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So, there’s something peculiar about me that I feel we ought to establish. I love to connect with people, but at a distance.

I love offering snippets of thought, feeling, excitement, passion, and whatever else a true degenerate can feel, and then setting them free into the Wild West that is the internet. I love being able to do this whilst I’ve just gotten out of the shower, whilst my boob falls out from the towel, whilst my dog is licking leftover shaving cream from my legs. I love being able to do that, whilst I am still perfectly safe in my own little life.

Maybe this is because I want my cake and eat it too, maybe it’s the fallout of a traumatic childhood, or maybe it’s just what works for me. I’m not a psychologist or even particularly intelligent, but at the end of the day, does it really matter? To me, not so much. What matters is that, hopefully, somebody out there relates, responds, or even just feels slightly less alone by reading the stuff that I post.

And if that’s the case, then I’m a little more hopeful about making this blog.

So, with that out of the way, my name is Tea, and I am The Shy Pervert.

So, if you’re new here, you might be wondering why I’ve coined myself The Shy Pervert? Well, essentially, I make audio porn, but I am also a deeply private person. Okay, I don’t just make audio porn, I make SFW role-plays too, but a good portion is still porn. And in all honesty, I never thought that would be an option for me. Not only because it’s not the most conventional job in the world, but also because I don’t think of myself as the most sexual person. I do have sex and I enjoy it, but I have a bit of a complicated relationship with sex, as well. And frankly, don’t we all? Sex, when looked at in a non-sexual context, is really, really weird.

You mean, you put that in where? Ew! You hump each other, stick your tongues in each other’s mouths and make groaning animal calls? FUCKING EW!

So, given this, isn’t it natural that it’s not always the most comfortable thing to feel or talk about? Just like how some people subscribe to the idea of sexual fluidity with regards to orientation, I myself subscribe to the idea of sexual interest as a thing in flux. Sometimes you feel really positive about sex, sometimes you feel incredibly turned-on and just more vibrant because of it, even in a non-sexual setting. But then other times you not only have a lack of interest, but even an aversion or sense of disgust when imagining yourself in sexual situations.

And from what I can see, that makes perfect sense. We as people are rarely just one thing: we’re not just happy or sad or despondent or nervous, we’re a collection of many different parts that often operate all at the same time, sometimes working in tandem, but more often not. So, why would sexuality be any different than any other part? Well, for me, it isn’t. It’s something that changes, flexes, grows, and shrivels, and I am, for the most part, really okay with that. If anything, perhaps this complexity gives us the ability to empathise with one another about subjects that aren’t always easy to talk about. Or at least that’s what I’ve found when making the content that I do.

So, yes, I have a complicated relationship with sex, but in many ways, I see that as an advantage to both myself and my job. I can connect to the vulnerability of sex, the awkwardness of being intimate, and sometimes even the utter dread of being naked with another person. I was sexually abused as a child, and I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t shaped me. It has, and whilst I’d never want to frame sexual abuse as some necessary evil that makes you stronger, I really do think I’ve made a conscious effort not to let it sink me. I’ve had a lot of things happen to me, and in all honesty, I’ve just had enough of it.

So, years ago, I made a choice - I was going to have a relationship with sex. I was going to have a real relationship with sex. I was going to be honest, to say when I don’t want it, when it wasn’t so good, when I needed more foreplay, when it made me feel like a scared seven-year old who didn’t know what was happening. And I was going to take all this and put it into something, I was going to spread the word that, “it’s okay to feel desire and shame and fear and like it’s all a little too much”. And somehow, by doing whatever I was going to do, I was going to make people feel a little less weird about sex and relationships. And that choice, dear internet strangers, has manifested in many different ways, including me pretending to have sex with an anthropomorphic octopus.

So, perhaps, I am a little more qualified (sexual) than I first thought.

And perhaps that is just another reason to write this blog. In all honesty, I’d just love to carve out a place where people feel a little more heard and a little less judged. And hopefully, this blog can be that place.

I don’t know what exactly what’ll happen with this blog. There will be no great plot, no meticulous thesis, just sincere thoughts and the desire to share them with strangers.

