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All Patreon content, including the Google Drive link to the archive, is exclusively for Patrons. 

Please do not share it or any other content with non-patrons.

We need to respect the people that make this work possible. Without you guys, none of this is possible.

Thank you. 

Best wishes,



ACN Kingz

Yes maโ€™am


Thank you


There we go, lol


Yes maโ€™am

Duke The Rebel

Good thing Yiff party is gone now


What the hell is mafia don Giorno Giovanni doing here?

Akito Kiba

Oh captain! My captain! Roger that ๐Ÿ˜


As you wish my lady ๐Ÿ’™


Order recieved!


That's not a very poggers thing to do


Roger Roger

Tristan Elliott

The fact that we have to be told this ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

sa r dran 24

Hear you loud and clear ma am


I mean... I kinda don't mind. it's bypassing the whole reason why the content is shared here, which is unfair in my opinion. but it could also be seen as some kind of advertisement... I do not approve, but people are weird I guess ^^ either way Tea, you know that you have us who stay and support you no matter what, simply because you deserve all the support :) and I know I have a place to go to for chill times, when I'm sad, wanting to calm down after serious stuff, or just need some sleep-aid. and I'm soo happy for it ^^ <3


Yes ma'am. Loud and clear :)


We have traitors in our midst?! How dare they!

Thor Odinson

As you command fearless leader!


Sure thing, Tea <3

John Folmer

Sounds good! Hope you are doing okay Tea.


Yes, Ma'am. I hope you're doing well and I look forward to seeing posts/wholesomeness on your new twitter. It's like my grandpa used to say, "when one door closes, two more open." They may not be apparent yet but, they're there.


Yโ€™all better not be leaking audios

David Frey

I hope that like the majority of people who are your Patrons, I would like to keep you to myself. Not as much as an ashamed/embarrassed, but more as a with how much you help make things better for me, I selfishly would prefer to not have as many people listening that have trouble babbling to other people. To again quote Spaceballs (mostly cause Mel Brooks is a comedic genius, but also cause I think if he were your grandfather, you'd both get along nicely): "How many assholes do we have on this ship?" YO! "I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes." (comes to realization and Lord Helmet pulls his visor down) "Keep firing assholes!"


Who the fuck is the mole??? ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘


Yes ma

Peter Lervik

I reckon that is why the channel got iced


Thereโ€™s an Archive?


I feel weird for seeing this after I downloaded the entire archive twice today.


That's a big 10-4 , Good Buddy!


Google Drive archive?.. All is not lost? Of course the subs and memories are but you atchived audios?

Bushido Blade

What happens on Patreon stays on Patreon.

Christopher Haist

No problem boss. im constantly on the lookout for leaks.

Nathan Brown

Whoever is currently trying to share keys work if you are one of our patrons please stop because it completely negates the purpose of paying for patreon which in turn will make tea lose money which is the one things you need to the most right now so if you are sharing content on your patreon app please stop, much appreciated

Nathan Brown

I'm sure it won't be too long till she figures out a way to share her free content. But in the meantime either pledge to be a patreon to her or be patient enough to wait till she can release it for free again.


If you go to the channel, it's the pinned post for patrons

Camilo Iribarren

Very much agree. Please be respectful of the work provided.


It takes a lot of effort and time to do what she does. Do not take advantage. :)


Roger dodger!


Yes maโ€™am

Warden D.

Yes ma'am! Seal those leaks my dudes!


I will personally go Karen โ€œwhereโ€™s the managerโ€ on you if you leak audios


Hey Tea I heard about yt and I got so pissed I bought a $10 membership. Its the least I can do because watching your videos actually helped me with my depression and to hear what the shittube did gave me my reason to finally support you. Please keep up the awesome work despite the setback!

Alex Butters

*pulls sig 226* โ€œalright! Whoโ€™s tha fuckin rat!?โ€

Timothy Shaw

Yeah this makes a lot of sense that should be common knowledge. You don't pay you don't get the goods.