern Girl”,maybe the listener finally returns to the tavern after a very long time. (Also I can’t seem to find that series of audios here?)

Squirrle team 6

When I say her I mean Tea. It will be like the one that Listener brought Tea to there parents house.


- Anego (I think I spelled that right) Mermaid teaches a human to sing, growing closer to them in the process - It's the long-feared Zombie Apocalypse, and the listener is saved from some Whiskey-Deltas that have cornered them by an invincibly cheerful fellow survivor with a crossbow, a rooftop hideout, and room for one more. - The far future, humanity is locked in a deadly war with some aliens, and it's not going well. In fact, one of humanity's finest fighter squadrons just got creamed in an ambush near a lost colony. ...a rookie pilot awakes from a crash (that they'll be able to walk away from) to the sound of their dauntless wing commander managing to crowbar open their smashed fuselage. How much worse can things get? - Listener finds an oddly-dressed, possibly concussed woman listing about in a nearby alley. There's no possible chance she's an alien infiltrator/super-soldier suffering from accidental psychic backlash, right? Right? - The last thing the listener remembers is their car swerving violently, and then nothing. And then a beautiful angel(?) appears to them - they've been trapped in limbo, and can't be allowed into the upper reaches of the afterlife...until recently, when the powers of creation have gone to war with one another, and the Empyrean is in desperate need of the psychically gifted to fight on their side. Can we...make a deal? - A gorgeous (if somewhat soot-stained and rarely showered) mad scientist, and the loyal minion who protects her from the world and/or herself.

Finley Cartmell

More of the tomboy series, that shit was gold


The Belle roleplay from Beauty and the Beast that we spoke about a little while ago :) It takes place not long after belle is held prisoner at the castle. The listener is a traveler travelling through the woods on their way to the fair just like Maurice but a couple days later. The listener is then attacked and chased by wolves, and the listener finds the castle and hides inside. Belle sees the listener enter from her window, and quickly goes down to meet them. Seeing that the listener is hurt, belle offers to help fix the listeners injuries and quietly sneaks the listener to her room ( so as not to alert the beast that there is another person in the castle) . Once in her room, belle tends to the listeners wounds and explains her situation and also makes casual conversation with the listener I thought the main triggers of the video could be close whispering, ear cupped whispering and ear to ear whispering. As Belle is talking and fixing the listeners wounds, every now and then the beast could be outside in the hall, so Belle whispers to the listener and in the listeners ear so the beast does not hear her talking to somebody else. There aren't a lot of asmr videos based on Belle and i think she would be a perfect charecter to base one on.


In honor of the RE8 gameplay that was just released, could we have a RP where Lady Dimitrescu interrogates us about what we know about her vineyard? It could be before the gameplay scene that was released. She coddles us and tries to charm the answers out of us before storming out in a huff. The audio could end with us cutting the ropes keeping us in the room and her last line is "DON'T WORRY ETHAN. I'LL FIND YOU AGAIN SOON ENOUGH" Am I just simping big scary vampire lady gf? Yes,Yes I am


Warrior queen [the birth of your first prince/princess] [deciding a name] [starstruck] [heavy affection] [now what about the next one mister?] [ I want another already]


Would love to see more Chubby GF content (perhaps something about rejecting diet culture/developing a healthy and loving relationship with food, comforting her after she's eaten a little too much and gotten a belly ache, or coming home after a hard day to cuddle with your big soft GF)

Squirrle team 6

Can we have something to do with the Goonies, that movie was fire. Or make a Goonies reference. That would be cool.

Squirrle team 6

Hero and villain series can we get more of that


Comfort for ptsd


Maybe you can do a girlffriend voice-mail for night shift or maybe a girlffried with insoma and she makes phone call for bf that does night shift.


I was thinking something along the lines of a long lost lover returning home. More specifically, if you have seen the last of us saga, maybe a situation touching on what would happen when Ellie finally returned to Dina (from Dina's POV) would be interesting. (Obviously not using the characters just their situation).


Girlfriend helping you through an injury. Coping, reassurance, making sure the other feels loved. Going over the stress from it all


more "pet listener" stuff. also, while it is not something I personally would listen to, something intended for transgender listeners would probably go really well with people that are.

King Demon

Well one for comfort when someone has nightmares/night terrors would be nice, but overall the above concepts are pretty neat too. Thank you!


A roleplay set in the Harry Potter world! It could take place 19 years later after Harry's adventures or maybe during one of his later school years (like years 5,6 or 7). Maybe it could become a series.


A soldier coming home.


Please tell me I'm not a monster - one of the important things about learning how to handle yourself.