So, if I rush to a judgement on anything on here, please know it’s not my intention. As empathetic and wide scoped as we try to be, I can only give my take on things. If my take doesn’t fit with yours that’s absolutely fine. I am not trying to convince anyone to think like me. I’m just offering my two degenerate cents and hoping to do some good along the way. And that’s really all there is to it.

Everything else is preference, and we’re all entitled to that.

So, welcome to my blog. Let’s see what happens.

Best wishes,




Well if she ever does read my comment what she just said is honestly the most logical and fair point some people are different she takes it differently but the way she goes with it to me sounds pretty big brain and that’s my opinion so yea poggers


Very interesting read. I’m looking forward to what you’ll share and hear even more on your perspective on sex which is something I don’t have a strong relationship with (outside of porn) mostly because I’m very insecure and introverted. I don’t want to be this way but can’t help but be that way when I meet people let alone flirting.


Also humping each other, sticking your tongues in each other’s mouths and making groaning animal calls is just hot 🤷‍♂️


In the words of a youtuber I follow even now, "We all grow and regress as humans. That's just part of what makes life special." I've been around for quite a while. I wasn't alwats a patron. Hell, I only loosely watched during the 2019 edition of Tea's content. But like all other things, I've seen the growth and change. Some of the newest people won't even know that Tea used to have an unbending rule of no monsters. Strictly human characters. Yet, years later and she gave us audio porn that was basically all the Japanese hentai from the early 2000s... We're all changing. Which I think is important. Stagnation is the worst. So truly, Tea being Tea is all we can ask for. It's what we're here for. Keep being you Tea... Much love


Thank you


This is why I'm open about sex to close friends of mine. Honestly haven't had it and probably won't for a bit cause I'm demisexual (maybe cause I've was sexuality assaulted but that doesnt matter for this) My friends asking about their insecurities, their kinks, etc and I talk to them about it. Yes it's weird but also you do need to know what you like and don't like and what's off limits. So thankfully they trust me enough to talk about it. After they find their understanding of themselves it makes it easier for them to be in those nervous situations. It's great to see that because I know I'm helping out someone that before didn't know a ton about it. So keep up the great work, it helps a ton of people figure out what they like, don't like, what they are really uncomfortable with, etc.


Imagine having sex, can't relate yet.

The Jolly Dane

I love the open honesty in this. Hearing about that side of your childhood is extremely scary, but it's so impressive to see how clear-headed you seem to be about it, and keeping your sexual interest alive. And it's true, we humans are complex beings, who feel a lot of things at the same time, often being in flux, as you say. The ocean tides rise and sink, and if you don't let yourself drift with the current, you're struggling too hard just to stay alive, and worst case scenario, you get crushed. It's okay to go back and forth on something, and if you can learn to accept that your feelings are fleeting, it becomes much easier to let them flow away, when they need to. Because you are okay.


good shit tea. much respect to you for expressing yourself so authentically and being as strong as you are.


The octopus line was fantastic lmao. Good stuff, Tea


A fantastic first entry Tea. Even if it's at a distance that you feel safe and comfortable with, I thank you so much for opening up to us and granting us your perspectives and experiences. I look forward to the next one.


Tea as always your words offer insight and reflection on oneself. It never ceases to amaze me. How I can laugh, smile and cry. In reading a handful of your words. Not just in this blog but in your sfw/nsfw and in your other posts as well. Tea you truly are a incredible person.


"Tea, shy pervert and wholesome degenerate." -the new business card of our queen


Love this. 😌


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Teacup! I have a complicated relationship with sex too and my own sexuality... and I'm discovering more and more about it every day. I wish you a wonderful day, this was a great read! 💙

Timothy Shaw

Yup I can relate to this blog. And I look at sex in a similar way too. Love the blog!

Jeremy Knight

I can't imagine what it's like having a complicated relationship with sex. I'm sorry if there's times where it brings back some awful memories.

Paul Gooch

You are incredibly gifted! I was drawn in right away when listening to your audios. Now I see that your gifts aren't just in verbal communication but in written as well. You have had a rough month so far. I truly hope that things begin to turn around for you soon...<3

Jonny Trash

I don't really comment but thanks Tea. It's nice to know that there's a dialogue for odd sex things that isn't about villainizing them.


