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I will never get over the support and kindness I’ve been shown by the people who listen to me.

However, I am currently struggling to feel worthy of it. I will absolutely keep going, but I just wanted you to know that it’s all down to you. I would absolutely give up without you. I’ve never been able to proud of anything I do, but I don’t want to let anyone down, especially not those who took a chance on me.

However much I don’t believe in myself, I respect my listeners more.

So, thank you. Kindness is powerful, and I feel so blessed to have received any.

Thank you.




Florian Fuhr

Love you Tea! You deserve it all ❤️❤️❤️


Don't worry Tea, I've got your back.


We love you Tea and we’ll always have your back


My subscription is well worth it for the content you produce, you’re doing a great job!!


You do deserve it Tea. Trust me this is coming from someone with actual self-wirth issues. And you deserve all of it.


If it weren't for great quality, I wouldn't make a pledge in the first place.


Don't worry about it. I'll always support you💙💙💙


I’m glad to know our kindness has touched you. I’ll support you as long as I can. I hope one day you can be proud of your work and see how special you are like we do. You believe in us so believe in yourself.


You deserve the whole world, Tea!


Stay strong lil' teacup, for one day you will become a legendary tea set.


We are just returning the love and care you give us. You are an amazing person Tea, never doubt that.


You think you are not worthy, why are we still here then? Cause we want to be, and support you, as you've supported us when we needed you the most


I don't often comment as I feel I put my foot in my mouth, but everytime I see a post from you, whether it's from audios or just posts like this, I always rush to see it, even if I'm late for something important, like work. I love your stuff, it never ceases to fill me with joy, which I'm lacking now a days. Thank you for all the things you do, you've made 2020 for me much more bearable. You deserve every bit of praise you get from us.


You're more than worthy Tea. We all have slumps, just don't let this one blind you to the impact you have on so many lives for the better.


We're here for you. And you worth it. For real. everyone's here because of you. Because you help us in difficult times... Because you crack ice from some frozen hearts... Because everything you do is real and genuine. You will always have my support and other cups will be here too. Because you deserve it 😘


Well Tea i'll tell you this; it all comes down to what made you wanna be a voice artist and make videos/audios to begin with. No matter what good things we say about you; it comes down to how you feel about yourself as a creator. If you don't feel worthy, think about how it was before you had all the followers and subscribers. There's some who can't even get a fraction of what you have and some don't worry about it as much. At the end of the day, it should be your love and passion for this that keeps you going. If you feel you are losing that, take some time off and then come back. Nonetheless, you are where you at as a creator; as a woman because of how the work you put in and how you treat others. Believe it ♥️☕


That is quite alright. As much as you say you are not worthy, we all know damn well that you are. Have more faith in yourself Tea!! We all have your back, we support and cherish on what you do!! 🥂

Silkwolf Frostsaber

Tea, you have gone from a want to a need for many of us. And I mean that in the most non-creepy way that I can. :-)


Tea, you deserve every support you have here on Patreon. I can definitely relate to your feeling of not deserving something so good(at least that’s what I get from what you’re saying in this post) and your immense gratitude may feel insufficient. But you’re here, you have something good, and personally, I’m happy to be somehow part of the good going on in your life. You’re okay, Teacup! And we appreciate you so much.💛


Listening to your audios has hepled me immensely in my struggle with mental health and everytime I listen to your content it gets me out of whatever bad feelings I'm in. Your such an amazing, kind hearted, and wonderful person and I cant even put into words how much it means to me whenever you take the time out of your day to reassure us and make us feel cared for. Thank you so much❤

Awkward Space Man

We're here for you Tea - you've helped keep us up through many things with your creations and art (yes, voice acting is an art #fightme), and we all KNOW that you're awesome <3 <3 Thank you for bringing a light to us, and we hope we can provide some for you :-)


You have earned it. We support you because we want to. Never doubt yourself. You deserve are support.


