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Hey Teacups -

So, unfortunately, I might be losing my house. I'm really just out here not knowing what's going to happen. There's a situation with the tenants in my new home and it's all gotten really unpleasant. There's still a chance things could work out, but with people consistently not keeping to the agreement it's just not a great time.

I will keep you posted.

As always, thank you so much for all your patience and kindness.

Best wishes,




Fingers Crossed things work out in your favor Tea

Duke The Rebel

I really hope things work out Tea, usually good things happen to good people so hopefully your patience will be awarded or maybe youโ€™ll even find a better solution.

sa r dran 24

Yikes. Hopefully you find a solution to your house problem.


Sorry to hear that, I hope everything turns out okay, take care!


Oh Tea. I'm so sorry. Hang in there.


Wish you the best of luck. Walk tall


Hopefully It all works out and you don't have to deal with the stress


Sorry for that. Things will get better and there always is a way out of hardships like that.

Ghonnathan Bagwell

That sucks, but hopefully things come out for the best.


Oh shoot. Hopefully things will work out, but the people who had an agreement with should stick to it. I know how frustrated you and your family must feeling right now and had to go through someone like that to get my land. If things donโ€™t work though, then think of a plan b and go through with that and things will get better.


Really hope things work out. Keep your head up and stay safe!




Sorry to hear that...Crossing fingers for a good outcome for you and your house


That's so awful to hear Tea! I have many limbs crossed it works out for you. X


I'm so sorry to hear that Tea. Moving's a bitch all on its own and you don't need this. I really do hope this sorts itself out or that a better solution presents itself.


Best of luck to you, I'm not sure there's much I can say that you haven't already heard, but you're one of the toughest people I've ever seen and I'm sure you've got this.


Sounds like an awful situation, I really do hope you all the best.


Good luck Tea. People can be so unreasonable.


Tea, if that door closes, look around the the window that opens, Love!

Joseph Brown

That's awful Tea. I've had a few bad living situations before, I know it's not fun. I'm so sorry about that. I'll say a prayer for you. You're very strong and I know you can handle this too. Keep us updated.

Elijah King

I pray everything works out well for you and your family Tea ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ


Hopefully everything works out in your favour Tea, no one deserves to have this happen to them especially not you. I wills be sending all the positive thoughts and vibes your way in these difficult times. Keep safe and healthy <3

Mike Taylor

I do hope that this gets sorted for you and I wish you the best. *Big hugs from across the big pond.*


I genuinely hope things work out for you Tea. You deserve it.


Housing market has been tough the last couple years whether it's crap sellers/tenants or ridiculous over pricing. Hope all works out for you.


Oh no that's awful. Good luck, I really hope things work out for you


jeebus christ, good luck tea, I hope everything works out for you.


Gosh darn that sounds really bad! I'm rooting for the situation to get better. Sometimes new and opportunities arise from the ashes. Blessings! ๐Ÿต๏ธโœจ

Jacob Griffith

Stay strong Tea. I know you'll get through this.

Dalton Remy

Oh man... I really hope you guys get that settled. Best of luck Tea.

The Jolly Dane

That's terrible news, so sorry you have to go through all this. We're all praying it comes together in the end, and in the meantime you hang in there and take extra good care of yourself and your family in these trying times ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™




I really hope this is either an April Foolโ€™s joke or that you and your family get through this okay. Please be safe!


Take all the time you need Tea to sort it out.


No wonder why so many of us hate the human race. Hoping things work out for you. ๐Ÿ’›

Timothy Shaw

Well shit. I'm sorry to hear that I hope all is well. And I hope it all works out in the end.


Keep your head up, tea, hope everything turns out okay ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š


Please let this be a April fools joke! ๐Ÿฅบ


Best of wishes and God be with you (if he's your religion). All I really want to say is stand proud and persevere as long as you can mate. Keep knocking off the rubbish life keeps on hitting you and don't be afraid to fight back. Much love to ya mate.


So sorry to hear you're having so much trouble with the moving process. I hope everything goes well and that your day is the best it can be besides the stress. The least we can do is be patient and understanding while you get your situation under control. Love ya!




They're scum, they shouldn't be tenants.


Hang in there, Tea.


Here for you if you need anything. โคโคโค


Well, that's rough.


Wishing the best for ya Tea


Dont lose faith girl. All good comes to who deserve it


Did you talk to your lawyers? What have they told you about the subject?

Michael Miller

Be well Tea, and hoping for the best moving forward.


Is concerned because of the date this is posted. If true, I hope thing work out, and I'll be here to keep the support till it gets better. If a Rickroll, well played.

Agent M

Keep your head up TC and stay on them. If you have any lawyer type friends ask them about this type of situation..don't let this break you down, stay strong โšก


Hope things work out!


I hope that everything will be settled, all the same it is sad that such things sometimes happen ... Take care of yourself!


I really hope you're okay tea

Jeremy Knight

Wow, that sucks. all that prep for moving only for that to happen, I hope you don't end up homeless.


Iโ€™m so sorry for whatโ€™s happening Tea. I hope things will work out alright.


I'm sorry you're having to deal with that situation and all the stress it must cause. I hope things work out for you one way or another. Stay as positive and as hopeful as you encourage us to be. Your kind words and positive messages help me all the time, so I hope you feel the same from all of us.


Good things come to people that wait. I hope things get better for you, hun. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•


So sorry youโ€™re going through that bullshit, try and stay strong and donโ€™t worry about us too much, lots of us will be here waiting patiently for your return because we love you so very much!

Tommy Hiesto

Don't worry we're all crossing every part of us for your luck thanks for keeping us up to date even if its more bum news but you'll get thru this Tea Our hearts go out for you


I truly wish the best for you tea!! You got this!

Lightning Blitz

Stay safe tea, we wish for your safety and well being. Hopefully everything will be fine


Best of luck to you tea

Jakub Juchniewicz

Sad to hear that :/ hope everything will work out

Nicki Lรธvstrup Hansen

I can't imagine the pressure and stress that is putting on you, I sincerely hope things go through some how. Stay safe.

Martin John Campbell

Sorry to hear that seems everything is a struggle lately.


I hope things will start looking up for you, take care.