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Christmas is a lonely-ass time. Let's make it less so!

I know  many of you are part of a brilliant community discord. I can imagine, this is a fantastic place just to hang out, share stories, and maybe even help each other with your problems.

If any of you feel like sharing the discord link either in the comments or the community page, I'm sure people would really appreciate it. 

We all need to feel like we're heard and understood. If we can offer that to others, then I say that's pretty fudging amazing.

Let's spread a bit of positivity and kindness. There's nothing more valuable, especially right now.

All the best,




where we dropping bois🤓


i’m a music producer, so if you guys are interested in EDM or would like to find a place to chill, feel free to join my discord server here: https://discord.com/invite/rEzknzqs53 Cheers! -Ty.

Nathan Brown

It's a little hard to feel lonely when you're used to being alone and you're okay with it. It also helps you focus on yourself more that improving yourself. that way you don't have as many problems when you meet someone.


I don't have a server. I'm more of a solitary person. I do enjoy talking with people occasionally, though. Solitary life really isn't so bad, though. It's just the big holidays that get to me. Those are the days I feel really lonely. I can link to my twitter because I'm more active there. But, still not super active, tbh. I guess just let me know if anyone here is interested?


I feel ya, yo. I live alone and I'm fairly content to do so. If I socialize, it's when I'm in an up (good) mood. I don't feel lonely most of the time. But I do enjoy talking with those I am fond of through DMs.


I'm just waiting for the "Noose tying" server to pop up

Nathan Brown

Yeah I don't really mind talking to people I'm perfectly fine with conversing and all that it's just I'm okay with not doing it if the opportunity doesn't show. granted it will take you at least a year or two to get used to this type of lifestyle so you will feel lonely and depressed for quite a while but you'll get used to it eventually. but that just means that when you do get to talk to people you appreciate it more.

Jeremy Knight

I don't have a server. I only hang out in Dangerous ASMR's discord server but I don't say much because I'm shy.


I don't have any servers where I feel like I'm at liberty to share (one just for me and a friend, one for my school's anime club), but this is a great gesture, and good community facilitation! It's nice to have some help creating social links with people on the internet.

A Surprisingly Realistic Wax Replica of Nick Cage

Most of the US States have a community run discord. Look up your local, it's a good way to get in touch with people around you. That's what I did, and it's been great. And if you don't have one, consider starting it!

Nicki Løvstrup Hansen

How incredible thoughtful of you, Tea. (Have you though about having one set up for a Teacup community ?) I could really use some online company, so if anyone is out there - I play guitar, a bit of gaming - not as much as I used to anymore, and I'm just overall a nice person (at least I'd like to think.) And I've just started using discord, so I'm still trying to navigate around.


Hey guys, I own a chill gaming community if there’s anyone here who just wants to find new people to play or chat too you’re more than welcome to give us a try :) Invite link: https://discord.gg/SUqKBRR Anyway thanks Tea for all the work you put in a hope you all have a great New year!


Uh, just in case anyone wants it, my discord user name is MistakenlyMisplaced#0970 . I might as well stop chickening out. I'll do my best to stay engaged but, I apologise in advance if I drop off. I'm still working on the whole socializing more thing. I feel more up and friendly today so, I'm feeling a bit more outgoing because of it. Peace be with you all. Stay safe and please be well.


We should start up a fan discord.


(misses Tea's discord)

Kamui Hineragi

I think this is a great idea! I probably need to go get links to servers but yeah a lot of ASMR servers I’m in would probably be fun for people to go to. I mean unless your in a lot of them which would’nt be surprising. Like seriously most people in ASMR community just know each other so I wouldn’t be surprised.


Sounds scarey


Hey everyone, I recently made my own server, it’s just for hanging out and for friends, if you’d like to join here’s the URL: https://discord.gg/dRSSdf8HbC


Nice. I just picked up a bunch of new music gear. Starting to get into synthwave


Hey guys this discord is just a chill place to hangout vent and be horny on main https://discord.gg/FZMZnXc


https://discord.gg/EYQA8Cy A chill community for weebs, gamers, and ASMR lovers. Hey, Teacup thank you for the outlet. I've been depresso for a while too. You're a sweet creator and deserve to be at peace. I hope my server can be a place where people can chill and make great friends. I also make audios, and would love to get to know you someday.

Havoc Vangard

https://discord.gg/GcgUG7j8 It's not a popular one, but it's one to chill at & have positive feed on. So please feel free to join tea as anyone else that wishes to gather & chat.

Mike Taylor

I only use one discord server, but I do not have permission from the owner to share the link I'm afraid.

Jacob Griffith

This was a nice idea Tea. Miss having people to talk with.


No discord server I wanna share but if you wanna make some cringy jokes together and also play league, add me on EUW -- TheKappaScrollsV -- (hope its okay to put this here as well)


https://discord.gg/4e2dTgP Got a small server dedicated to a fangame I am working on atm. If you are interested in Pokemon swing by

Lily Yoshimi

https://discord.gg/z7hJsMkUUj My discord sever mainly based around nightcore but at the same time also have a semi active bunch of artist's and a few big names in yt circles such as Nightcore Lab


Never done anything like this before but screw it. Storm#3456

Splat Koopa

Just started up this server a while ago. Still working on it, but it's like 80% complete. (It's a PG server, so use your words carefully, please!) https://discord.gg/wkuVqrRv8d