A very interesting first post Tea. I've always tried to have the mindset that people can like what they like as long as A) They are not assholes about it and B) it doesn't hurt anyone. But obviously we can't all like the same things, because if we did, the world would be pretty boring.


Well said. My two cents: im fine with my sexuality an i love lewdness of some people because its so funny even if its weird. I hear about different kinks in the world an it makes me interested in the sense of “what made that person like that?” Me for instance fell in love with vore(more so me being eaten whole by a female humanoid). Thats not everyones cup of tea but i love doing research into why i became fond of it an figuring out others as well. You can tell a lot about a person from their sexual preferences. Honestly i dont think anyone should be shamed as long as all parties feel comfortable talking about the subject or at least hearing it. In any case. Sexual lust usually is love. However lusting for power or control of someone who wont let you an you force them...i think you know what i mean is not love. All parties involved or listening is best to be ok with the situation. In any case everyone be happy an positive an enjoy your life you been given an dont shame others or just keep it to yourself an try to understand that they have a different preference then you.


Honestly, most people underestimate their capabilities when it comes to things they are actually competent in. I remember a very interesting conversation I had with a therapist. It was a lot about relationships and how I (as a person who has not had anything that had the label "romantic relationship" in years) got into polyamory in the end. The interesting thing is that I never saw myself as a competent person when it comes to social situations. Not to mention my competence when it comes to relationships, as these are pretty much an exception, not the rule for me. But to her, I showed a lot of competence in these areas simply by being introspective and communicating openly. Often times, we know more than we think and our experiences (or lack of traditional experiences) might give us a unique point of view on certain topics.


I haven't read that much in years! 🤯

Squirrle team 6

Holy shit Tea that was good 👏

German Wulf3

I'll be honest, there's been times where I've though "I won't ever be in a situation like that." You hit the nail on the head about the whole feeling dread thinking about being naked with another person. I'm still as virgin as the day I was born, but hearing all these audios you do really gives me some insight into what situations I like and don't like. I do want to offer my condolences about what happened in your past. It was horrible and no one deserves to have that happen to you; however, I am honestly amazed by how you've turned something so awful into a driving force for such positivity. You really are a gem tea. Day after day of interacting with you and this community has honestly made me wish I would have pledged sooner! tl;dr You're a wonderful person, tea, and thank ya for all you do.

Shawn L

The act of sex or anything to do with that matter is definitely not always easy. I have had a few bedroom buddies in my life, sometimes it is easy. Other times not. I've been on both sides of the fence. Whether just for fun, or you're trying to make a baby, Sex is differently a Rubik's cube. I don't think humans will ever truly solve. Can't wait for your next blog entry, Tea PS. Great write up


Well that was kinda eye opening I wasn’t expecting that kind of depth. And I think we all appreciate you speaking up about sex like this your right, it’s definitely not the most comfortable thing to talk about even with someone you’ve been with for years. And truthfully I don’t know if I could talk about it as in depth as this. Thinking of your phrase “changes, flexes, grows, and shrivels” I would’ve never been able to see it like that my thought pattern was your ‘this way this way or this way right now’. As for you sharing some of your past, experiences, and choices I would like to thank you for sharing as well it gives me a deeper look into why you do certain audios and suggestions sometimes and I feel like it makes me appreciate them more. Your writing about yourself also makes me feel a lot better about this kind of situation (using Patreon for Wholesome and or Degeneracy) it helps me feel a little bit less alone and as bad as it may sound scummy. So thank you Tea, I can’t wait for the next blog.


This blog reminds me of the kind of audios you did back in the early years. Just you talking about what's on your mind, and doing a great job at it.


that was really awesome i love hearing your perspective and think it is kind of you trying to make a safe place for people


It scares me to think that when I'll be with someone that I won't be able to satisfy them as they'd like (especially considering my age) because of my lack of experience and while I know that communication is key to figuring things out and learning your partners preferences it still is a scary reminder at the back of my head.


I can say with utmost certainty that I'm a shy pervert. Only my brother knows of the lewd things I take pleasure in. However, not even he knows that I partake in audios. It's still in that category where getting caught watching porn is easier to explain.