You make my day always better 🤗💖 you are amazing person ❤️


inb4 Jmann posts “Hey, Teacup’s brain leave Teacup alone...” 😄

Parker Palmer

Hey Tea just wanted to say that you are worthy and valued by many including my self. You have given me hope of a better life and a brighter future. I really can’t thank you enough. I don’t think you realize how much you impact the world for the better. You show love and kindness in a world of hurt, bitterness, and anger. You are a funny and amazing beacon of refreshing hope for me and so many others. Just know that we’ve got your back and that you are deserving of good things and you should be proud of how many people you have helped. From the absolute bottom of my heart thank you for being here.


Tea, I love your work. it's funny, sexy and heart warming. as far as I am concerned you are absolutely worthy of my support.

Peter Lervik

I feel as tho I can speak for your community on some level, but we fully support you. Like we totally understand where you're coming from and I for one get it. But don't sweat it. We've got your back no matter what and you've earned it. Never forget it


I support you because I want to. Your work brings happiness to those who listen and it's a joy to contribute towards that. I thank you for bringing us content that helps many and I hope that you find it in yourself to accept that there are strangers out here who hope for the best for you as well. Keep being awesome.


You have earned our belief and support a thousand times over and we are happy and proud to give it. You are a beautiful and soulful person who gives comfort and happiness to so many people. You’re there for us when we all have bad days, but we’re here for you too. Always. ♥️


Meeting your channel and your voice was the best thing that happened to me this year, I won't walk away I think I couldn't. Your voice is warm and sweet perfect for every moment, so thank you for your talent. 🤗❤


Thank you


You had a very large impact on my life. You helped me through a couple of very rough times in my life, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that. It is well worth the money to be able to listen to one of my personal favorite content creators


Tea, trust us when we say you have absolutely no reason to doubt yourself. We're all here because you pour your heart and soul into these audios, and we can tell. You're extremely skilled at what you do, but not only that. You actually give a damn about what you put out, thats hard to come by. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you absolutely deserve everything we giving to you and are more than happy to give it. If that makes sense. It probably doesn't. Just pretend it does.


Seeing your posts always makes me happy and you're so lovely. I don't think you have to be worthy of that. Listen up, Tea. Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me! Believe in the Daniel who believes in you!


Seeing your posts always makes me happy and you're so lovely. I don't think you have to be worthy of that. Listen up, Tea. Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me! Believe in the Daniel who believes in you!


Tea, you have a beautiful soul. We're proud of you.


Tea believe in the listeners that believes in you. You got this


Tea. You beautiful idiot. You have real talent that not just anyone can do. We're all here because we love what you create. We love not only your content but also you. Keep goin 💙

Dalton Remy

I myself (and several others) came to support your Patreon after youtube suspended your account cause we enjoyed the audios so much. If that doesn't tell you your worthy of our support I don't know what will.


I'm still a newbie having just come across your work a month or so back, but I just wanted to say how much I appreciate what you do. As someone who has been cripplingly depressed since age 12 or so (I'll be 30 next month), I painfully understand the state of mind that tells you those kinds of things about yourself. But as I, and clearly countless others, see it, you are a beacon of wholesomeness, love and light in an incredibly dark time. You're insanely talented! It blows me away how you produce content at the rate you do with such a level of quality (and that's not pressure to keep pushing yourself to do that. If you ever need to slow down for a while, I would completely understand). Your audios always radiate with such genuine warmth, energy and comfort in a way I'd never previously encountered. Your sexy stuff is effing phenomenal every time and always has me excited for more, and your more emotional skits like "It's Okay If It's You" and "Come Back To Me" have actually made me feel real pain and an urge to protect an imaginary character I'm only listening to! So that certainly says something for your voice acting talents. Anyway, I'll conclude this ramble by saying that we all love you, Tea, and have no intention of going anywhere. Thank you for everything that you give to us, and I can't wait for what's to come. :)


Tea, What you do is AMAZING! The stories you tell, and the voices with which you tell them are wonderful! I am also familiar with that other voice, the one that is always there to critique everything you do. Please don't listen to that voice. You are valued! You are cherished! We love you! So please feed that other voice a Suck-It Sandwich! We get you, and we got your back!


