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Welcome to Agony Aunt-Tea, Teacups.

This is a place where we can talk about you.

Please feel free to share a trouble, a worry, or something you'd like advice on. And I will do my very best to give degenerately wholesome advice.


Please be aware that all responses are just my personal opinions. I cannot offer any professional or psychological advice. I have no formal training in either medicine or psychology. All my responses are just humble opinions, and as such, should not be taken as professional help.

If you require serious mental health support, please get in contact with a therapist or counsellor. I am neither. I'm merely here to lend an ear and (hopefully) help some internet strangers feel heard.

I will respond as quickly as I can. Please know there are hundreds of Super Cups.

So, If I haven't responded yet, it just means I'm getting to you soon.

Your patience and understanding are always appreciated.

Best wishes,



Elijah King

Hey Tea, nothing to share rn. Love u, hope everything is going good with the fam and Mr. Tea đŸ™đŸœ.


Fudge! Wholesome kindness from a fellow internet stranger! Thank you so much. I hope the same for you, FLuX :)


Hi Tea, found your audios on YouTube around a month ago and you quickly shot up to being my favourite ASMRtist, thought I'd come over to Patreon to help support you and this section is a nice little bonus. One thing I found while listening through all your different types of audios and getting immersed in them was that I felt I was opening up to a lot of potetial different types of women e.g I'd listen to a nympho audio and instead of a gimmick you made them feel like a genuine person you (albeit rare) might encounter in real life. I'm 23, have had very little experience with women and dating (the little I do have being quite toxic and unhealthy) and have also grown up with a pretty traditional upbringing/background. I feel like all this has gave me a very narrow, judgemental view of women and sex and this is something I would like to change. When I think of finding a person that I might fall in love with I don't want to be put off by them having a certain spicyness to them like having an OnlyFans, having a very open/relaxed view on sex, creating something with their sensuality etc. do you think there's things I can do to help expand my horizons in this way? I know it's a complex thing and things like exclusivity obviously have a central role in committed relationships but also it's 2021, there's nothing wrong with girls who are a little spicy and my outdated ass mindest needs to adjust for this.


Hey Sinclair - First of all, thank you so much for your kind words. I’m so pleased you’re enjoying the content, and I only hope that continues for a long time to come. Now, whilst I think it’s great that you want to be more openminded about sex and women’s sexuality, I don’t necessarily think you have to make it a pressure on yourself. As long as you’re not bigoted about women enjoying sex (in any capacity - whether it’s for work or pleasure) you don’t have to force yourself to think a certain way. We’re all individuals and everyone likes different qualities in potential partners. Liking shy women doesn’t necessarily make you a misogynist, just as liking confident women doesn’t necessarily make you enlightened or progressive. In my opinion, sex really is just one part of who we are. Some people make it a priority, and others not so much. Nobody is right or wrong for doing so. We’re individuals and we have every right to like what we like. So, in my opinion, I really wouldn’t make it such a big deal. The important thing is that you’re a kind person who minds their own businesses. However, if you’re actively interested in dating more sexually open women, I’d honestly just treat them like any other woman. Confident or not, women are human. I know, shocking! But, really, people are just people. We are who we are, and the whole point of being in a relationship is accepting that and making each other feel good about it. Also, not being comfortable dating someone who has an OnlyFans is totally legitimate. We all have the right to preferences. I wouldn’t feel comfortable dating someone who expected me to be the homemaker - because I love my job and I would never feel comfortable giving up my priorities. There’s a huge difference between prejudice and personal preference. I say, as long as you’re not being hateful, and you recognise that it just doesn’t fit well for you, then it’s perfectly okay to have those preferences. It’s an old saying, but it rings very true: “no one care who you wanna fuck. Just don’t be a dick about it.” And I doubt very much you’re being a dick about it. So, just be attracted to who you’re attracted to, go with the flow, and be a good person. Everything else is just details. I hope some of this has been helpful to you. Best wishes, Tea