As someone currently going through the very same issues, I wanted to tell you that you have amazing talent that you have worked hard to hone into a truly beautiful craft. You've proven worthy of praise and support by putting in the time, effort, and always being the beacon of smiles and light in our lives. You've not been given this community of followers, you've built it and earned it all yourself. I just wanted to make sure you knew that we see the immense amount of work you have put in to making this corner of the world a place of happiness and entertainment. Because at the end of the day, we are all here for YOU, Tea. In whatever form you decide to take that day. Be it moaning in our ears or telling us with utmost sincerity that we are loved, possibly for the first time in our lives. You are the best of us, Teacup. And WE love YOU.

Jared Chinchello

Tea, there is nothing that I could say that hasn't been said a number of other times before by my fellow patrons, but I will say this. You have brought so much joy, laughter and even tears into my and so many others lives due to the characters you breathe life into in your own unique way. I myself have had many a night where I was feeling down and alone and many of those nights I turned on one of your audios and relaxed, I felt cared for and I can say without a doubt that I am not the only one here who has done that exact thing. If you are able to bring such joy to an entire community, then you should believe in yourself, however I get that it can be one of the more difficult things to do so if I may borrow a line from one of my peers, Daniel Foulger said it best. 'Believe in us that believe in you.' I for one don't regret choosing to subscribe to you or join your Patreon and I would do it again, I came for the great content and stayed for the personality.


I deal with that at work, also. I got a raise and I don't understand why. I don't feel worthy of it. I'm just another person doing their job the best I can. But I still feel like I don't deserve it. Like you said yesterday "Nobody has their shit together ".


We're all here for a reason Tea. We enjoy your work, we believe in your work and if we didnt we wouldn't be here. You may doubt yourself, but we don't. Keep your head up.

Kit Riley

Same here. That and I wanted to support her in general since getting ones channel terminated is one of the worst things to happen to a YouTuber.

Kit Riley

We love you, Tea! 😄 Thank you so much for everything you've done for us and all the effort you've put into your audios. 😊 You're a wonderful person. :)


Tea you deserve the support and we believe in you and you should too! Like Naruto said “Believe it”😁👍🏻👊🏻

Mike Taylor

You provide an escape from the mess around us, which I greatly appreciate. I came to YouTube looking for a way to relax and sleep. Your stories have done all of that and more.

Bushido Blade

Tea I struggle through the same thing. I can tell you that I am the product of those that believed in me and showed me love. You have come a long way and I never want you to give up. You have a gift for V.A. and all we want you to do is to develop your skill even more and most importantly continue to love yourself.

Chino Nuñez

Tea, you are worthy of the praise and confidence we give you. You go out there almost every single day and record audios for people to listen to, letting them escape the monotony of their own work lives. There is a saying that applies here, ‘The king laughs at the jester, but values his wit and honesty’. You might not be a jester, and we may not be kings, but even your little messages of affirmation and reassurance let us know that we’re alright, as are you. Without you, there might be some people who never get that chance to wind down and relax. Without you, the king would not laugh and would rule a miserable kingdom.

Scarida Ghostly

Just remember that all of us here are willing to pay money for what you do. That's gotta count for something right? 🖤


You tell amazing stories that are: A) Wholesome B) Funny C) Sweet D) Sexy You are worthy. We love you, Tea.

Camilo Iribarren

Never give up hope, Tea. Love never dies and that’s how we express it to you, in support and kindness like you do for us


You're always worth it, Tea. Us helping you is a 2 way street. You may not realize the full scope, but you help us alot too. We couldn't have done all this without your help. We're all just a bunch of internet strangers helping each other. And we all love you for your hard work and support.

David Murphy

I relate to this so much. I'm the exact same way. But there are people that support you as they do me. You make people feel good. You help people get through the day, the month, even the year. You deserve the kindness and respect that you're receiving because you show that same kindness and respect to us and others. You are worthy. Thank you, Tea, not just for your audios, but also for your kindness and respect. 💗


You can do it

Nicki Løvstrup Hansen

I can relate to this so well - I really have zero confidence in myself and talks myself down alot, anyways that's not the point. You are awesome, you are amazing, you have an incredible talent for voice acting with a very wide range and personality, and you deserve to feel proud of your work. You have probably rescued me from the grave to a certain degree, I was literally standing on the edge about a month and a half ago, and I was desperate to try anything to help myself, I saw the Audio roleplay and ASMR community on youtube, and got hooked on it, more so hooked on your work and how you are able to portray so many different characters, personalities just with your voice. Tea - I've said it before in this box of letters, you are awesome, you are talented, and you're slaying it hard, as you have told us who listens to your content, it's okay to have a rough day/week/month, the important part, just like in "A Mother's Love" when the character says - and I do not quote. Life is about taking the hits, and coming out on top saying "I'm still here, you piece of shit - BRING IT!" You will absolutely come out on top of this, and I know that I will and everyone who supports you. (Minding you, that's no small number.) is behind you and will do anything we can to help out.


Hey, Tea. It is time for us to use your little motivational things. It is absolutely natural, we all have moments like that. But does that mean you aren't worthy of it? No. It just means your brain is just being mean to you. I can't tell you how many times I had a stressful day at work, had times where I had mental breakdowns, or just in general my depression was winning. But then I get a notification on my phone "Teacupaudio has posted something" and I feel better. You are an inspiration to me about HOW to do voice acting. I got a patreon account just to support you and see you succeed because you are awesome! The amount of support I show to you, is how much support you give to me. So thank you Tea, and you can do it, your brain is just being mean!

John Folmer

Hey Tea, some annoying asshole here. You are an amazing person who has positively impacted my life and the lives of others. Like to the point that I was so mad when YouTube took you down that I immediately jumped here to support you. You are so wortg it, and yeah times suck and I get wanting to give up. And honestly, we don't have anything to say whether you do or don't. Just know that I, and I assume many people here, will support you no matter what.


If you don't believe in you, believe in the us the believes in you! You are absolutely one of the best out there!


Tea this is why I support you: you make me laugh and sometimes cry and you give me hope. Listening to your audios I can escape for a while and just relax and have care free fun again. Each audio I get to meet a new different character. Each audio is getting a new feeling to feel. When youtube was a dork and deleted you that's when I came here. I wanted to help support you and keep you around for all of us weirdos that found a sense of belonging and camaraderie due to your work. Whatever your choice we are all here for you and want the absolute best for you because you deserve it for all that you've done that is seen and unseen. As a huge Gurren Lagann fan ( I fully recommend it to anyone) I leave you Tea and all of us this quote from a often overlooked character “If people’s faith in you is what gives you your power, then I believe in you with every fiber of my being!” – Nia Teppelin


Tea, I'm not usually good with words, so I'll try to phrase this as well as I can: You deserve the kindness we give you. You deserve every single positive comment you get. You deserve every hug you ever receive. And if you ever feel unconfident, a good piece of advice I can give you is, read those comments, and remind yourself that, even if you yourself don't believe them, there's always some truth in there. If so many people are spreading their positivity onto you, then you're doing something right. <3 Thanks for everything thus far, you're doing great. Keep it up. :)

Edward Leigh

You've made us all laugh, cry, smile, feel better, feel worth, feel loved...you absolutely are worthy of support and love because you are amazing and we all would be just a little poorer in our lives had we not come to know you Tea


You are absolutely worth it. Thanks to your videos I've legitemately build more confidence and it has helped immensely in building my self-esteem back up. I suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder, and as a result my perception of myself has always been someone who deserves the short end of the stick and I should just accept being miserable. In the time after I have seen your videos I have grown out of that mindset slowly. I've stopped putting myself down like I used to, and when it comes to interacting with people in a more romantic way, I've decided to come off more confident. Thank you for what you do <3

David Frey

I can say as many words as possible, and still not make an impact. It's the actions that go with the words that make them impactful. For what you have done for all of us who are your patrons is of varying importance, whether it be from boosting confidence for those who find or consider themselves a little meek, whether it be to feel like we can do well in a relationship, give us someone that sounds/feels like us (degenerates who have bad days from time to time), or even just to help us sleep (I admit that your voice can help me sleep in spite of the fact that my physical body is in pain on a constant basis due to throwing it around with reckless abandon when I was younger). I'm sure that like the other patrons on this page, we appreciate your candor and honesty, and that you try to enhance our morale as well when shit hits the fan (definitely figuratively. I would like to know who the idiot was who decided that they would throw crap at an actual fan). We all hope that our words can be a fraction of how powerful your words are. Keep up the perfect work, I hope you're able to have at least a decent day tomorrow, and I hope all of those you hold dear and yourself have a great Christmas and 2021.


Tea, sorry to hear that you are struggling. You create great content that both makes me laugh and sometimes get turned on. Your voice is very sexy. Your laugh is infectious. Just keep working through it. You are worthy of the praise. You have made a difference in people that you have never interacted with. Please take care of yourself. I am glad I can support you through your Patreon. Xoxo


Tea, I consider my time extremely valuable. There is an untold sea of content, not just on YouTube, but in the world. Streaming, video, games, books, music, film, even sitting in the mountains staring at a rock. More than enough to fill several lifetimes. As such, I do not waste my attention on the unworthy. I am a content consumer equivalent of a picky eater. You and your skills have captured my attention. You're a rare aural brilliant butterfly adrift in a field of boring silent moths. You're a welcome distraction from the grey of a blank muted world. Self-esteem is a funny thing. Those that have an abundance of it rarely deserve it and those that should have it the most are constantly selling themselves short. Do not. Sell Yourself. Short. Creativity such as yours is a gleaming star in the night sky and I pity those that are too ignorant to look up at witness it. But we look, Tea. We stop we are doing and we gaze in awestruck wonder. Thank you for all that you do, and thank the patreons who donate assist you in anyway possible.


You’re definitely worth it. Your audios make me feel loved and allow me to experience a love that I’m still very inexperienced in (ye gods I hope that didn’t come off as creepy). We’re here for you

Martin John Campbell

What would make you feel worthy? You do what we ask for all the time. From what I see everyone is pretty happy.


Everyone subjects themselves to Impostor Syndrome, just chill out and keep doing what you are doing. If you need reassurance that you are rocking it just look at your patreons, as crass as it sounds both their attention and subscriptions are representations of how valuable your services are. Just don't confuse this with your value as a person, because I assure you: You outstrip any image or notion that we conceive through this platform.


I'm not sure at what level your at in this spiral but i've realized that for myself below a certain point compliments and other well intentioned support, just feels like it pushes me further down... A teacher once told me that we don't really deserve anything, that love is part of life. Another happening, outside the spectrum of worthiness or lack thereof Thank you, for all the energy and creativity you've put into your work. The community that's grown around you reflects the impact your art has had on so many individuals ;)



Maxfield Grassy

Tea, you are absolutely worthy of every bit of praise. If anything you deserve more! The amount of entertainment and personality you bring to us is priceless, and we will always be there to pick you up when you're down. You are a wonderful human being, and let no one tell you otherwise. As long as you have people that love you, everything will be okay. Love, an internet stranger.


Not gonna lie Tea having the feeling of worthiness is something that comes with time and it’s hard to get used to. Especially when your inner critic keeps telling you that you’re not good enough / doing something right and have all the negative things that tend to be easier to focus on compared to the good because being yourself you see all of your flaws... but if you take a step back or view yourself from a different angle then you start to realize you are worthy! Ngl I recently just got off a self hatred? Self hating? kick with the help of your videos and I just had that knowledge pop into my head at one point! Either way you deserve all the praise you get and are worthy of it! Sorry for the word wall and possibly for confusing wording!


Tea you are loriel, your worth it.


You are the definition of worth it, trust me


Trust me, your content really is the best I've come across. Its some of the most spirit lifting content I've come across. Believe me when I say, your content means a lot too so many of us :3

Logan sackett

Bruh your actually the best and highest quality asmr/roleplay channel on youtube, and you've vastly helped with my insomnia, so thanks for that. Inb4 "simp"


your content has helped me in some terrible and rough times in my life, so i'll do whatever i can to help you in return. Thank you Tea.

Anthony Lampo

We got your back, Tea! To use one of my favorite Marvel movie quotes, "I'm with you to the end of the line."


You helped drag my sorry butt through a very rough time this year. I can't thank you enough. Know that you've done the same for a number of people and that we all appreciate you!


Listen the hardest thing you can do is try and live up to someone's expectations, so don't. Just have fun and do what you want and I'm sure we all will have fun too.


Your more worthy of praise than someone like me. I'm just some doofus who can't even use something as simple as a microwave correctly. Don't fret Miss Tea, We're here for ya!